This Is England '86 (4 part series)

Watching that episode with the wife was a bad idea.
The same's happened with me but there's not even a joking reference to how he became part of the group, he just is.

nevermind did banjo and meggy end up the best of mates with these ones especially milky? I hope episode 4 mentions this.
nevermind did banjo and meggy end up the best of mates with these ones especially milky? I hope episode 4 mentions this.

When Combo went psycho on Milky both seemed geniunely concerned about if he'd be alright and with Combo seemingly fecking off somewhere I can easily see how they became friends.
So their racism died away with one good kicking? Some NF boyos they were.
Well that was kind of the point of the film wasn't it, these people getting wound up with something they didn't understand, and for the wrong reasons. Naive people thinking they're being patriotic. It was masked racism, obviously. Early in the film you've got Combo asking Milky if he considers himself English, and he puts on the pretence of accepting him because he does. They're not the only ones who get wrapped up in it, there's also Shaun and a couple of other lads too, initially. Even Milky clearly didn't want to accept all this from Combo was actually racism, which is what lead to him being in Combo's flat in the first place.The finale of the film being the point where they all realise their mistakes.

Don't get me wrong here, they've obviously decided they wanted to keep the characters around so integrated them with the group, same with Harvey, but it's far from being a ridiculous notion that the characters might have sorted out their issues. And to be honest, I've no interest in seeing a scene where the appropriate people apologize in the first episode just to set things up. I don't feel it needed saying.
Looking forward to this already, Combo is going to do something shocking no doubt.
Aye, you can just tell from the adverts alone.

Wonder if he kills the rapist beard fecker. I'd laugh
I'm taking a wild guess in saying that Combo will probably do something to that Indian love interest of Shaun's mum.
I have a feeling the rapist beard fecker is going to kill Milky.
Looks like I might be wrong.

Shocking but powerful scenes.
Rapist beard fecker just got hammer raped, holy shit.
I shall post my thoughts of the episode and the whole thing tomorrow. Off to bed, gotta be up at 6am!

Brilliant that was though
I really enjoyed that. Think it wrapped things up nicely without being too bleak or too nice overall.

The series as a whole I'd say was pretty good, while rarely hitting the heights of the film, it did manage to tell a good story and was definitely worth watching. Think Combo's reappearence should've happened an episode earlier though, maybe give him time to interact with a couple more people.
Thought that was pretty disappointing to be honest. As mentioned earlier, Combo should have featured a bit sooner and the end seemed a bit rushed.
Genuinely the first piece of television to make me nearly burst into tears, no homo. Also the first piece of television to make me look away during a violent scene. I don't know why. Bravo Shane Meadows. Cold storyline, immense television. Who says the British film and TV industry is dead? More of that sort of stuff, less of the rubbish please.
Some good some bad. Really let itself down coming to the climax I thought

If you're scared enough of someone to bring a hammer to threaten them with it, the last thing you'll do is turn your back on said person the moment after you expose you have a weapon. And Combo just happened to come by and save the day at the end, having not spoken to Lol the whole series. Yeah okay.

Aside from that, after Lol picked up the hammer on the floor it got good again. But for a moment there I was just thinking what is this shit? And why was there no resolution to the child and the guy who had the heart attack with the glasses? Is showing football clips really more important?
I'm glad it was left somewhat fairly open-ended, hopefully next series they concentrate on the others a tad more, all in all though, the series was fecking brilliant.
What I thought, I'll spoiler it just in case.

Wow! Quite frankly I thought that was amazing. I can't think of anything I'd change or fault.

Some scenes I thought were really good were the one where she told Lol about what happened. You really felt the emotion coming from each party, you could tell Lol was going to do something right away. The way us as an audience didn't hear any of the conversation added to it imo, you knew what was being said and the music added to it, emotional.

The bit where Combo and Shaun where at his mothers house was very good, after all that happened in the past, Shaun still helped him and looked after him.

That scene with the rapist beard fecker and Lol was powerful, probably one of the most powerful scenes of that type I've ever seen. More tension, more drama and more graphic than the other rape scene in the last episode. I really felt for her, I was urging for her to get him off her and do something - but after a while she seemed to give up, either realising she wasn't strong enough or just thought, "feck it, it's gunna happen, get it over with." Then she felt the hammer, I cheered when she did it. Cheered like feck. He really was a detestable man and had it coming and it was inevitable that that hammer was going to his head even if it was someone else who did it.

Fitting ending I think, left it open so we might be able to catch up with them in a later series. Really good end for Combo I feel, after the bad shit he's done, he just wanted to do something good. Try and make amends by saving Lol from going to prison.

Very good finale to the series, hope there will be more. Really really enjoyed it.
Some good some bad. Really let itself down coming to the climax I thought

If you're scared enough of someone to bring a hammer to threaten them with it, the last thing you'll do is turn your back on said person the moment after you expose you have a weapon. And Combo just happened to come by and save the day at the end, having not spoken to Lol the whole series. Yeah okay.

Aside from that, after Lol picked up the hammer on the floor it got good again. But for a moment there I was just thinking what is this shit? And why was there no resolution to the child and the guy who had the heart attack with the glasses? Is showing football clips really more important?

I don't think it was that Lol was scared of him but that she did actually go out with the intention of hammering his head into the floor and so would have expected him to have been a bit intimidated by her with it, which obiously failed.

We also don't know how long Lol was actually sat on the floor for before Combo arrived. For all we know he could have gone around to see the others and as they were waiting at the church, they weren't in. Besides, it was made clear in the film that Combo has feelings for Lol.

And the Meggy thing didn't really need resolving, it was clear that the kid was his son and it was clear that the kid thought his dad was in London as his mother didn't want him to know about Meggy.
Meadows intends to do another one for Italia 90...So anything unresolved will most likely be picked up by that, which would also most likely tie nicely in with Combo's release.

I thought it was really good overall...Bit too many slow motion meloncholy piano music montages though. And I agree Stephen Graham should've been introduced earlier...but bare in mind he's a proper actor with a busier schedule than the rest of them...and his story did work well and have an arch despite it's brevity..The big scene was fantastically done too, from start to resolution. All in all a brilliantly made series I felt.
Thought it was fantastic - it needed to move at a different pace to the film, being shown on TV over 4 episodes. The rape scene was the most shocking I've ever seen. I don't think I've genuinely been as happy to see a villain in any film / tv show be killed. The actor is pretty damn convincing though. Combo had a role to fill which didn't require him to be in all the way through, and I think they handled his redemption very very well. It was blatant that this was never going to be the end, I can see it going at least one more series, maybe more.... Still think that Smell is perhaps the ugliest girl I've ever seen on TV!
I did slag it off at the first couple of episodes but all in all it was worth watching - too harrowing for the other half though who refused to watch even 1 minute after last week!
All tied up nicely in the last episode but still leave enough open for another series.
I don't think it was that Lol was scared of him but that she did actually go out with the intention of hammering his head into the floor and so would have expected him to have been a bit intimidated by her with it, which obiously failed.

We also don't know how long Lol was actually sat on the floor for before Combo arrived. For all we know he could have gone around to see the others and as they were waiting at the church, they weren't in. Besides, it was made clear in the film that Combo has feelings for Lol.

And the Meggy thing didn't really need resolving, it was clear that the kid was his son and it was clear that the kid thought his dad was in London as his mother didn't want him to know about Meggy.

She was scared of him. We saw this when he called round and abused her on her doorstep whilst Milky was still in her room. She had some more balls when she had a hammer in her hand, but straight after showing him she spent 5 seconds looking in the opposite direction. As you do when you're looking for a fight, because sticking your ass out is the best form of defence.

And as soon as they had Meggy and the child meet each other at the football game, and then play the commadore 64 together, it needed a resolution.

The Combo thing could just have been done better. It wasn't so much stupid, as just out of the blue and just happened to have perfect timing. There's no reason whatsoever that Combo couldnt have at least hinted he might go and see an old friend or something, when he was talking to the Ginge. He didnt have to say "I'm going to go see Lol, see if she isnt getting raped or killing someone. Maybe I'll beat myself up with a dead man's hand" but he could have said something. When we previously saw him the Ginge was telling him not to do anything silly. It looked like he might be looking to /suicide or something, not go call on Lol.
He did say that....He said he was going to go round a few of the old sights and see a few of the old faces

Pay more attention