Television Tho Prop Grops Throps


You're more hopeful than I

What makes you think that? All that ending confirmed to me is that HHH vs Bryan is a certainty.

Why would they involve Orton, Batista and Triple H all attacking Bryan? It's the natural order. They will not go heel vs heel in the main event there wouldn't be any payoff for the fans. Punk not coming back confirms the is an open spot for a face to take the title and it will be no one else but Bryan.

He'll face Triple H and by some stipulation or by Hogan be put into the title match.
Again, no, at a comic con in December he was asked about Batista coming back and he said he's friends with him and fine with Batista being back because he's back full time. Punk going away has literally nothing to do with Batista being back.

Just because they're friends doesn't mean he has to like it, there were plenty of spots Batista could've taken. I'm not saying it was the sole reason Punk bailed but it will have no doubt played a part in him doing so.
Why would they involve Orton, Batista and Triple H all attacking Bryan? It's the natural order. They will not go heel vs heel in the main event there wouldn't be any payoff for the fans. Punk not coming back confirms the is an open spot for a face to take the title and it will be no one else but Bryan.

He'll face Triple H and by some stipulation or by Hogan be put into the title match.

It's possible. The fact that HHH is obviously Bryan's scheduled match makes me abit relucant to think he's working two matches though. It would be much easier just to make it a triple threat and have him face HHH at another PPV. It would be a great storyline but I am not 100% sold but by the same token cannot see a heel vs heel match for the main event.
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Why would they involve Orton, Batista and Triple H all attacking Bryan? It's the natural order. They will not go heel vs heel in the main event there wouldn't be any payoff for the fans. Punk not coming back confirms the is an open spot for a face to take the title and it will be no one else but Bryan.

He'll face Triple H and by some stipulation or by Hogan be put into the title match.
Yeah, Hogan is gonna be the saviour I reckon
If the Wrestlemania main event is Batista v Orton it will be booed big time. At the same time I doubt Bryan will leave Mania with the title. In 2011 they still let Del Rio cash in his briefcase on Punk at Summer Slam. Last year they had Orton cash in on Bryan. When they pick a title winner they never change their plans. What they'll probably do is still let Batista win the title then have Bryan hit him with the flying knee and end the show with yes chants.

The 1 thing I've always hated about HHH storylines since 2002 is that he is never made to look weak. Even vs the streak it was Taker who could barely walk afterwards. HHH dominates every opponent. The best heels Vince, Flair, Rock, Edge, Eddie get the shit beaten out of them then find a way to win. The best heels leave the fans conflicted on whether to cheer or boo. They make their opponents look good. With HHH everyone is a jobber.
Sounds like a very good/eventful RAW.

Surely this ending means Bryan will be pulling double duty at Mania?
Hilarious opening segment.

I know its part of storyline supposedly but i know some people feel it has an element of truth to it, which has never washed with me.

I'm talking about the idea that the Mcmahons don't like Punk and were actively trying to hold him down.

They could have fired him years ago and it wouldn't have affected the bottom line one bit.

Even before his "pipebomb", he feuded with the Undertaker, got his own stable, won MITB twice, won 3 WHC and had a main event feud with Jeff Hardy. Would someone who is disliked backstage get given all of that?

Longest reign in 25 years as well, longer than any reign Cena's ever gotten. I remember a year or so after his pipebomb, he was getting interviewed and the interviewer asked "What about the ice cream bars". Punk replied to the effect that "Yeah, WE really got them good with that one". Who else could that we be besides him and WWE management?

People supposedly like Punk because he's "one of them", someone who isn't liked in WWE because he doesn't fit the "mold". I think its a giant farce, if you're disliked by management in WWE you're not going to be given the opportunities that Punk was.
Liked that the villains kept the heat turned up on Daniel Bryan who was featured prominently on RAW. So prominently, in fact, that it might actually quiet some vocal fans who, based on some tweets I've received @JRsBBQ and some emails here, don't know as much about building a story line as they would like to believe that they do.

Good Ol' JR.
Daniel Bryan vs HHH is exactly what should happen to build up the storyline. However, there have been problems in this authority storyline.

1. Vince McMahon said a month or two ago that there are no more heels or faces. This is flawed IMO because it ruins the atmosphere of a match and a storyline. I can't help but feel that this is merely used to cover the monumental screw ups, and now we're left with what looks like heel vs heel, in Batista and Orton.

2. The authority storyline hasn't been compelling at all. It started off being about HHH and it's continued like that since. Since the end of October/start of November, we have not seen enough of the plot develop.

3. This isn't so much a problem, it's more directed at Bryan fans. Actually it is a problem. Ask any wrestler about facing HHH. They would probably do most things to get this opportunity. It doesn't matter if Bryan leaves without a title at WrestleMania. He has the chance to beat HHH and earn himself a title match with Batista. Fair enough if people want to boo Batista, but you're booing and paying at the same time. You're paying for the monumental screw ups. What's funny is that WWE made a mockery of the fans who wanted to "hijack" Raw last night.

Oh, and for some lulz, watch this:

Good RAW, but it felt a rushed in some parts. It seemed as though WWE were too eager to stamp out the CM Punk chants so the early matches had were the big ones and had a lot of spots - kudos to Rollins, he was flying everywhere!

I'm getting the feeling more and more than Bryan won't win the title at Mania. I reckon him and HHH can have a hell of a match but he'll be wiped by the end of it. I don't think they'll give Hogan on-screen booking power, he's probably more of a seat-filler. The only way I see Bryan winning the title at Mania is if a face Vince returns - maybe grants that power to Hogan and do it that way. Or he'll make the match himself.
Hogan is Host of WM
Few years ago Rock was host of WM and made a decision.
Can see Hogan rewarding Bryan for beating HHH with a title match.
Daniel Bryan vs HHH is exactly what should happen to build up the storyline. However, there have been problems in this authority storyline.

1. Vince McMahon said a month or two ago that there are no more heels or faces. This is flawed IMO because it ruins the atmosphere of a match and a storyline. I can't help but feel that this is merely used to cover the monumental screw ups, and now we're left with what looks like heel vs heel, in Batista and Orton.

2. The authority storyline hasn't been compelling at all. It started off being about HHH and it's continued like that since. Since the end of October/start of November, we have not seen enough of the plot develop.

3. This isn't so much a problem, it's more directed at Bryan fans. Actually it is a problem. Ask any wrestler about facing HHH. They would probably do most things to get this opportunity. It doesn't matter if Bryan leaves without a title at WrestleMania. He has the chance to beat HHH and earn himself a title match with Batista. Fair enough if people want to boo Batista, but you're booing and paying at the same time. You're paying for the monumental screw ups. What's funny is that WWE made a mockery of the fans who wanted to "hijack" Raw last night.

Oh, and for some lulz, watch this:

The no more heels or faces thing has just come from dirtsheets. No idea if Mcmahona actually did say that. Most of the wrestlers on the roster are still heel or face. It's only Miz that's bi-polar.

Bryan vs HHH would have been a good match to have instead of the Wyatts fued about 3 to 4 months ago. It's abit out of left field because originally this looked like what Punk was doing for Mania rather than Bryan. Him working two matches would be a very good storyline but I doubt it was the original idea. The same way as I doubt they ever intended to turn Batista heel. I don't doubt Bryan winning the title was always going to happen at some point but it does across as all being put together last minute, some of which is not WWE's fault(like Punk leaving) and some is(the way they booked Batista). I think they put Batista in an impossible position.
I don't think that the no heels or faces does ruin everything. I think it's bullshit to begin with. It's a roster full of stars that are nice and some that are not nice. This inevitably means that a few of the nice people want the same thing. It's absurd that competition always has to be good vs bad. It can be good vs bad, bad vs bad or good vs good. Everybody wants the same prize after all. Also people like to cheer for the bad guys these days. People want someone to win whether they're good or bad so the notion that people will always cheer the heel getting his come uppance is completely false.
I don't think that the no heels or faces does ruin everything. I think it's bullshit to begin with. It's a roster full of stars that are nice and some that are not nice. This inevitably means that a few of the nice people want the same thing. It's absurd that competition always has to be good vs bad. It can be good vs bad, bad vs bad or good vs good. Everybody wants the same prize after all. Also people like to cheer for the bad guys these days. People want someone to win whether they're good or bad so the notion that people will always cheer the heel getting his come uppance is completely false.

They still have a responsibility to keep the audience interested, take the Shield vs The Wyatts is was an all heel bout on paper. It was booked perfectly and it was something the audience wanted to see, normally you would need a face group to pull something like that off. Face vs Face bouts don't happen often but they work simply because it's two fan favorites going at it which itself keeps them interested. The problem with Batista vs Orton comes with the fact that the audience is not interested in seeing it, why would they? Orton has been a bit part player as champion and he's been booked as place holder for the belt, Batista comes back from a 4 year spell out of shape and takes a spot he did not deserve. In this day were the audience's voice is that loud and that far reaching it was always going to be a bad booking choice.
In response to Ole'sbodyguard: Vince McMahon apparently said this in December, and the stories of the meeting happening are true. Just look at the authority. This year, they have teamed up with Cena against Orton. And now recently, they're with Orton again. In response to Zarlak: the problem isn't that it's heel vs heel, but it's the particular types of heels in the match that will not generate enough buzz around. If it was Punk vs Bryan (both heels) then the atmosphere would be amazing. In the relevant context, however, it's not going to do good for the WWE having two men who aren't favourites (though Orton has been exceptional since last summer) as heels in a monumental event. Stories require a good and bad guy. What's going on right now with Bryan, he's obviously going to be a good guy defending himself against the bad guys. At another time, next year, for example, he'll maybe get fed up of the 'WWE Universe' and turn heel. That's what the concept is there for, it's a basic principle. The recent change hasn't done much good for storytelling at all.
Can't wait to see this guy

I actually really like Rusev, disappointed they took his skirt and wooden planks away from him.
I also really like the blonde from his promo's :drool:

The music he talks over makes him seem very powerful too. Clever.
Playing the long game

On another note, IF Bryan is getting the title I think they might hold off until Summerslam. A full year of a man chasing the title essentially.
@Big-Red that would be a dangerous game to play, they run the risk of fans abandoning hope and moving onto to someone else. They need to cash in while he is the hottest property in the business, put the belt on him as Mania fades out would be a smart decision and have hold it until Summer Slam where he drops it there.
The Daniel Bryan fan base and the CM Punk loyalists have forced WWE into a corner.

The original plan was for CM Punk to face Triple H at WrestleMania. It apparently wasn't good enough for the straight edge star who had been down that road before. To me, it's a guarantee WrestleMania match that won't get cut due to time or politics.

As it stands, Bryan is on a collision course with Triple H. I like this.

These two have had a feud brewing whether they planned for it or not. Triple H cost Bryan walking out of SummerSlam in August with the world title. Triple H has been designated the villain via the online wrestling community which populates Bryan's initial fan base. The two have created a classic wrestling battle where they've barely touched each other while obviously being at odds.

WWE is trapped with the predicament of Triple H and Bryan needing to resolve their issues. At the same time, WWE doesn't have a babyface for its inaugural WWE World Heavyweight Championship match at WrestleMania 30.

Vince McMahon has held true to something: that at WrestleMania, the fans go home happy. This means no forced heel agenda.

The Miz left WrestleMania 27 as the champ, but The Rock and John Cena left a story to be completed which was addressed the next night and culminated in a match made for the following year.

WrestleMania 17 saw Steve Austin turn heel, but even then, it was the biggest babyface ever winning the title, aligning with McMahon and a supporting population remained for him.

WrestleMania 30 is not going to be without a babyface in the world title match. WrestleMania 30 also will not feature a “leave them hanging” type of promotion if Bryan wins a match. This means no goofy stipulation such as if he wins he gets a title shot later in the night.

WWE is all about what it can promote. It wants to advertise, print on shirts, print on programs, hold press conferences. Randy Orton defending against Batista is not it. Even the WWE brass knows it.

WWE needs to have Triple H and Bryan meet in the ring. By accident or design, the two have been the focus of a great story. The established jock in charge putting down the popular underdog.

WWE also needs Bryan in the title match. Cena is tied up with Bray Wyatt. CM Punk is busy being a child. Bryan is the best and only fit good guy to make people care about the first unified world title match in over 10 years on the biggest WrestleMania ever.

The stipulation of Bryan beating Triple H to earn his way to the world title match doesn't make sense. WWE can't capitalize on what people don't know. Let them know Bryan is going to be in the title match. It provides better buzz.

Bryan could pull a Bret Hart of 1994 by competing in both a grudge match and a title match. Hart fought his brother Owen in the opening bout in what I feel was one of the best stories ever told. He then went on to win the world title from Yokozuna.

If he doesn't do that, the only other option is for the world title match to be turned into a fatal four way: Batista, Orton, Bryan and Triple H. You might groan, but it does raise the interest of what could happen.

No way around it, WWE needs a babyface. It won't bill a title match without one.

Look at history: WWE rarely likes to end WrestleMania without a babyface going over.

Bryan's popularity continues to rise. His merchandise continues to rise. CM Punk is gone. The only thing stopping him is The Undertaker's match ending the night. As much of a draw as The Undertaker is, pyro celebrating him beating Brock Lesnar for this 22nd win at the event isn't enough.

Bryan walks out of WrestleMania 30 as champion. There is no way around it. WWE knows it needs to end the epic event on that kind of note. Now, if he loses the belt the next night on RAW, I got nothing for ya.
If he doesn't do that, the only other option is for the world title match to be turned into a fatal four way: Batista, Orton, Bryan and Triple H. You might groan, but it does raise the interest of what could happen.
Imagine the shit storm if Wrestlemania 30 ended with Triple H lifting the title.
Picked up the DVD of two classic survivor series today(yesterday now, it's been a long night ;) ) for £2.

It's only the one where it ends up with Warrior, Hogan and Tito Santana in the finale. I haven't watched it yet, but I think Warrior was with Texas Tornado and Legion of Doom vs Mr.Perfect (genius) and three Demolition and all the tag team boys were dq'd and Tornado gets Perfect-plexed. Easily one of the best PPVs ever, shame they eventually fecked the format and turned it into just another boring event like most of the others.

Now those were the days :lol:
For anyone that's interested, Raw is on an hour earlier tonight so not the world's latest finish.

Probably means I will watch live.