Television The Sopranos

They're not even that sociopathic compared to some other shows. On my rewatch last year I remember saying I had forgotten how funny it is at times as well.

Something like Gomorrah was unwatchable for me because I felt that one was purely just a load of scumbags all just killing and being serious all the time. You need humour to balance it out.

One of the best shows I've ever seen. The nastiness of the characters never phased me. For me, it demonstrates the realities of the environment.
One of the best shows I've ever seen. The nastiness of the characters never phased me. For me, it demonstrates the realities of the environment.
Yeah that's fine. I just think it's draining without any dark humour to at least break it up.
The characters are beautifully written, you have to watch the series again and you'll pick up on new things and learn more about them.

Out of all the TV series I've watched and enjoyed, I think Sopranos might have the lowest re-watchability for me personally. I am 99% sure that I wont rewatch it.

I honestly don't think that I missed out a lot of subtleties when it comes to the characters. The characters are well fleshed-out and despite their insanity you typically understand where they are coming from and why they do the things they do, even if you don't agree with them. But the way things transpire aren't necessarily that subtle, nor does it need to be. A story can be well-written without being confusing and full off subtleties that fly over the head of most watchers and I think that The Sopranos is an example of this.

The bit in bold is a fair point, but you have to remember this show came out when binge watching wasn't really a thing so I do agree watching 6 seasons back to back in a short timespan can get a bit too much. Give it a break and start watching it again 6 months or a year later. I promise you;ll end up enjoying it even more!

We didn't really binge this. My wife and I take forever to watch series so we spent almost a full year getting through the 6 seasons. I think we averaged between 2 or 3 episodes per week. We also had a few breaks (once to watch Shogun, another time because we went on a long vacation).
Out of all the TV series I've watched and enjoyed, I think Sopranos might have the lowest re-watchability for me personally. I am 99% sure that I wont rewatch it.

I honestly don't think that I missed out a lot of subtleties when it comes to the characters. The characters are well fleshed-out and despite their insanity you typically understand where they are coming from and why they do the things they do, even if you don't agree with them. But the way things transpire aren't necessarily that subtle, nor does it need to be. A story can be well-written without being confusing and full off subtleties that fly over the head of most watchers and I think that The Sopranos is an example of this.

We didn't really binge this. My wife and I take forever to watch series so we spent almost a full year getting through the 6 seasons. I think we averaged between 2 or 3 episodes per week.
Wow. That’s surprising for me. Rewatched it multiple times and it just got better and better.
I've never seen this. What is it like? I enjoyed Breaking Bad and The Wire a lot, how does it compare to those?

Will I enjoy it if I watch it now or has it aged badly?
I've never seen this. What is it like? I enjoyed Breaking Bad and The Wire a lot, how does it compare to those?

Will I enjoy it if I watch it now or has it aged badly?
Better than BrBa and on par with the Wire.
I think it’s aged incredibly well. Wonderful portray of the US in the aftermath of 9/11.
Wow. That’s surprising for me. Rewatched it multiple times and it just got better and better.

For me re-watchability comes down to one of two things:

A) Something that connects with you on a deeper level
B) Something that is consistently entertaining. Possibly with the ability to pick and choose random episodes.

The Sopranos didn't really connect with me on a deeper level and I don't find the entertainment value high enough. An example of A would for me be Mr. Robot. And example of B would typically be sitcoms like IASIP.

I think The Wire is better than The Sopranos, but I also don't find it very re-watchable. But I think I will re-watch it because I miss the "universe" so much more than the Sopranos universe. Also, my wife hasn't seen The Wire so it's a good excuse for a rewatch!
I've never seen this. What is it like? I enjoyed Breaking Bad and The Wire a lot, how does it compare to those?

Will I enjoy it if I watch it now or has it aged badly?

You will probably enjoy it. It's a very good series.

I personally like BB and The Wire more.
For me re-watchability comes down to one of two things:

A) Something that connects with you on a deeper level
B) Something that is consistently entertaining. Possibly with the ability to pick and choose random episodes.

The Sopranos didn't really connect with me on a deeper level and I don't find the entertainment value high enough. An example of A would for me be Mr. Robot. And example of B would typically be sitcoms like IASIP.

I think The Wire is better than The Sopranos, but I also don't find it very re-watchable. But I think I will re-watch it because I miss the "universe" so much more than the Sopranos universe. Also, my wife hasn't seen The Wire so it's a good excuse for a rewatch!

My estimation of Scandi Red as a man just feckin plummeted.
I think it might be the series I’ve laughed the most at

AJ’s one liners were my favourite, “what did one prick say to the other prick?” scene killed me
I've never seen this. What is it like? I enjoyed Breaking Bad and The Wire a lot, how does it compare to those?

Will I enjoy it if I watch it now or has it aged badly?

Its generally considered the best TV show of all time and its lead character as one of the most influential TV characters of all time (all subjective of course). Even so its now over 25 years old so some of the modern writing and production techniques audiences have to grown accustomed to during the binge/streamer era may leave newer viewers a bit underwhelmed. In terms of writing, character development, and tone, its probably the best among all shows. If you like Sopranos, you may also check out Boardwalk Empire since its written by one of the lead Sopranos writers.
For me re-watchability comes down to one of two things:

A) Something that connects with you on a deeper level
B) Something that is consistently entertaining. Possibly with the ability to pick and choose random episodes.

The Sopranos didn't really connect with me on a deeper level and I don't find the entertainment value high enough. An example of A would for me be Mr. Robot. And example of B would typically be sitcoms like IASIP.

I think The Wire is better than The Sopranos, but I also don't find it very re-watchable. But I think I will re-watch it because I miss the "universe" so much more than the Sopranos universe. Also, my wife hasn't seen The Wire so it's a good excuse for a rewatch!

I don't rewatch TV shows, but did manage to binge all 86 Sopranos episodes during the pandemic lockdown, and enjoyed it. The writing holds up well, even after 25 years.
Its generally considered the best TV show of all time and its lead character as one of the most influential TV characters of all time (all subjective of course). Even so its now over 25 years old so some of the modern writing and production techniques audiences have to grown accustomed to during the binge/streamer era may leave newer viewers a bit underwhelmed. In terms of writing, character development, and tone, its probably the best among all shows. If you like Sopranos, you may also check out Boardwalk Empire since its written by one of the lead Sopranos writers.
Cheers. Yes, I've seen Boardwalk Empire, it's really good. Bobby Carnivale was brilliant in that.
Gyp Rosetti was hilarious, Boardwalk is probably due a re-watch again for me.
Out of all the TV series I've watched and enjoyed, I think Sopranos might have the lowest re-watchability for me personally. I am 99% sure that I wont rewatch it.

You know, Quasimodo predicted all this!
I wonder if it’s difficult to watch something so revered at a much later date?

Seen The Sopranos multiple times and it’s easily one of my favourite shows (if not the favourite), but know a few younger folk who watched it recently for the first time and didn’t appreciate it quite as much.

Not that everyone has to love it, I just wonder about the effects of preconception when you go into something knowing it’s supposed to be the best ever.
Not that everyone has to love it, I just wonder about the effects of preconception when you go into something knowing it’s supposed to be the best ever.

Hmm, I think it goes both ways. The first season was very tough to get through. The only thing that kept me going was all the hype.
I've never seen this. What is it like? I enjoyed Breaking Bad and The Wire a lot, how does it compare to those?

Will I enjoy it if I watch it now or has it aged badly?

It's better than Breaking Bad, and for me better than the The Wire even though I love that show as well.

It's aged like a fine wine.
Breaking Bad is overrated. There, I said it.

Agreed, I'm actually part way through a rewatch at the moment but I'm not really compelled to finish it at all. Compared to The Wire or Mad Men which whenever I rewatch I'll regularly find myself at 2 in the morning having done 5 eps on the trot, contemplating watching just one more before bed

I love the absurd comedy of the sopranos and Gandolfoni is a force of nature in it but for me it's 3rd behind the 2 shows i've just mentioned
I've never seen this. What is it like? I enjoyed Breaking Bad and The Wire a lot, how does it compare to those?

Will I enjoy it if I watch it now or has it aged badly?
It’s excellent and even better, doesn’t just follow the mobster stereotype plot

The Wire is a good cop show with a decent plot and ok acting (though Dominic Wests accent seems odd, especially when he forgets it).

Breaking Bad is the dogs bollox and (like The Sopranos) doesn’t follow a well trodden path.
It’s excellent and even better, doesn’t just follow the mobster stereotype plot

The Wire is a good cop show with a decent plot and ok acting (though Dominic Wests accent seems odd, especially when he forgets it).

Breaking Bad is the dogs bollox and (like The Sopranos) doesn’t follow a well trodden path.
It's funny seeing Stringer Bell be such a bad ass then I remember, I work with him often at Sky and he struggles to say basic lines like "only on sky cinema" :lol:
Yeah, can't really go into it but there was a reason. They're still using Idris for things though, just not as much. Garfield is lovely guy.
Ooohhh....if you DM me the gossip I will promise to vote for Alex Kidd in all future tournaments.