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Which one is series 4 again? Not the schools one?
Which one is series 4 again? Not the schools one?
The Sopranos is incredible, you'll love it. I hope you've managed to avoid any spoilers!
Stay out of the thread on here, it's littered with them!
The Sopranos is incredible, you'll love it. I hope you've managed to avoid any spoilers!
Stay out of the thread on here, it's littered with them!
Ive only watched The Wire once through. Considering how many times I have seen The Shield, Oz, Sopranos, even Breaking Bad I have done twice. I really should watch them again.
Yes it is, the more one see's the better it gets. Should start my third watching soon.
What an experience this television show is. This is my third time watching this series now as the missus had never seen it (and she was sick of listening to me saying how much better it is that Breaking Bad, her flavour of the month for the past while, so she agreed to start The Wire last week) and it just astounds me how good it is. We're halfway through Season Two at the minute and the missus is finally admitting The Wire is the best programme she's ever seen. I've told her Season Three is arguably better than Season One and Two, and that Four will blow her away, but she doesn't believe it can get any better than it currently is.
Ah, what I'd give to experience this show for the first time again. It genuinely is an astonishing piece of television.
Repent!You should try Treme. It's not as exciting as The Wire but it's got a nice vibe to it, and some of the same actors.
Which unfortunately means Clarke Peters (Lester Freamon), being similarly not very good in this.
I have a group of friends who think it's the greatest show ever but I think it's vastly overrated.
It's good and I enjoy watching it but IMO nowhere near as great as the likes of The West Wing or Sopranos.
I'm still having difficulty getting into it
No matter how many good shows you watch, this one just tops it for me.
Have been watching quite a few shows recently, from September to December, and with the winter breaks, we're getting back into it with my girlfriend. We'd stopped at the end of season 3 so we put on season 4 (my favourite) last night and watched the two first episodes, it's such a joy to watch. The writing, the acting, there's no fault. I'm also picking up on some subtleties I missed on first viewing, like how episode 2 is built to point out similarities between the different people in the town, how they're all faced with the same dilemmas, whether they're kids, police, teachers, politicians or drug dealers, some using the same sentences to address problems that are alike (like the question of people not being grafters anymore, which you see both in the police force and the drug clans, etc.). I just love it.
I personally love season 4 out of all the seasons too. The stories of Michael and Dookie, in particular, are captivating.
i watched eps 1 & 2 of season 4 last night too!
maybe its like women who live together getting their menstuals at the smae time, cafites wire-cycles have become aligned
I'm watching Homicide right now. It's not quite The Wire, but it's a pretty decent substitute. It's a good show to watch if you're looking for something you haven't seen before that is somewhat along the same lines. You can definitely see where some of the elements that made The Wire great begin to take shape.
Yeah, Homicide is top notch. Love that show.
Should've bought it when it was £45 on amazon. Now it's £65
I listened to the abridged audiobook a few years ago, and the show is a very good extension of that. It's a bit as if the first season of The Wire were stretched out into an entire multi-season show. You don't get the other seasons in different settings, so it's not a comprehensive study of inner-city problems, but it's quite good from the police aspect.
Also it helps that I like all the actors involved.