They are not a serious opposition party. Better than this shitshow? Absolutely. Fit for purpose? Not even close. The sooner the old guard dies and half the new ones get primaried from the left the better.
No arguments from me. Pelosi is a problem because she is old as shit and even “stepping back” she looms over the party. Jeffries is nothing but a hollow shell who wields no real power or substance.age is a problem, and was biden's biggest problem, but i'm not sure, for example, that replacing pelosi with jeffries wasn't a downgrade (as hostile as she was to the left, she was at least competent in whipping the votes she cared about). same for the eventual replacement of sanders (potential broad base, shallow party voters support, no party insider support) with AOC (narrow base, shallow party voters support, some party insider support)
The US needs a new party. Can't carry on trying to shame people into voting for this and hope that is enough to scrape a win.
feck it, does it really matter at this point?Splitting the vote sounds smart
feck it, does it really matter at this point?
Someone needs to take over the democratic party the same way trump took over the GOP then if there is no alternative to the two party system.Splitting the vote sounds smart
The Democratic Party is so incompetent right now that is a given.You want more Republican presidents?
Someone needs to take over the democratic party the same way trump took over the GOP then if there is no alternative to the two party system.
The Democratic Party is so incompetent right now that is a given.
As if that matters. If you don’t have a MAGA in your life you wouldn’t understand, but in have a decent number and they would vote Republican even if the candidates platform was “if elected I will kill you and rape your wife. But I will also do the same to those brown people.’Do the Republicans look competent?
It's funny though, Labour in the UK probably used everything about the Dems that was scaring off voters as a model of what not to do in this current era of politics.
I don't know who, but there needs to be a revolution within the dem establishment, or a third party taking their place. They are done as a viable alternative.Who is going to do that? Oprah? The Rock?
Trump was some meme presidential candidate there for self promotion a long time before he gained any real momentum and it's an incredible set of circumstances that led to him being pushed as viable.
AOC? She seems to speak a lot of sense and has some charisma from the little I’ve seenWho is going to do that? Oprah? The Rock?
Trump was some meme presidential candidate there for self promotion a long time before he gained any real momentum and it's an incredible set of circumstances that led to him being pushed as viable.
Do the Republicans look competent?
It's funny though, Labour in the UK probably used everything about the Dems that was scaring off voters as a model of what not to do in this current era of politics.
AOC? She seems to speak a lot of sense and has some charisma from the little I’ve seen
If they just want to win Internet points before getting slapped again in 2028, that would be the way to go.Wouldn't the Dems be happy to see Trump burn it all down though so that they'll be vindicated for their warnings?
"Don't interrupt your enemy while he's making a mistake" and all that stuff?
From his perspective, it seems like everyone, including his own party, fcked him. So why would he speak up now? Besides, it's not as if the county sees this as something new or terrible—most voters elected the person carrying it out for some of those policies anyway.Has Sleepy Joe been seen or heard from since the inauguration? For someone convinced he could lead the country another four years, he really isn't making a lot of noise, considering what is actually happening in the US right now.
Agree, and just as crucially they have nothing to guide them. The Republicans as a party may have internal disagreements on a bunch of different things, but they are 100% galvanized behind Trump and his agenda, and are using that to gain power. Meanwhile the Democrats don't believe in anything (with a few notable exceptions), and they have no leader. They are torn between being centrist neoliberals (essentially just pro-choice Republicans with better manners) and the more left leaning element of the party, with the former seemingly intent on destroying the latter. It doesn't make for a coherent strategy or an appealing proposition to voters.They are not going to do anything. They are morons who do not understand the current climate and think anti-incumbency will set-in to catapult them back to power again soon. They are in for a rude fecking shock. The game has completely changed and the right knows how to harness the power of social and other forms of traditional media better than anytime in history. They have captured a people's imagination through divisiveness and by othering. It would be foolish to think that those folks will see the light and come back into their fold while they sit and rest on their laurels (which aren't many, anyway).
Agree, and just as crucially they have nothing to guide them. The Republicans as a party may have internal disagreements on a bunch of different things, but they are 100% galvanized behind Trump and his agenda, and are using that to gain power. Meanwhile the Democrats don't believe in anything (with a few notable exceptions), and they have no leader. They are torn between being centrist neoliberals (essentially just pro-choice Republicans with better manners) and the more left leaning element of the party, with the former seemingly intent on destroying the latter. It doesn't make for a coherent strategy or an appealing proposition to voters.