The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I know Colbert upping Donald is old hat, but in 90 seconds he gave a better disaster response than the POTUS. Namely by encouraging and explaining how to donate to relief instead of bragging about how big the crowds and storm were...

She seems like a very impartial and well rounded person who works for a high quality news publication.
Yep it's a lie! Jeez :lol:

Would be suprising to me if this is true.

If thats true then I also disagree with that. It's disgraceful if DACA is repealed.

and has no bearing on the debate about DACA.
Claiming that others are being cnuts, justifies us being cnuts is a stupid argument

This has nothing to do with DACA, which refers to kids who were laready born when they came to the US.

Well I was intrigued to know the fact. The outrage has clearly been positioned as if Trump and administration are barbarians and it's utterly outrageous what he's doing - yet the Canadians that everyone love, are doing the same!

Now that I'm living here, I can see why they are so pro-Immigration and so 'nice' - even being married to a Canadian it took me 10months and countless checks to get here, for my wife to get into the UK, it took 48hours!!
Stop calling those on DACA 'kids'. Many of them are in college.

Of course Don Jr. is a 'good boy'.

And 35 year old Sr. White House advisor Ivanka is a little girl who just wants to tag along with her daddy

Yep it's a lie! Jeez :lol:

Well I was intrigued to know the fact. The outrage has clearly been positioned as if Trump and administration are barbarians and it's utterly outrageous what he's doing - yet the Canadians that everyone love, are doing the same!

Now that I'm living here, I can see why they are so pro-Immigration and so 'nice' - even being married to a Canadian it took me 10months and countless checks to get here, for my wife to get into the UK, it took 48hours!!

Definitely on to something there. A lot of people are unaware of how hard its get into Canada and how tough their immigration laws are.
I think Gorka is an amazingly effective communicator and probably the best Trump's got for appealing to his base. He deftly and plausibly skirts round issues and outpatronises people that Trump's base believe are themselves patronising. Glad he got forced out.
A Second Look at the Steele Dossier—Knowing What We Know Now

In this special Just Security article, highly respected former member of the CIA’s Senior Intelligence Service, John Sipher examines the Steele dossier using methods that an intelligence officer would to try to validate such information. Sipher concludes that the dossier’s information on campaign collusion is generally credible when measured against standard Russian intelligence practices, events subsequent to Steele’s reporting, and information that has become available in the nine months since Steele’s final report. The dossier, in Sipher’s view, is not without fault, including factual inaccuracies. Those errors, however, do not detract from an overarching framework that has proven to be ever more reliable as new revelations about potential Trump campaign collusion with the Kremlin and its affiliates has come to light in the nine months since Steele submitted his final report.
Definitely on to something there. A lot of people are unaware of how hard its get into Canada and how tough their immigration laws are.
Indeed - and are very conservative at heart on so many matters. Almost a good balance between liberal and conservatism I say.
When I talk to my new colleagues re: UK and some of the policies they often are quite exasperated and 'wow that's so dumb' or 'what do you guys think would happen?!'

As I say to my friends in the UK, Canadians just do the obvious things...and well.
(i.e. why wouldn't you want it to be a difficult place to get into, to jump through hoops of fire, to be able to speak English etc etc)
Is it? The US have all sorts of programs including some that allow immigrants with numbers of immigrant visas per country (not all countries, that changes with the wind) with no regard to skill sets.
Canada is mostly on the points basis I thought.
Yep it's a lie! Jeez :lol:

Well I was intrigued to know the fact. The outrage has clearly been positioned as if Trump and administration are barbarians and it's utterly outrageous what he's doing - yet the Canadians that everyone love, are doing the same!

Now that I'm living here, I can see why they are so pro-Immigration and so 'nice' - even being married to a Canadian it took me 10months and countless checks to get here, for my wife to get into the UK, it took 48hours!!
Not sure what you're suggesting about my statement. The lady in the tweet comes off as a tabloid clickbaitey type, based on her occupation and tweets. To be honest, I'm actually a fan of Canadian immigration policies to an extent.
A Second Look at the Steele Dossier—Knowing What We Know Now

In this special Just Security article, highly respected former member of the CIA’s Senior Intelligence Service, John Sipher examines the Steele dossier using methods that an intelligence officer would to try to validate such information. Sipher concludes that the dossier’s information on campaign collusion is generally credible when measured against standard Russian intelligence practices, events subsequent to Steele’s reporting, and information that has become available in the nine months since Steele’s final report. The dossier, in Sipher’s view, is not without fault, including factual inaccuracies. Those errors, however, do not detract from an overarching framework that has proven to be ever more reliable as new revelations about potential Trump campaign collusion with the Kremlin and its affiliates has come to light in the nine months since Steele submitted his final report.

Interesting response to this:

John Sipher’s Garbage Post Arguing the Steele Dossier Isn’t Garbage
Stop calling those on DACA 'kids'. Many of them are in college.

Of course Don Jr. is a 'good boy'.

And 35 year old Sr. White House advisor Ivanka is a little girl who just wants to tag along with her daddy

When I read it I was thinking 'he's taking the piss out of people that intimate he wants to feck her' and then I watched the clip and remembered who he was and it's fecking horrible.
Not sure what you're suggesting about my statement. The lady in the tweet comes off as a tabloid clickbaitey type, based on her occupation and tweets. To be honest, I'm actually a fan of Canadian immigration policies to an extent.
I'm laughing at, instead of debating the issue, there being absolutely no hint of her misrepresenting the fact by anyone, you nonchantly announce it's a lie! Profound!
I'm laughing at, instead of debating the issue, there being absolutely no hint of her misrepresenting the fact by anyone, you nonchantly announce it's a lie! Profound!
Now that is a lie. Bit ironic how you put words in my mouth, isn't it?

She seems like a very impartial and well rounded person who works for a high quality news publication.

Where did I say she lied? Do you even understand English? Maybe Canadian immigration policies aren't so strict after all...
She seems like a very impartial and well rounded person who works for a high quality news publication.
I read the story on her twitter feed (linked below) about the girl born in Canada who she implies is deported because her parents were illegals...

She doesn't really convey the girl's fate accurately and the full story doesn't paint Canada's policy in a good light...

The girl wasn't deported. Canada can't deport a Canadian citizen. The girl's parents were deported when she was 2, leaving her parents with the choice between leaving their citizen daughter behind in state care or bringing her back to Grenada with them.

The negative light...
At age 2, Hillary Booker was taken to Grenada with her parents, who were deported to the island after they were caught overstaying their welcome — and visitor’s visa — in Canada.

Growing up in poverty and despair, Booker always fantasized what life would have been like for her here.

But the return to her birthplace some 12 years later was a disappointment. The teenager, a Canadian citizen by virtue of her birth in Canada, was thrust into adulthood overnight — trying to survive on her own with no friends or family around.

“Back home, everything was a struggle. I thought everything was going to be fun and great in Canada,” said Booker, now 19, who returned to Toronto alone in 2007. “But it turns out to be all negative. I feel lost here.”

Children born in Canada to non-status migrants are Canadian citizens by birth but that doesn’t prevent their non-status parents, often failed refugee claimants, from being removed from the country.

These parents are faced with a dilemma: Should they leave their children behind in state care, or uproot them for a life of destitution and/or danger in their home country?
Why is Canada in this discussion thread? I don't think I ever heard Canada boasting their Canadian dream or pride themselves as the land of opportunity or that they have a President Trump. Canada is not an excuse for what the Trump presidency does.
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