Thinking of opening up a soft drink bar

Just have topless'll fecking clean up.


I'd go.
Yes, actually that is the very machine I am going to be investing in. I will hire maybe 3-4 people, give them training in how to operate the machine and get the whole thing going within a couple of weeks.

So the idea is to have two of these machines and then give the service of taping up the drink and serving it in a crystal glas. I will keep wages on above average to keep my staff happy and motivated to uphold the high standards I require.

Here's a small sketch I made. Don't mind the artistic side of this - My paintbrush skills are not up to top standards yet so this should only be considered a rough sketch.


So the soft drinks are coming off the machine and then there will be a couple of different fridges for the water since they all require their own special temperature to ensure maximum taste is given.

Would like to thank people for their input in this thread. All views are welcomed, positive and negative. I believe the non-alcoholic market is the one to go for since every other pub these days sell Carlsberg/Heineken. What's the point in opening a place like that?

Are you allowed to work at this magical place if you aren't a racist caricature?
I'm gutted.

I genuinely thought this was real. It's obvious it's just a pisstake thread. He took it to far with the picture :(
His Soft drink machines look like washing machines, How about making it a laundrette and then the can have soft drinks while they wait
"Hello, I'd like a glass of top-brand water, please."

"That'll be two hundred quid, sir."

"feck right off."

Yes, actually that is the very machine I am going to be investing in. I will hire maybe 3-4 people, give them training in how to operate the machine and get the whole thing going within a couple of weeks.

So the idea is to have two of these machines and then give the service of taping up the drink and serving it in a crystal glas. I will keep wages on above average to keep my staff happy and motivated to uphold the high standards I require.

Here's a small sketch I made. Don't mind the artistic side of this - My paintbrush skills are not up to top standards yet so this should only be considered a rough sketch.


So the soft drinks are coming off the machine and then there will be a couple of different fridges for the water since they all require their own special temperature to ensure maximum taste is given.

Would like to thank people for their input in this thread. All views are welcomed, positive and negative. I believe the non-alcoholic market is the one to go for since every other pub these days sell Carlsberg/Heineken. What's the point in opening a place like that?

Okay, but the problem is this.

1) The entire purpose of the freestyle machine, is so consumers can operate it without any need of any training, and serve themselves a drink. It's also a part of the supposed fun, as you get to browse the freestyle machine for all it's choice, you in essence are robbing the customer of the only real gimmick available.

2) It exists. In better places. For instance, as I mentioned, you can get this in Burger Kings. The advantage here is that you can also not completely waste your time and money for a drink you can have virtually anywhere, you can also get some food unique to Burger King. If you were to ask some Burger King owners if they'd think it would be a decent business idea to replicate a Burger King store but without the food, they would probably call some kind of security on you.

3) High Performance Fans was probably a better idea.
Why do his servers have calculators on their forehead?

He is some kind of sick freak who will have these ********ly embeded in their skulls, but it is ok he will pay them more. What the purpose of this is will be open to debate , especially since he will have actual cash registers that will be used for ringing up sales.
Self serve soft drinks?

7-11 already do that.

It is a financial disaster waiting to happen.
I have a better idea, Successful should just share his money with all of us. It gets him to the point of being broke sooner, with less heartache, plus we all will appreciate him just a bit more.
I'm surprised by the negativity in this thread. I think it's a great idea.

Perhaps you could also open a sister chain that just sells crisps? Only the top brands though. Walkers, McCoys, Kettle etc. Also add a speciality in Quavers. Most importantly, you shouldn't let the customers get the crisps themselves, or worse, leave with the crisps. You should employ at least two people to open the bags for them and serve them in a big fancy bowl and insist they eat all the crisps on the premises.

I can see absolutely no down side to this idea at all. In fact I think it'll be huge. Good luck.
As a few others have mentioned, just selling the most well known stuff is a terrible idea. You want stuff from all over the world. Quirky stuff. As well as Fanta, you want Orangina and a few other options. You need to give people a reason to go too. A gimmick. The decor would be key.

Also, glass bottles are the best to drink from.
And you forgot cherry coke.

Call it Zup Zup

:lol: Actually sounds pretty good.
If pubs are failing I don't think that removing alcohol from the mix might be the best idea.
How about a BYOD place that just serves crystal glasses? Or perhaps one that offers customers the luxury of having their own, shop bought drinks served from a tap?
I shouldn't have written a serious reply before reading the whole thread and seeing that God awful mock up. It's not even the paint drawing that's the problem.
Successful, you're still going with the whole 'only the biggest brands' thing? No one will go.
Not wanting to rip people off then charging for ice?
Your man on the till is asking if the customer wants a 'regular'. They should be asking if they want large. I'm not sure you're cut out for this.
Who the feck is spending 30euros on soft drinks? Are they mental?
Either you've decided to open this in Spain now, which would be a better option as it happens, or you can't spell 'queue'.