Wow! Quite frankly I thought that was amazing. I can't think of anything I'd change or fault.
Some scenes I thought were really good were the one where she told Lol about what happened. You really felt the emotion coming from each party, you could tell Lol was going to do something right away. The way us as an audience didn't hear any of the conversation added to it imo, you knew what was being said and the music added to it, emotional.
The bit where Combo and Shaun where at his mothers house was very good, after all that happened in the past, Shaun still helped him and looked after him.
That scene with the rapist beard fecker and Lol was powerful, probably one of the most powerful scenes of that type I've ever seen. More tension, more drama and more graphic than the other rape scene in the last episode. I really felt for her, I was urging for her to get him off her and do something - but after a while she seemed to give up, either realising she wasn't strong enough or just thought, "feck it, it's gunna happen, get it over with." Then she felt the hammer, I cheered when she did it. Cheered like feck. He really was a detestable man and had it coming and it was inevitable that that hammer was going to his head even if it was someone else who did it.
Fitting ending I think, left it open so we might be able to catch up with them in a later series. Really good end for Combo I feel, after the bad shit he's done, he just wanted to do something good. Try and make amends by saving Lol from going to prison.