The Trump Presidency - Part 2

It's insane when you think about it, working for the government is seen as the most stable and reliable thing you can do in basically any country in decent shape, you never have to think about possibly looking for another job unless you want to, and most just see their time out until they retire. Then along comes a president that just starts rinsing thousands of people with basically no notice like he's a predatory investor stripping a company for parts.
How many days did Trump spend golfing this week?
Think what it covers.

Government employees include workers at national parks, the director of the FBI, and the guy that mows the lawns at the white house.

There are 2.4 million of them, and they have to report every week? No half arsed AI is going to make sense of that data, so rule out grok. musk will need to hire thousands of people just to read them.

Then you get into the security risk of having the details and activities of every current state employee floating around just waiting to be stolen.
They'd have to change the constitution. That's what his supporters want, as it goes, and they're not quiet about it. But how easy is that in practice? If it happens it would be the verification of Marx' famous quote: history repeats itself... first as tragedy and then as farce (this would be akin to Caesar taking office after the Roman Empire had started to collapse).

The other thing is this: how can you be massively into the idea of a republic if you're willing to accept an entirely unconstitutional third term (there could not be an election and iirc FDR managed to hold one during WW2 so what kind of excuse could you possibly come up with that would allow you to suspend elections?).

The SC has Trump/MAGA appointees but aren't they basically die hard constitutionalists?

Either way, it would cause a civil war imo.
They're not constitutionalists. Well, some may be, but the core guys, like Trump and currently Musk, are authoritarians that will use any argument to get done what they want. I don't believe for a second that Trump cares about democracy and due process, or anything else. He just thinks he has infinite wisdom and is a blessing to the US - and that alone will justify (to his mind) whatever he can come up with to stay in power. And I wouldn't be surprised if he will find tricks at the next presidential elections to stay in power (including postponing the elections or declaring their results invalid), and possibly also to rig the mid-terms.

Overall, I'd also say that it's really not useful to look for or point out contradictions or hypocrisies in what Trump and his people say and do. (At least when trying to understand them. It might be useful in discussion with others.) Ultimately, anything he says serves to further whatever he thinks is right at the moment. How that relates to anything else he's said and done (or to the truth, proven theory, or anything else outside of his own mind that sensible people would think is important) is simply irrelevant to him.
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My federal govmnt working wife's been on vacation for 2 weeks and hasn't logged in as we're overseas and she's not allowed to do that. Presumably she'll get the email when she gets back but her response may be later than Elon would like.
He probably slipped something thru that said if you take a vacation your fired!
When the dust settles you d have to wonder how many people s lives have gotten destroyed or at minimum been seriously negatively affected by all this. I don't think many realize how integral the continuance of federal government is to the health of this country. Everyone will see consequences one way or another.
mandatory 6x10 shifts is already a disaster waiting to happen, bloody hell
I need to fly again this week and I've never been more scared to do so than I am now. I know we still have lots of good people working on the ground and in the air but you d have to wonder how they been emotionally affected by this at the very least.
I need to fly again this week and I've never been more scared to do so than I am now. I know we still have lots of good people working on the ground and in the air but you d have to wonder how they been emotionally affected by this at the very least.

Yeah if it's as bad as they say and true about the worry about job security added with the loss of workmates, so fewer staff for extra hours and shifts. That all leads to Immense tiredness and unnecessary extra pressure imho.
I need to fly again this week and I've never been more scared to do so than I am now. I know we still have lots of good people working on the ground and in the air but you d have to wonder how they been emotionally affected by this at the very least.
Doesn't matter how good the person is when they are burnout and under constant stress. The NHS has never recovered from the burnout during Covid and chronic understaffing.