Name Changed
Anyone see Mickelson loose it with the guy who took a picture as he was taking a shot.
What a tit.
Your man took a photo as Mickelson took the shot. I'd be pissed off if I was him as well!!!
Anyone see Mickelson loose it with the guy who took a picture as he was taking a shot.
What a tit.
I cant stand American golf fans. All these "USA" chants and shouts of "get in the hole" after every shot make me cringe.
USA 3 - 1 Europe
The Americans are playing much like a team without the distraction of Tiger. They might better asking him to stay at home next time.
why is one of the us golfers getting booed? or are they howling?
His name is Boo Weekley.
Yeah I mean I would rather someone like Boo Weekly playing Europes top player on Sunday when we needed a over Tiger, give it rest mjs
Tiger couldn't give two shits about the Ryder Cup. Probably best not to have an influence like that in the team.
I love how the Europeans are complaining about the fans, what a bunch of whiners
Good. They were both shite yesterday.
Garcia and Westwood left out of the morning foursomes.
Nothing up with supporting your team but lest not forget this is a golf tournament. Respect is paramount and hockey/football type rowdiness is out of order. Cheering and clapping opponents mistakes is also very unsporting. I know its a natural reaction in the heat of the moment but more than once today the clapping went on for several seconds after the mistake, which is pretty disgusting.
You are allowed to cheer and clap though, just not when someone is hitting the ball; it's not like they have had someone take a flash picture of them like Mick or else they would be crying about in their interviews blaming it for their loss
Two shots bad European shots on the run the American crowd went wild and acted absolutely inappropriately. Disgusting behavior.
I am done watching this.
I can what you're saying, but keep a stiff upper lip as you watch your team get battered.
WOW some of this American crowd are complete morons. When a European goes in a bunker you expect the dd cheer but they are calling the shot in LARGE numbers like you would after a god shot. Never seen or heard that sort of behavior at the Ryder Cup before.
Its a shame because most of the crowd are conducting themselves well but the tournament attracts a fair few yobs these days.
I can what you're saying, but keep a stiff upper lip as you watch your team get battered.
I think it should be Great Britain v. the US; too bad the US domination was so bad after WWII that they changed it to the US v Europe in 1979.
No Irish in there?? Tut tut shit idea
Sorry the Irish were also originally involved as well
The Europeans are exactly the most gracious hosts when they are winning, you never hear the US team complaining about it; I reckon the fans wouldnt be an 'issue' if the European team was winning
I can what you're saying, but keep a stiff upper lip as you watch your team get battered.
I have played and watched golf for 28 years, and attended several Ryder Cups. The European crowd usually respect the game and acts relatively gracefully. You just don't applaud opponents mistakes on a golf course, EVER. I have been at Ryder Cups when morons have cheered when Americans have made a bad shot and the crowd around them have let them know that is not acceptable.
This isn't football, its golf, and different standards of etiquette exist usually.
I am an American