This Is England '86 (4 part series)

Channel 4. Half way through, best bet would be Channel 4 + 1 if you've missed it up until now.
Will put my thoughts in spoilers:

Weird episode. If this is just a 4 parter, there's not much development going on. Obviously we'll see Lol and Woody back together and better at the end. Also, where's Combo? Thought he was in this. Gadget and that woman was hilarious. Eh, I'm drunk.
Aye, it does seem to be developing slowly but in a good way if that makes sense. I did lol at the bit with Shauns mum though. She's not bad for an older woman in the 80s. Also chili powder :lol:

Can only imagine Combo will be in it next week. Will be good to see him. Wonder how it's all going to play out...
Also, is Harvey the same Harvey who was having a go at Shaun at the start of the film? Makes NO SENSE.
I don't need spoilers to say that the 2nd episode was much worse than the first - found it to be very slow with only the odd comedy moment.
Now that I have watched 2 of the 4, I will probably end up watching the rest and then regretting it !
I think its alright, the comedy bits are brilliant tbf, cant help think the rest of it is building.

Even the film built up to the end.
Strange episode really, nothing much seemed to happen apart from lots of shagging.
I'm enjoying it up to now, it's building as expected really. I would imagine it'll really kick start half way through next week's episode now the ground works been layed down.
Also, is Harvey the same Harvey who was having a go at Shaun at the start of the film? Makes NO SENSE.

aye its the same think after three years Shaun would say "when did you start hanging bout with him, he bullied me ,the cnut and why are you hanging out with combo's 2 NF mates...seriously what the feck has gone on here" instead he's said nowt except trying to move in with harvey?!

also if woody and milky have known Lol that long and combo too how come combo and milky didnt know each other in the film?
I should have been fecking Gemma by the cannel, cumming on her feet and in her hair.

Very good episode.
Very depressing end though - how much of a cnut is that bearded bloke?! (always forget his name). It was one of those scene which you don't really want to watch but still kinda have too. Nasty stuff.

Shaun's little visitor at the end was awesome too!

Can just tell, next week is going to be goooooooood.
That was a great episode, really well made. The foundations are fully in place now for a brilliant finale.
Ooof that was bleak. Feeling a bit ill now.
Cracking show though.
Nicely building up to the last show now.

Very dark episode that, wasn't it? Especially the end, horrible stuff. Lol seems to be spinning out of control and I went from being on her side to disliking her, to being on her side again. Great to see Combo back, quite an entrance :lol:
Unnecessarily dark - my other half wouldnt watch it and Im not suprised
I didn't think it was all that dark. Maybe that's a disturbing insight into my psyche.

Great ep though.

That was difficult to watch.

Meadows is brilliant, he really is.
Unnecessarily dark - my other half wouldnt watch it and Im not suprised

It wasn't unnecessary though. It adds to the show, makes it more realistic, makes you feel for the characters more - gets you emotionally attached and sympathetic towards the characters ready for the finale which will no doubt be an absolute cracker. The feelings you develop for the characters after scenes like that couldn't be made if it was done another way, which probably means the ending wouldn't have been as good.

Guarantee if you ask someone who didn't watch last nights episode, only told what happened, what they think of the finale this time next week they wont rate it as highly as someone who watched it properly.

I thought the episode was great with that ending and all.
aye the ending was beyond grim...but a good few laughs throughout it....the fight was excellent especially harvey punching the bloke and he barely flinched.
I should have been fecking Gemma by the cannel, cumming on her feet and in her hair.

Very good episode.
Very depressing end though - how much of a cnut is that bearded bloke?! (always forget his name). It was one of those scene which you don't really want to watch but still kinda have too. Nasty stuff.

Shaun's little visitor at the end was awesome too!

Can just tell, next week is going to be goooooooood.

brilliant that bit...especailly his mate beside him iggy(?) trying not to laugh
That 'leader' of the bike gang is fecking hilarious. 'GINGE!!!!!' :lol:

Thought it was a bit bollocks how he was made to be some type of iron man though.

Bleak, dark episode but the way they wove the English passion in the episode through the football in the park, to the 86 World Cup was really good I thought.

Lol's dad is pure scum, I expect Lol will somehow fvck him up.

Overall, very strong episode and just one left.
What is the actual purpose of the bike gang?
It wasn't unnecessary though. It adds to the show, makes it more realistic, makes you feel for the characters more - gets you emotionally attached and sympathetic towards the characters ready for the finale which will no doubt be an absolute cracker. The feelings you develop for the characters after scenes like that couldn't be made if it was done another way, which probably means the ending wouldn't have been as good.

Guarantee if you ask someone who didn't watch last nights episode, only told what happened, what they think of the finale this time next week they wont rate it as highly as someone who watched it properly.

I thought the episode was great with that ending and all.

Maybe 'unnecessary' was the wrong word - I mostly agree with what you are saying there - it was the best episode by far.

Noticed this article:
What is the actual purpose of the bike gang?

as yet we dunno...they might play an important part in the final episode...they do feel a bit cartoonish though which is a strange mixture considering the supposed bleak dark reality of other parts, really trying to satisfy two different threads with it though, they feel like an afterthought for comedy reasons which Im not too sure works....or else theyre just there to show how shell suits were popular in 86.
I think the bike lot are just there for a bit of comedic relief, they're hilarious.
as yet we dunno...they might play an important part in the final episode...they do feel a bit cartoonish though which is a strange mixture considering the supposed bleak dark reality of other parts, really trying to satisfy two different threads with it though, they feel like an afterthought for comedy reasons which Im not too sure works....or else theyre just there to show how shell suits were popular in 86.

I do find the juxtaposition of the humour and tradgedy a bit difficult to digest, but then I suppose that is Meadow's style.

Like the scene in the film where they are having a great time drinking, smoking, partying and all of a sudden he goes violently mental and beats Milky to within an inch of his life.
dont think thats the same at all rood, there was an underlying threat throughout that entire scene and the build up to it as well, you knew the entire time milky was in severe danger and that combo was a fecking nutcase.
dont think thats the same at all rood, there was an underlying threat throughout that entire scene and the build up to it as well, you knew the entire time milky was in severe danger and that combo was a fecking nutcase.

Yes I know what you mean but to me it is very similar - this time we have shots of everyone having a great time watching an England World Cup victory and then it turns nasty. In the same way you knew Trev was in danger because the dad is also a fecking nutcase.
Also, is Harvey the same Harvey who was having a go at Shaun at the start of the film? Makes NO SENSE.

I've just come into ask a question related to this. When the feck did he become part of the gang?
I thought the same, it's like they've just put him there for no reason. I like him though, in a non homo way, but they could have just given him another name - there's no back story offered, so why call him Harvey?!
Well my social group changed almost continuously when I was a teen - friends come and go. People I sort of hated at one point ended up good friends, and some good friends slipped away. 'tis normal I thought.
Well my social group changed almost continuously when I was a teen - friends come and go. People I sort of hated at one point ended up good friends, and some good friends slipped away. 'tis normal I thought.

The same's happened with me but there's not even a joking reference to how he became part of the group, he just is.