Television Tho Prop Grops Throps

In a way I see why Punk would be angry, imagine a no talent like Batista coming back and walking into the Wrestlemania main event. Saying that, he'd have still got a big match and sometimes at Wrestlemania it isnt always the match that is on last that steals the show, in fact it rarely is. Should have stayed till Mania at least. Ah well, we still have Cena and my boy Dee Bry.
Michaels is one of "their boys" though, always was. Austin and Brock are/were far and above more superstar/money/over than Bryan or especially Punk will ever be, they obviously will get away with shit, the Rock or Cena would have too. Santino probably does everything that's asked of him too.

If HHH did go on Good Morning America or whatever, most non-fans/casuals would far more likely think, "who the hell is he on about, where is *********, has he no big stars". For ********** enter whatever wrestler they have heard of, or used to follow, Lesnar, for example.

So there clearly is favoritism but we know that to be a fact, thats why Brooklyn Brawler is still employed and Jim Ross isnt

Im under the impression once you start dating somebody in the company which limits the chances of Vince banging them you get buried, Miz and Maryse, Bryan/ Ziggler and the Bella Twins, Punk and AJ Lee, Even Michaels got phased out when he starting dating Sunny (clearly because of injuries + drug use but what the hey throw him in there) and Edge clearly got away with the whole Matt hardy Lita thing because it got them ratings.

I dont think Brock was more over than Punk before he went to UFC, you had the Rock and Goldberg/Austin who were far more over, Punk rejuvinated a dying breed of fan during his rise to glory, and now with the rise of Daniel Bryan Vince has decided he is surplus to requirements and told him to F*ck off with his whining.

Even at that. Batista was never really super over, I mean, is he really that big of a Box Office attraction ? probably in the most unremberable Taker WM match, never had a big movie carear or anything, I would say Punk is much more over to your casual fan than Batista
I think you're vastly overrating how over Punk was, he's had a few huge reactions(mostly in Chicago/hardcore smark areas), and was well up there, for 6 months to a year, but he's not been a proper mega star. You could even say a lot of his love at the time was to do with Cena, who was especially hated at the time(seems to have tailed off lately) Been in shit form with a few months lately too.

As for the Vince thing, I doubt it. Egde got away with it, Michaels was phased out, Miz(as much as I like him) is bang average, Ziggler is overrated to feck, Punk's been working his way through the Divas section dick first for years, well before his big push, Bryan's future is looking bright, and IIRC Cody has had the odd Diva(Layla at least) without doing his career harm. Of course Cena's with one of the Bellas, but he'd be amongst the "above the rules).

Look at your list though, to a man they're smaller in stature, for wrestlers at least. Points far more to Vinces' well reputed beefcake fetish.

I agree with you for the most part on Batista though, except Batista is probably more well known than Punk, not a major Box Office attraction(perhaps a minor one? I don't know I don't much keep up with movies), but he was uppercard in a much bigger time for wrestling. Also, he's probably far from the worst Taker WM match, one of the worse ones in the last decade, sure, but some of the early ones which are less remembered/glossed over were proper crap. One was Giant Gonzalez, ffs.
Good post, Zarlak, but I don't agree with some things.

You're right, WrestleMania is meant to be more than the current roster, it's meant to get us to remember past wrestlers, it's the biggest PPV of the year. But when you have The Rock returning for a few months to main event WrestleMania or Batista, though I respect him more because he has a longer contract, doing the same thing, you start to question the WWE. It's clear why these things occur and I understand that it's mostly business, but they can't keep ignoring the fans.

My dislike for the company hasn't really been because of this, it's formed because of how they have treated Daniel Bryan. He was blamed for the low buyrates in the last SummerSlam. And since then, they have booked him poorly. The top-level management think that the chant is over, but not Bryan. If that was the case, then why do they shout his name multiple times during a match? Or the "oooooooooooh" when he gets ready to kick another wrestler's head? For me, Bryan is the most over wrestler in a long time. This isn't flavour of the month, it's been like since last year. The irony in all of this... think about how many fans turned in to watch Bryan win the Royal Rumble (or at least feature in it) only to be let down. Roman Reigns was cheered. That's how desperate the fans are for change IMO.

Bryan vs. Bray Wyatt was the best match at Royal Rumble. (Two amazing gifs below.) Even if Bryan wasn't going to win the Royal Rumble match... I would have still liked to see him participate. WWE can make this out as a storyline, but the fans know the truth. The storyline change yesterday confirms it. You just don't go from main eventing SummerSlam to where he's at now without the top-level management not rating you. Directly below, numbers of the biggest gainers from August to October 2013 and the gifs... Don't forget the gifs. The first graphic below contradicts WWE's stance. Chris Harrington (@mookieghana on Twitter) explains the numbers of the first graphic perfectly:

This looks at quarter-hour viewership changes. There's a host of reasons that viewers tune-in and tune-out through a show. Some of it has to do with specific time periods (top of the hour, the end of show overrun). Some of it has to do with television competition - specifically major sports events like Football games. Some of it has to do with who is on the screen. Some of it has to do with who was on the screen (i.e. big-drop offs following major viewership gains). Some of it just appears to related to the unexplained fickle variations that you get from Nielsen household reporting. Also, people in the first segment can be short-changed. Essentially, there isn't a "delta" to compare them against, so usually the participants for that entire segment don't get credited with anything even though they were on Raw. (In fact, we know that the night after a PPV usually experiences a major 1st hour boost as people tune in to see what transpired last night.) A possible improvement would be to add a secondary variable looking at hourly Raw viewership so we could account for the people that appeared throughout all four quarters (and smooth it out a bit).

This pretends everyone in each "segment" was equally responsible for driving the viewership change. If JTG is destroyed by Brock Lesnar and a half million people tune in, both JTG and Brock would get a +500,000 for that segment. Clearly, there's room for improvement because a thoughtful analysis would consider what acts appear to be driving the quarter-hour rating and what acts just happen to have a little cameo during that time. My workaround was to try and focus on wrestlers that appeared on several shows (not just several segments, but many different episodes of Raw) as well as to look across large swaths of time for the average.

This (mostly) ignores normal Raw ratings patterns. There are quarter-hours when Raw viewership normally picks up and there are quarter-hours where Raw viewership normally drops. After more than two decades, WWE has trained and re-trained their fans about when the important stuff normally happens. Interestingly, the dawn of the weekly 3-hour Raw has generated another set of viewership habits where Raw often loses viewers from the start of the show to the end of the show. WWE is hardly ignorant of the trends, and therefore it's not surprising that they often program similar material and similar people (at least on a status basis) in the same slots week-over-week. In some ways this can become a self-fulfilling prophecy - treat someone like a goof in a blow-off timeslot and the audience will view them that way for a long time. That doesn't "prove" they can't draw- it just shows that the company doesn't think enough of them to protect them. However, without a fulling functioning model of who draws and repulses viewers, all we have is our scattered datapoints. The caveat to this was that I did throw in some safeguards around the "overrun" segment (the "big angle" before WWE goes off the air each week). The overrun segment can see a million people tune in -- now, it says something about your placement in the company when you're in the overrun segment, but on the other hand, it's going to greatly boost your numbers the most often you're slotted in there, and that doesn't necessarily imply you're the driving force behind why those viewership numbers explode. That's why I find it necessary to look at people's numbers with and without overrun included.



I've decided to look at both views. I could have easily isolated August to October, but I think it's important to be impartial. The graphic above represents the numbers of the whole of 2013, and once again - credit to Chris Harrington who explains how the numbers were used:
The viewership number calculated here is an amalgamation of the four numbers I previously mentioned. It's the average of w/ & w/o overrun #s split between where you're using the average method (75% weighting) and the maximum method (25% weighting).

Again, this is quite imperfect but I must say the results do seem to align to general WWE-think. That is to say, when you look at who they push on television and which segments they put those people, there is an intent to promote certain people.

Onto a different but related subject, CM Punk "going home" is great for him. I think it's true but don't quote me on that. He's tried to change the way the company thinks, but he's failed. In his recent interview, he says that he's given up basically. A two-month break last year wasn't enough IMO, Punk was horribly sloppy after his break. But if this gives Bryan the chance to face HHH at WrestleMania, then it's a great thing. I've always hated Punk's ego, however, he's always thought of others in the process.


I think it became even more clear when fans were booing the entrance of Rey Mysterio (a usual fan-favourite) because he was no.30 and that meant no Daniel Bryan in the Rumble match. It's so clear the fans want him, so it is strange how WWE are working it.
Good post MM, but where you say

My dislike for the company hasn't really been because of this, it's formed because of how they have treated Daniel Bryan. He was blamed for the low buyrates in the last SummerSlam. And since then, they have booked him poorly. The top-level management think that the chant is over, but not Bryan. If that was the case, then why do they shout his name multiple times during a match? Or the "oooooooooooh" when he gets ready to kick another wrestler's head? For me, Bryan is the most over wrestler in a long time. This isn't flavour of the month, it's been like since last year. The irony in all of this... think about how many fans turned in to watch Bryan win the Royal Rumble (or at least feature in it) only to be let down. Roman Reigns was cheered. That's how desperate the fans are for change IMO.

I don't agree that they actually don't believe he can draw. I'm of the opinion that Bryan was told ages ago, and I mean ages ago that he was winning the title at Mania. That he's fine with that and that everything that has happened since then has just been the crowd unable to wait until the payoff that actually makes the most sense. I think that they've managed to fool the audience into believing they're keeping him down when the reality is that Vince will push anything that draws money and as old as he is, he isn't deaf yet and it would take an absolute idiot to not see the money that's right there. IMO Hunter doesn't want to waste the pop at PPV's that aren't as big of a deal as WM is. If I was Bryan and someone told me I was winning the title at Mania for example 8 months ago, I'd happily do whatever they booked me in and play along with whatever story they have. We have no indication whatsoever that Bryan is dissatisfied with what is happening right now, besides his kayfabe tweets and reactions going along with the story of the machine keeping him down. If he was being treated like shit, it would show. But it doesn't. I think the fans are just too impatient. They want him to be champion at NoC but he wasn't, so then they wanted it at Battleground, but he wasn't so they demanded it at HiaC but he wasn't and so on and so forth until we get to now where they want it at EC even though the payoff would be a complete waste when you can do it at Mania. It just makes me scream inside 'feckING, WAIT.' Fans think they've waited, but they haven't.
Those charts are some load of shite.
I don't agree that they actually don't believe he can draw. I'm of the opinion that Bryan was told ages ago, and I mean ages ago that he was winning the title at Mania. That he's fine with that and that everything that has happened since then has just been the crowd unable to wait until the payoff that actually makes the most sense. I think that they've managed to fool the audience into believing they're keeping him down when the reality is that Vince will push anything that draws money and as old as he is, he isn't deaf yet and it would take an absolute idiot to not see the money that's right there. IMO Hunter doesn't want to waste the pop at PPV's that aren't as big of a deal as WM is. If I was Bryan and someone told me I was winning the title at Mania for example 8 months ago, I'd happily do whatever they booked me in and play along with whatever story they have. We have no indication whatsoever that Bryan is dissatisfied with what is happening right now, besides his kayfabe tweets and reactions going along with the story of the machine keeping him down. If he was being treated like shit, it would show. But it doesn't. I think the fans are just too impatient. They want him to be champion at NoC but he wasn't, so then they wanted it at Battleground, but he wasn't so they demanded it at HiaC but he wasn't and so on and so forth until we get to now where they want it at EC even though the payoff would be a complete waste when you can do it at Mania. It just makes me scream inside 'feckING, WAIT.' Fans think they've waited, but they haven't.
No they've completely fecked it up. There's no good way of Bryan winning the title at mania. He should either have walked in as a long-ish reigning champion or as the number 1 contender to the title. Whereas now the only way to make him champ at mania would be some shitty overbooking like MitB which completely undermines why we like Bryan - his ability to put on great matches, and if we do get the MitB route, then his win will be a 5 minute long match. It's nonsense booking Zarlak, I'm surprised you're still justifying it to yourself.
No they've completely fecked it up. There's no good way of Bryan winning the title at mania. He should either have walked in as a long-ish reigning champion or as the number 1 contender to the title. Whereas now the only way to make him champ at mania would be some shitty overbooking like MitB which completely undermines why we like Bryan - his ability to put on great matches, and if we do get the MitB route, then his win will be a 5 minute long match. It's nonsense booking Zarlak, I'm surprised you're still justifying it to yourself.

Or a screw at EC when it's down to Orton and Bryan and Bryan is inserted into the match at Mania. You can't say that it's shoddy booking Silva when you don't even know what they're booking. Let's wait and see how they book it first. Having him enter Mania as champ would have been utterly retarded.
Wrestlemania is the years payoff night. If he's to have it, he has to win it there. I hope they do get him involved in it, and I hope they come up with a good reason for him to be in the mix.
Or a screw at EC when it's down to Orton and Bryan and Bryan is inserted into the match at Mania. You can't say that it's shoddy booking Silva when you don't even know what they're booking. Let's wait and see how they book it first. Having him enter Mania as champ would have been utterly retarded.
If the dirt sheets are anything to go on, it looks like he's facing either Sheamus or HHH at Mania anyway. Besides, Bryan winning the Rumble would have had absolutely no negative effect on the reaction he would have gotten at Mania. Batista was absolutely the wrong choice whichever way you look at it.
If the dirt sheets are anything to go on, it looks like he's facing either Sheamus or HHH at Mania anyway. Besides, Bryan winning the Rumble would have had absolutely no negative effect on the reaction he would have gotten at Mania. Batista was absolutely the wrong choice whichever way you look at it.

Bryan wouldn't sell WM to people who don't already watch WWE. Batista will. The same reason The Rock was there only admittedly The Rock has bigger pulling power.

I can't see him facing Sheamus, he's been a face since returning. If they planned to turn him heel it should have been done immediately. He only just came out on SmackDown to make the save on Bryan. IMO Bryan will either win the strap at WM and thus him not being in the Rumble doesn't matter anyway or he faces Taker like Taker has been asking for specifically if you put any stock in dirtsheets, and that's worth more to Bryan than the strap.
I saw a proposal earlier where Bryan demands a spot in the WM main event and HHH tells him he gas to earn it vs HHH at WM thus filling Punks spot and upon winning it is inserted into the title match in a triple threat at the end of the night. They can draw on him not caring about wrestling twice which he said in his outburst on RAW etc etc. there's multiple ways they can go with this, and the payoff is this huge.
Bryan wouldn't sell WM to people who don't already watch WWE. Batista will. The same reason The Rock was there only admittedly The Rock has bigger pulling power.

I can't see him facing Sheamus, he's been a face since returning. If they planned to turn him heel it should have been done immediately. IMO Bryan will either win the strap at WM and thus him not being in the Rumble doesn't matter anyway or he faces Taker like Taker has been asking for specifically if you put any stock in dirtsheets, and that's worth more to Bryan than the strap.
I disagree. Batista being there might have gotten a few peoples attention, but with no one wanting him to win all that the WWE has achieved has been to piss off millions of their actual fans. And Bryans entire arch for fecking ages now has been his struggle to attain and keep hold of the title, and with how over he is everyone wants him to achieve that. Him and Taker wrestling wouldn't make much sense because it's an unnatural direction for Bryan to go in. Although I am looking forward to a Bryanless title match being shat on.
I saw a proposal earlier where Bryan demands a spot in the WM main event and HHH tells him he gas to earn it vs HHH at WM thus filling Punks spot and upon winning it is inserted into the title match in a triple threat at the end of the night. They can draw on him not caring about wrestling twice which he said in his outburst on RAW etc etc. there's multiple ways they can go with this, and the payoff is this huge.
These things never really happen. Remember how people thought Bryan Wyatt was going to tear down the Authority? Only for the WWE to backtrack because it turned out their plan was for him to just be a heel.
Good post MM, but where you say

I don't agree that they actually don't believe he can draw. I'm of the opinion that Bryan was told ages ago, and I mean ages ago that he was winning the title at Mania. That he's fine with that and that everything that has happened since then has just been the crowd unable to wait until the payoff that actually makes the most sense. I think that they've managed to fool the audience into believing they're keeping him down when the reality is that Vince will push anything that draws money and as old as he is, he isn't deaf yet and it would take an absolute idiot to not see the money that's right there. IMO Hunter doesn't want to waste the pop at PPV's that aren't as big of a deal as WM is. If I was Bryan and someone told me I was winning the title at Mania for example 8 months ago, I'd happily do whatever they booked me in and play along with whatever story they have. We have no indication whatsoever that Bryan is dissatisfied with what is happening right now, besides his kayfabe tweets and reactions going along with the story of the machine keeping him down. If he was being treated like shit, it would show. But it doesn't. I think the fans are just too impatient. They want him to be champion at NoC but he wasn't, so then they wanted it at Battleground, but he wasn't so they demanded it at HiaC but he wasn't and so on and so forth until we get to now where they want it at EC even though the payoff would be a complete waste when you can do it at Mania. It just makes me scream inside 'feckING, WAIT.' Fans think they've waited, but they haven't.
IMO the ratings/low SummerSlam buyrate contributed to this. Plus I don't think the top-level management want him to headline WrestleMania, and that's not because he can't wrestle, but because Batista will generate more money, so I agree with you on that. I also agree with you on the lack of patience displayed by the fans. He'll probably get his chance to win the title after WrestleMania IMO, but I'm just a bit sceptical of the whole situation.

Unrelated... how good was CM Punk in 2012 though? Amazing:

I disagree. Batista being there might have gotten a few peoples attention, but with no one wanting him to win all that the WWE has achieved has been to piss off millions of their actual fans. And Bryans entire arch for fecking ages now has been his struggle to attain and keep hold of the title, and with how over he is everyone wants him to achieve that. Him and Taker wrestling wouldn't make much sense because it's an unnatural direction for Bryan to go in. Although I am looking forward to a Bryanless title match being shat on.

But Taker reportedly specifically wants it and the streak is a bigger reward than the belt.

I think it's an exaggeration to say that nobody wants Batista to win. I think you're talking from a WWE fan perspective but that's not the number 1 priority when it comes to WM. The fans will watch it regardless. It's the nostalgia and older boys that bring in the money with those extra buys. I'm glad at the reports that Hogan will likely host WM and not have any kind of match as he shouldn't be anywhere near a ring.

These things never really happen. Remember how people thought Bryan Wyatt was going to tear down the Authority? Only for the WWE to backtrack because it turned out their plan was for him to just be a heel.

We will see. It's one option of a few. Bret Hart wrestled twice at one WM before. I'll wait and see how they actually book it before I criticise what I don't know yet. I think if CM Punk rumours are not a work then he's fecked a lot up in stories that need to be re-rewritten to compensate for him taking his ball.
The people in the arena shouldn't be taken for granted. I really don't know why some extra sales are worth putting on a really bad title match and having it shat upon. They could easily have brought Batista back without giving him a rumble and a title match. It's just shoddy. It's WCWesque.

The new agreement with WWE, the worldwide leader in sports entertainment, includes the popular weekly programmes RAW®, SmackDown®, WWE Main Event®, and WWE Experience®, which is due to feature all the WWE superstars, including John Cena, Randy Orton, CM Punk, Big Show and Daniel Bryan.

Sky will also offer 12 special events a year on a pay-per-view basis, including WrestleMania®, Royal Rumble®, SummerSlam®, Survivor Series® and Money in the Bank®.

I bet we don't get any live events on Wwe Network
Well if you don't. Just use Hola and get the American WWE Network. no big deal. As if Sky get many sales anyway.

Batista probably brings about as much as Punk/Bryan actually main eventing bring in from the crowd who simply download the shit actually watching live/buying instead. Actually no one knows who Batista is, he's not a draw to anyone outside of kid fans who were watching when they were younger kids 4 years ago.
Well if you don't. Just use Hola and get the American WWE Network. no big deal. As if Sky get many sales anyway.

Batista probably brings about as much as Punk/Bryan actually main eventing bring in from the crowd who simply download the shit actually watching live/buying instead. Actually no one knows who Batista is, he's not a draw to anyone outside of kid fans who were watching when they were younger kids 4 years ago.

Agreed. Batista is no bigger draw than Bryan or Punk. Personally I thinking bringing back Austin for one more match would be bigger than Batista because at least he would bring back some of the older fans who tuned out a long time ago for however long he is around for. None of them are going to be what the Rock is nowadays who is in a league of his own.

I think the plan with Batista is more long-term. He has a Marvel film out this year which is expected to make him a big star and he is under a 2 year deal so eventually he may be able to bring some of that film audience into the WWE.

Rumour on the dirt sheets sites who reported the Punk going home story is that these last couple of days events has sparked two all day meetings to re-think plans for mania which sounds good news if they were really going with Bryan vs Sheamus and then dumped that for HHH vs Bryan with nothing for Punk, Cena vs Wyatt and Batista main eventing with Orton.
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Apparently Kenta is at the NXT tapings tonight. Be interesting to see if he wrestles, and if so, what he uses as a finisher (assuming he's allowed to win). You know, considering all of his usual finishers have already been nicked.
I hear the Go 2 Sleep is available........ Would love it to be the Death Valley Driver, but I doubt the WWE'd allow that.

Also, why the feck is Kenta on a tryout? Surely he's one you hand a contract to if given a chance. Probably spend over a year in NXT anyway...... Bah.
Wow what a week it has been in the WWE.

A lot of what I want to say has already been said in this thread but I will say this:

IF this has all been planned, with Batista winning and DB not even entering the RR, then it is pure genius. Not only are people tuning in to see whether DB finally scales the mountain but there is a tremendous amount of buzz and talk about WWE right now. You only need to read this thread for proof!

Yes, oldies are brought back to bring in the money, but that only really works in the short term. In 5-10 years time, these legends will be way past it. Then who will be make the surprise returns? Who will the casual fan tune in to see? If the current storylines can get casual viewers tuning in more regularly then it only serves to build fan base of the current stars. In the longer term, it's all about loyalty and building a larger consistent fan base. Depending on what you read, DB's current run is being compared to Austin's when 3:16 was in full force. I'd agree with that. How can you ignore, during Bryan's cage match with Wyatt, the 15-20,000 people screaming YES! in absolute unison? My point is, this might appeal to the casual fan, or those that stopped watching, to tune in to see what the fuss is about and perhaps remind them of the time when Austin was top dog. If they go on to become regular viewers, WWE wins in the long term. Their current stars build a bigger fan base and enhance their star power and should, theoretically, lead to more PPV buys. Incidentally, it would be interesting to know the split of regular:casual fans who buy WM PPVs.

The optimist in me says DB will get into the title picture at WM, take the win and we'll have the payoff. If that is the case, WWE have to be very careful in managing DB's run until WM, so at least the crowds can believe that a win is possible. If DB beaten down once too often then he loses everything and fans will stop believing that he will ever win.

The pessimist in me says that it's Orton v. Batista, with Batista taking the title. Ric Flair was screaming 'learn to love it!' at the RR. I truly hope it isn't a case of fans being told what to love.

P.S. Shoutout to @rolandofgilead and @Welsh Wonder for the RR links. Unfortunately I fell asleep and due to my heavy work schedule, couldn't catch up on all of the action until yesterday and today!
Poor Bryan, even the US Government are trying to bury him.

It's a conspiracy.


What I've done there is combine Jesse Ventura's multiple careers. 1) Being a wrestler, because that is what we are discussing. 2) Presenting a conspiracy show, because this is clearly one of them. 3) Governor of Minnesota, because this is the government's work. Everything ties together to make this nearly the perfect joke. You're welcome.

- Punk appeared to be in a great mood and excited about the weekend. He was obviously really tired, and did talk about how he's worn out. He joked about being ready to do nothing but sit on his couch.

- He said that he's tired of traveling and never gets to see the places anyway since it's just going from one show to the next, without ever getting to do any touristy stuff.

- He said that he's been really sick, especially from September through November of last year. He was basically having weekly MRIs and blood work done, but they can't figure out what's wrong. Visit Wrestling Inc.He noted that he started eating meat again and is starting to feel a little better, but still wasn't even close to 100%.

- He called Batista a friend, but didn't feel that the time was right to come back because it Visit Wrestling Inc.was so unfair to take away the glory from the other wrestlers who work so hard every day.

- He was frustrated with the direction that the company was going and felt that the writers weren't in touch with what the fans want.

- He doesn't think that Sting should come to WWE because frankly, Visit Wrestling Inc.he doesn't have anything left in the tank and would again take away from the younger wrestlers.

- He's interested in the UFC if his body is up for it, but right now he didn't think his body was in any shape for it. If he could get to feeling better, it might be an itch that he wants to scratch.

- He's good money-wise, and hasn't really spent much so he's not worried about receiving a paycheck anymore.

WWE, jesus do football loving blokes still watch this stuff? Used to watch it as a kid at school and switched over to it on Sky a bit back to see how the fixed ref turning his back whilst someone knocks someone out, then recovers to count out in favour of the fake winner has been replaced with someone walking down with a microphone, then getting in their face saying "next week on whatever show I will beat you up". Its embarrassing.

All subjective but 235 pages? LOL, I'm going to seriously look at the names in here. Thought Zarlak for example was some Bolo Yeung/Savickas type power lifter yet he just loves the Johnsons Baby oil it seems. :lol:

I'd rather watch Eastenders, its less scripted, less fake. Could be interesting in its day but its too much BS now, just show the wrestling and the moves, cut the storylines and fake drama.
Seriously though, slap your ages down here and state that you like WWE, please, let me laugh some more than I do watching this pantomime crap.
You watch wrestling?? fecking loser