Thinking of opening up a soft drink bar

You should open a restaurant that sells only burgers. And maybe add fries to the menu. I dunno, maybe onion rings too, chicken sandwiches etc. I'm pretty sure that would be something new.
Soft drinks bars can actually do really well

Coffee shops
Milkshake bars.

Soft drinks bars can actually do really well

Coffee shops
Milkshake bars.

It's weird, growing up in the 80's & 90's I really don't remember there being coffee shops, just cafes attached to department stores and the like. If you asked for a coffee the only option was did you want it black or white.
How is it still not in the classics.
@Successful. Have you considered experimenting with barrel aged soft drinks? In this case I assume you would for instance age some vanilla coke on an old glass bottle of Sprite. Endless possibilities. You could create 10, 12 and 25-year-old limited editions of the most successful variations. Barrel aged is the shit these days.

Another idea would be to import soft drinks from a selected range of destinations around the world, you could offer customers tasting kits of Fanta from Ireland, the US, Indonesia, Mongolia and Chile. Who wouldn't hit that?

I wouldn't be worried about that NZ place, and just fecking go for it. I'm thinking of doing a pop up place in Oslo, or maybe a soft drink van for the weekends myself.

I live here, and I can guarantee that there is a market for it. In a place where people have no trouble paying £4 for a coffee, £1 for an extra ice cube would be considered a steal.
You have got to be kidding me ?
I'm afraid not.

That flow chart should actually still exist in some form... I added some explanation text to it and reuploaded it somewhere.

So hopefully not gone forever.

Edit: Here we go -


Originally it didnt have the index explaining the three "benefit" colours
I'm afraid not.

That flow chart should actually still exist in some form... I added some explanation text to it and reuploaded it somewhere.

So hopefully not gone forever.

Edit: Here we go -


Originally it didnt have the index explaining the three "benefit" colours

I don't know what I would have done without them. Bless you.
Wasn't @Successful the one that had a rant about Falcao's jewelry and the like too? Can't remember the details but that was funny.
Not going to lie boys. I thought I had a cracking idea until I told my mates who shot it down. I wanted to open up a tap water bar. It would sell local tap water as well imported tap water from the nation, and even world wide. Next thing I know I saw an article of the same idea in London! I could've been rich!