Feck it's been a long time since I posted in this thread, but I've been actively following it.
From everything I've read, The Rock pretty much forced his way in to the Mania match v Reigns. Apparently he felt that after the Vince and Brock news and then Punk's injury, f that only he could save things. Be it the entire company or Wrestlemania. He felt fans and the media needed a big distraction and his name, legacy and since his departure, his gained recognition and popularity of being a box office Hollywood movie star was the perfect and only answer. I think if true, that's incredibly arrogant and at the same time deeply disrespectful to Cody.
With Dwayne holding 30% of TKO shares he used that and all the above to get his own way and get the Mania headline match against Reigns. Cody being the professional he is voiced his objections but ultimately knew he wasn't going to win so agreed to step aside and instead challenge Seth hence his gracious yet obviously begrudging segment with The Rock on SD.
What Dwayne and co weren't expecting though was the absolute disgust and the annihilation of both The Rock and the proposed match from the fans on social media and the insane support given to Cody. It was made worse when people started posting the betting odds from WM last year with Rhodes being the overwhelming favourite and said to have been one of the most one sided WM headline events ever for betting odds. Then of course we all know how that ended with a dirty finish and a Reigns win.
It's clear this prompted some serious panicking and scrambling behind the scenes and at the moment, after the shenanigans in Vegas it looks like Cody/Reigns is back on and The Rock is forced to step aside and it's all down to the fans reactions.
Personally I want Rhodes/Reigns and hope it's not diluted by becoming a Triple Threat match or Fatal Four Way. It also absolutely has to be a Rhodes win with a clean finish and no match altering interference, even if it's in Rhodes favour from The Rock.
Then I want to see the inevitable Rock/Reigns given the proper build up with the match headlining Summerslam. That gives enough time for some of what The Rock does best and humiliate Reigns with his classic segments like he did when facing Cena in Boston. The merch in the harbour and following history lesson segments were two of the funniest moments I've seen since the attitude era.
I'm just bored to death with Roman. I've always liked him but found him way too one dimensional, predictable and limited in the ring. Although thghe fact he has kept the title(s) for so long is purely down to family involvement and being propped up by Paul Heymen who now even he seems to be just going through the motions and not allowed to be attending his usual devious yet eloquent best. Really he's just there to introduce Reigns and often offers little else.
I also don't get the Cody hate. He's come a LONG LONG way from his early days and the Stardust role he never really wanted. He's wrestled outside the WWE and in other countries and despite being on the list of wrestlers that were rumoured to never return while Vince was in charge, he's come back better than ever and clearly bulked up. His entrance pops and gets reactions to rival some of the best, his microphone work is good and in the ring he's exciting, competent and absolutely gives it all every time he's in there. He's also got some nice varied moves that are so much better than a fecking superman punch.
If anyone saw his interview with Stone Cold then you saw a very intelligent, articulate and humble young man who truly loves the industry and the fans. Ultimately he just loves wrestling and understands the history of where it came from and traditions it's famous for. I get he's not everyone's cup of tea but there's no doubting the lad is genuine or that he truly deserves his moment at Wrestlemania and not just because of his name and family legacy either, more because of the hard work he's put in to get where he is and the shit he's ensured along the way.
Sorry for the long post, I'm still half pissed and have just spent nearly 8 hours watching old matches on the network