Music The Ultimate Metal thread.

Have you guys heard about the Steve Wilson-Michael Ackerfeld combo? Apparently they already wrote two sons together (each 10+minutes, of course). Should be a good album :-)
I like this band a lot, but they should bring in a new frontman, IMO. Everything aside from the vocals is quality.

Not as heavy as my usual choices, but still very good. Give it a go. They're a quality band.

Have you lot heard the 8-bit versions of metal songs doing the rounds?

Bands like Veil of Maya, BTBAM, Gojira etc have had their songs converted into 8-bit, Mega Drive style music.

Gojira :drool::drool::drool:

They are back to the studio recording an EP this week by the way, can't wait !

BTBAM is mint too :drool:
I like it!

I read on the site he offers it freely for download. Got any links (all I saw was "CD Only" options)?

I actually brought the albums (I don't usually, but I like to when it's a lesser known artist). Could be that the "free" songs referred to when the site was starting up, and he's now decided to slap prices on them due to success?

In other words, I can't help you much there, sorry. :(
Shout out for Bath's finest.

I'm now claiming them as my local band. feck Muse.

Also- yeah, this is the band formerly known as Ignominious Incarceration.
Admittedly they have gone a bit softer since Ignominious

But it's good shit and you know it
New album out soon, cant wait! No growling on this one.

Hm, quite curious to be honest. I quite like the grunt-vocals now and then. My favorite albums are My arms, your hearse and Blackwater Park.

But I think I missed their last two albums. Maybe I should check them out first.
No singles out yet but apparently the first one is called The Devil's Orchard, out on September 20th.
any true metaler needs to have seen - The Decline Of Western Civilisation PtII... a feature length documentary made in LA in the 80's.

Its on youtube, classic stuff.

I've never really liked the glam/hair metal scene, but I'll watch it tonight. I've been told to watch it a few times already.

While we're talking about films and documentaries, this is a very interesting one that covers lots of areas and subgenres in the metal scene. It's made by an antropologist and metalhead who focusses his work on metal culture. It's full of interviews with some metal 'greats' as well.

He also has a sequel called Global metal, where he goes around the world to interview metal fans from different countries and cultures. But didn't like that one as much as the first one to be honest.

And this is a documentary on metal from (I think) VH1: