so, since my FIFA buddies all said that its so cool that you can hook up with Yennefer and Triss at the same time and how theyre winners since they dated two hot girls at the same time, i decided that my Geralt guy would be a faithful lover of only one girl, and since i was further with my relationship with Yennefer (already swore eternal love in the high mountain of Skellige) i decided to postpone the quests involving Triss, like i was avoiding her lol. Then the moment of drunkness in the labyrinth came, and i know most players choose to kiss Triss since shes hot and the big rack and all, but i was strong and hit NO... her face went from drunk to sad in a second, with the fireworks lights, it turned into a sad and awkward moment.
Even more, after freeing the mages from Novingrad, i had to choose if i tell Triss to stay with me, but again, i chose NO, and man, i truly broke that CGI hot chicks heart into a thousand pixels, even Geralts face looked sad. Then Triss walks away and gave me that "last look" that melted me... man i swear i had that exact same moment rejecting a girl a few years ago because i decided to stay with my gf of that time, who is my wife now (both girls over my league, im a lucky fecker) and this kind of revived that moment...
I think im fecking crazy, but i know there is some ppl who are deep into the story like i am now, isnt there?