As Fozzy unfortunately. But I'm sure I can throw in a question or two about other things
Just casually throw in if he ever struggles to fit both careers together, then get to a return, and soon enough it's a WWE interview.
As Fozzy unfortunately. But I'm sure I can throw in a question or two about other things
You have to watch it on the youtube website/Recording failed. Gay.
Reportedly Vince fired two writers before the show because he was pissed off with the ratings. I'm guessing he just wants new people to ignore. The best two things to happen in years are Punk's promo in which he basically said Vince is the fault the WWE is shit and him punching a fan last night as Vince helplessly watched on from the ring. This should become a reoccurring theme, just Punk trying to get himself fired repeatedly. It's not like they can punish him particularly harshly either, I mean he is on the fecking cover of WWE13.Apparently they've fired the lead RAW writer? Guy called Brian Gerwitz?
Maybe that'll lead to better things.
Kane hasn't always been billed as a monster..
And he really is awful. I'd rather watch Bryan behave like a 5 year old because at least it's slightly original. Ryback is just a bad copy of Goldberg. I can get over the fact that we're watching a rehashed story line but he doesn't even do it as well as Goldberg did. I don't find Ryback remotely intimidating or machine like, ifI was in a fight with him all I'd have to do with run down the road and he'd tire himself out.
I've not watched the last 3 or 4 raws in full but haven't Kane and Bryan had physical altercations almost every week?And if you had to get in a fight with Kane or Daniel Bryan all you'd have to do is tell them they were the tag team champions and they'd probably invite you round for tea.
WWE needs to get back to people destroying each other. It's more Saved By The Bell these days.
I've not watched the last 3 or 4 raws in full but haven't Kane and Bryan had physical altercations almost every week?
The upper mid card should be about aggression (and the WHC titles). Wade Barret and Sheamus in a no DQ match with Ziggler cashing in at the end to become champion would spark up some interest there. Have everyone in contention for that title just beat the shit out of each other.
Ryback and his ilk have no place in professional wrestling as far as I'm concerned. Monster gimmicks can be fun once in a while but he doesn't have a monster gimmick, he's just some guy on loads of roids tell everyone how hungry he is.
I completely agree about the squash matches, once you've seen one you've seen them all really. Not to mention, if the WWE limited them to say 2 or 3 a year then when one happens it has a much much bigger effect. I much prefer it when debuting wrestling show us how they deal with adversity, not them showing us the same power move three times a week.I hate Ryback with a passion... much like I hated Goldberg with a passion. I have zero interest in squash matches, and thats all we've really been treated to from him so far, during which he hasn't even presented himself as a very good worker (though he has showed himself to be incredibly stiff at times). On top of that, I seriously doubt his ability to go for any decent length of time, and I can't imagine he'll be up to much on the microphone either...
This week of course he had to go over Primo and Epico (for what reason I have no idea)... which was pointless, as it doesn't get Ryback anymore over, and just makes a very good tag team look like a bit of a joke.
Other then that, RAW was okay, didn't feel quite as long as the last few have, which is probably a good thing. CM Punk twatting that fan is a bit mental though! It doesn't even look like he did anything to warrant it from that first video!
He got over on TV for the same reason he got over on this thread, that Daniel Bryan interview. Smarks started chanting 'Feed me more' and the WWE took full advantage of it. Which, credit to them, was the smartest thing they could have done because they've turned the lad into money. But he can't really go to far with it. What happens when he loses? I don't think Ryback has enough charisma to be over without squash matches every single week and lets face it, after a while it gets old.Yet he's massively over. The fans love him.
I completely agree about the squash matches, once you've seen one you've seen them all really. Not to mention, if the WWE limited them to say 2 or 3 a year then when one happens it has a much much bigger effect. I much prefer it when debuting wrestling show us how they deal with adversity, not them showing us the same power move three times a week.
He got over on TV for the same reason he got over on this thread, that Daniel Bryan interview. Smarks started chanting 'Feed me more' and the WWE took full advantage of it. Which, credit to them, was the smartest thing they could have done because they've turned the lad into money. But he can't really go to far with it. What happens when he loses? I don't think Ryback has enough charisma to be over without squash matches every single week and lets face it, after a while it gets old.
Just look at the Funkasaurus, who was jobbed to Cesaro last week.
If you were going to wrestlemania, who would you rather watch in the main event, Ryback or someone who can put on a main event match?I don't think it's that simple. I think the fans that go to the venue just want to see a fight, and seeing Ryback come out to shut Punk up and see Punk run away is what they want. Like a blood lust.
If you were going to wrestlemania, who would you rather watch in the main event, Ryback or someone who can put on a main event match?
That's my biggest quarry with Ryback, he's been pushed too fast too soon despite being too shit.
Anyone who goes around beating everyone and then stares down the biggest heel in the company will be cheered, it's not exactly rocket science and it's certainly not blood lust. Blood lust would be wanting to see Punk get his arse handed to him in an i quit match.
And I don't know, if I went to a live event I'd rather watch the biggest heel have his arse whopped by someone who can actually wrestle.
And don't even get me started on the choice Vince gave Punk. It was basically "well, face this injured guy here who you've beaten several times when he wasn't injured OR face this undefeated guy who could end your career with one sloppy move." It's an absurdly easy choice. But Kayfabe and non-kayfabe wise Punk has no reason to fight Ryback for the title.
Apparently Punk hit the wrong guy? Also his best in the world dvd is brilliant
I may have mentioned this before, but I think they're building Punk up to number 1 reign and then he'll unveil the new belt.