The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Poor lad he keeps turning to is screaming OMGGGG inside.


Trump must have been given the platinum card in record time.
The Letter Barack Obama Left Donald Trump Upon Leaving Office

Congratulations on a remarkable run. Millions have placed their hopes in you, and all of us, regardless of party, should hope for expanded prosperity and security during your tenure.

This is a unique office, without a clear blueprint for success, so I don’t know that any advice from me will be particularly helpful. Still, let me offer a few reflections from the past 8 years.

First, we’ve both been blessed, in different ways, with great good fortune. Not everyone is so lucky. It’s up to us to do everything we can (to) build more ladders of success for every child and family that’s willing to work hard.

Second, American leadership in this world really is indispensable. It’s up to us, through action and example, to sustain the international order that’s expanded steadily since the end of the Cold War, and upon which our own wealth and safety depend.

Third, we are just temporary occupants of this office. That makes us guardians of those democratic institutions and traditions ― like rule of law, separation of powers, equal protection and civil liberties ― that our forebears fought and bled for. Regardless of the push and pull of daily politics, it’s up to us to leave those instruments of our democracy at least as strong as we found them.

And finally, take time, in the rush of events and responsibilities, for friends and family. They’ll get you through the inevitable rough patches.
Michelle and I wish you and Melania the very best as you embark on this great adventure, and know that we stand ready to help in any ways which we can.

Good luck and Godspeed,


I have a feeling that Trump's letter will look like this:

Dear Madam President,

I hope things are swell with you. I had a tremendous ride doing this gig and did such a great job that some say I will be the best President ever. Tough, Fair, and caring for all Americans, not like that coloured guy Muslim guy who conned his way into the office. He was a total disaster, total yuge disaster. That's why I am so loved, bigly by everyone.

Believe me, many people said I am the smartest guy on Earth.. thats how I made all Americans rich now.
America is the greatest country on Earth or the parts which still habitable, you know after those bombs were sent by me. I was tough. Boy, was I tough. Those yellow pests… my Pappa always said you cant trust them. Great as accountants but even then, we had to keep an eye on those slants all day. Haha!
Anyway, many many people said I did such a great job… such a great job…. Many, many billions of people loved the job I did, even more than those 126 million that showed up at my Inauguration. The biggest yugest show on Earth then. Believe me.

If I can only stayed longer, I think I could do a wonderful job not just for America but for the rest of the planet... you know like President of Earth. The first. But its very unfair. The media just would not let me do it. The fake news people are all nasty haters and losers. Just not very smart people. Not like me.
Soo unfair. I could tear down that CHI-na wall like that President once said... President Lincoln, who knew. I think... believe it would have been wonderful. It kept out the Mexican rapists and nasty drug dealers for centuries.

All I wanted was to help them all make so much money. Billions and billions of money for billions and billions of the people of Earth. Help them all win again. Thats why in America they all very much love me.
They are too tired from winning. No body knows more about winning than me. President Donald J Trump.
Believe me, it would have been unbelievable.

Now you just have to look back at my tweets and see how I made America great again. Believe me, its a tough job but its possible. You need to be smart and bigly educated like me.

I will take a break after this job after working non-stop working for the American people for so many years. Then I will think of my next gig ... many people have given me ideas...but you can always call me for advice. If not, I will just tweet the advice.

#MEGA (Make Earth Great Again)

Your Sincerest Advisor,
Greatest President Donald J Trump aka Greatest45.

Another draft:


If you could find it in your heart to issue me a pardon, that would be great.

So, a lot is being made of the fact Sam Clovis is not a scientist, while being lined up for the top science job in government.

Yet the fact hes a white supremacist, Birther and homophobic is kind of getting lost in the daily outrage.

This is the danger of normalizing trump's behavior, and why the media are really letting people down. Clovis is not a fit person to be part of any administration in any capacity. I guarantee that he could not pass the evaluations to be a driver for the whitehouse fleet, but he can be put into a position of power.

This is where the real danger of trump is, these people are destroying the departmental structure of a functioning government. Russia is important, but it is only newsworthy when the hammer falls on whatever they find. This, the day to day destruction of government, should be front and center.
So, a lot is being made of the fact Sam Clovis is not a scientist, while being lined up for the top science job in government.

Yet the fact hes a white supremacist, Birther and homophobic is kind of getting lost in the daily outrage.

This is the danger of normalizing trump's behavior, and why the media are really letting people down. Clovis is not a fit person to be part of any administration in any capacity. I guarantee that he could not pass the evaluations to be a driver for the whitehouse fleet, but he can be put into a position of power.

This is where the real danger of trump is, these people are destroying the departmental structure of a functioning government. Russia is important, but it is only newsworthy when the hammer falls on whatever they find. This, the day to day destruction of government, should be front and center.

Tbf, those are essentially prerequisites to getting a job in the Trump administration
Why is Trump ending the DACA programme, but putting a 6 month delay on it? Congress will be under huge pressure to act and get laws passed to protect the dreamers.

What's the purpose of this? Is it just to make the dreamers worry and fear whilst congress works out a solution?
Why is Trump ending the DACA programme, but putting a 6 month delay on it? Congress will be under huge pressure to act and get laws passed to protect the dreamers.

What's the purpose of this? Is it just to make the dreamers worry and fear whilst congress works out a solution?

The issue had been passed around between the white house and Congress like a hot potato for the longest time until Obama used executive order to push it through.

The problem with executive order is that since it wasn't vetted by Congress it's always susceptible to be cancelled by a republican president.

Moreover it doesn't offer much more than temporary work visa and deferred action on deportation.

I can't fault Trump on this because he firmly put the ball in Congress court to pass something better and long term that would give them permanent residence and a chance to lay roots and buy property.

Now we see if Ryan is capable of passing a single bill as speaker.
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Why is Trump ending the DACA programme, but putting a 6 month delay on it? Congress will be under huge pressure to act and get laws passed to protect the dreamers.

What's the purpose of this? Is it just to make the dreamers worry and fear whilst congress works out a solution?

Huge boost with his bigoted base, and puts the onus on others to take responsibility.
The issue had been passed around between the white house and Congress like a hit potato for the longest time until Obama used executive order to push it through.

The problem with executive order is that since it wasn't vetted by Congress it's always susceptible to be cancelled by a republican president.

Moreover it doesn't offer much more than temporary work visa and deferred action on deportation.

I can't fault Trump on this because he firmly put the ball in Congress court to pass something better and long term that would give them permanent residence and a chance to lay roots and buy property.

Now we see if Ryan is capable of passing a single bill as speaker.

Thanks, that's useful info.

Congress will hopefully get legislation passed on DACA within the 6 months.
Huge boost with his bigoted base, and puts the onus on others to take responsibility.

It'll create more tensions between the Trump supporters and the rest of the GOP if congress pass a bill to protect the dreamers.
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