Television The Traitors (BBC) | Series 3 now airing. If you watch episodes on the iPlayer that haven't aired on the BBC television, put discussion in spoilers

Just watched the American season 2. This was painful.
Am midway through and enjoying it - as I have each season in the various countries.
I prefer when they don’t have celebrities, but I like the concept of the show so each have been good IMO.
I did like the ending.
The amount of people from the Bravo Wives spoiled the show for me. Seeing them lose in the end made the show less annoying.
I agree - seems wrong to almost engineer alliances before the show itself starts.
It’s definitely a different dynamic when they have celebs in - and actually not so much the fact they are celebs, but rather that they are used to these kind of reality shows.
Watching the US Season 2 version, I'm at Episode 10 and can I just say those Housewife people were either extremely next level dumb, or next level cowards really.
The traitors were all poor in different ways
Every season I get unreasonably annoyed at how thick the contestants are. Against my better judgement, I will be tuning in tonight.

I was going to say the early episodes aren't as bad but, in the first season, didn't the woman with one hand get eliminated first because someone noticed she didn't clap with everyone else and decided that meant she was a traitor...despite only having one hand. It was something daft like that, right?
Every season I get unreasonably annoyed at how thick the contestants are. Against my better judgement, I will be tuning in tonight.

That's probably part of the appeal though isn't it? Like quiz shows we feel smarter when we know the answers and the contestants don't. It's all quite amusing to see the contestants in traitors all of a sudden, because of one minor detail in how a person behaved appears suspicious, become a rabble and chase out an innocent party because they mostly study people from their own perspective and base assumptions off of that. Well that's not how I would have behaved, so they must be a traitor, that sort of thing.

I'd probably flounder in the situation because I'm terrible for giving people the benefit of the doubt, but I still feel my hackles rise when the witch hunt starts.

I just hope there's no one like that Ginger chancer from the last season, god he was annoying.
Looking forward to it, glad they've kept it as normal people, i don't want z list celebrities/"influencers" i tried the American version and it annoyed the hell out of me because they and the host were ott only managed about 3 episodes. The one where they had a mix was quite interesting, mostly because the people were brutal af.

Surely this time they'd think to question the loyal to a t "sheep". Last season i dont recall any questions coming Mollys way. She could have been playing an absolute blinder but no one ever questioned her, you trust no one, anyone could be a traitor so at least ask the questions!

I'd want to be a traitor if I went on it, I'd rather be in control though would probably start smirking if picked/someone asked if I was. Generally quite good at knowing when to throw people under the bus

I think if I was a faithful I'd play a bit dumb, it always seems to be the sharper ones who are offed first as they are "threats" whereas probably unfairly we've seen 2 loyal sheep dragged to the end (Hannah with Wilf and Molly with Harry). Would be cracking if one of the "sheep" at the end then turned round and said I know you're a traitor and have been allying to get to the final

I usually end up wanting the traitors to win as its usually the sheep who get to the final and I never feel they deserve to win :lol:
Looking forward to it, glad they've kept it as normal people, i don't want z list celebrities/"influencers" i tried the American version and it annoyed the hell out of me because they and the host were ott only managed about 3 episodes. The one where they had a mix was quite interesting, mostly because the people were brutal af.

Surely this time they'd think to question the loyal to a t "sheep". Last season i dont recall any questions coming Mollys way. She could have been playing an absolute blinder but no one ever questioned her, you trust no one, anyone could be a traitor so at least ask the questions!

I'd want to be a traitor if I went on it, I'd rather be in control though would probably start smirking if picked/someone asked if I was. Generally quite good at knowing when to throw people under the bus

I think if I was a faithful I'd play a bit dumb, it always seems to be the sharper ones who are offed first as they are "threats" whereas probably unfairly we've seen 2 loyal sheep dragged to the end (Hannah with Wilf and Molly with Harry). Would be cracking if one of the "sheep" at the end then turned round and said I know you're a traitor and have been allying to get to the final

I usually end up wanting the traitors to win as its usually the sheep who get to the final and I never feel they deserve to win :lol:

There’s supposed to be a celebrity uk version out sometime this year.
There’s supposed to be a celebrity uk version out sometime this year.

Let's hope we actually get some quality in terms of the celebrities, i don't want a tonne of love islanders/towie types

Derren Brown would be a cracking one to have in there but it'll probably all be loose women/love island/towie etc. Claudia as a contestant would be interesting if they could get a suitable person to cover hosting
Good thing about watching the US/Aussie versions is that I don't know 95% of them so might as well recognise them as non-celebrities.
I wouldn't have left as no guarantee you come back

The guy in the green jumper looks like Amorim
These lot are making all sorts up.
Pretending to be Welsh? Fair play.
I think that opera singer will out herself fairly quickly.
What the feck is social capital. I'd get her out just for that comment.
Trouble is the switched on ones like Jake get murdered or banished fairly quickly, as they're a threat and we get stuck with clueless sheep

I don't think I'd have said anything quite yet if I was him don't draw attention
Surely the sisters can work together if they've agreed to split the prize money they currently win regardless what side wins