The People's President
This is all my fault.
I hope to feck it is...I mean Kingdom of Heaven?The Village?American Beauty???ffs
Still, it's better than The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and Madden NFL 08.
Maybe worse than Call of Duty 4 of course but what isn't.
NO GODFATHER!!! Are you fecking kidding me?
C'mon Freaky, tell me you're only kidding and you got another list coming.
What's wrong with it? There's godfather 2 in it, isn't there?
The more I look at it, the more I like it. It's the perfect list.
It's all my fault.
I don't see it.
Right feck it, I'm not agonising over this any longer here it is, ready to be ridiculed by all you film buffs.
These are only films I have seen, and I know there are plenty of classics and foreigns that I haven't watched yet and therefore can't include, but to date this is my list (open to changes as I remember ones I've forgotten).
Btw top 5 was fecking hard to choose the order of and I'm still not sure whether I'm happy with it.
1. Godfather 2
2. Shawshank Redemption
3. Goodfellas
4. Godfather
5. The Shining
6. Full Metal Jacket
7. Jaws
8. 2001 - A Space Odyseey
9. Platoon
10. Alien
11. Apocalypse Now
12. Bladerunner
13. The Deer Hunter
14. One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
15. Gladiator
16. Terminator 2
17. Usual Suspects
18. Empire Strikes Back
19. Great Escape
20. Silence of the Lambs
21. Withnail and I
22. Aliens
23. Saving Private Ryan
24. Terminator
25. Evil Dead
26. Raging Bull
27. Planet of the Apes
28. Holy Grail
29. Casino
30. Lord of the Rings - Return of the King
31. A Clockwork Orange
32. Close Encounters of the Third Kind
33. The Abyss
34. Lawrence of Arabia
35. American Beauty
36. Taxi Driver
37. Psycho
38. Exorcist
39. The Big Lebowski
40. Manhunter
41. Stand By Me
42. Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring
43. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
44. Fight Club
45. Cool Hand Luke
46. Boyz in the Hood
47. Raiders of the Lost Ark
48. Jurassic Park
49. Leon
50. Dambusters
51. Seven
52. As Good as it Gets
53. Braveheart
54. Goldfinger
55. Reservior Dogs
56. Donnie Darko
57. Grosse Point Blank
58. Goodwill Hunting
59. American History X
60. Shallow Grave
61. Batman Begins
62. Pulp Fiction
63. A Nightmare on Elm Street
64. Trainspotting
65. Dazed and Confused
66. The Omen (original)
67. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
68. Excaliber
69. Great Expectations
70. Once Upon a Time in America
71. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
72. Enter the Dragon
73. Bourne Identity
74. Rocky
75. Jason and the Argonauts
76. Halloween
77. The Matrix
78. Twelve Monkeys
79. Lost Boys
80. What's Eating Gilbert Grape
81. Requiem For a Dream
82. City of God
83. The Departed
84. Battle Royale
85. The Poseidon Adventure
86. A Guide to Recognising Your Saints
87. Blow
88. Star Wars
89. Italian Job
90. Eyes Wide Shut
91. Sixth Sense
92. Back to the Future
93. Dawn of the Dead (original)
94. American Wearwolf in London
95. Life of Brian
96. LA Confidential
97. Sin City
98. A Beautiful Mind
99. Shrek
100. Die Hard
Lot of people rate 2 better. I am not sure where I stand right now, I have to watch the first again.This list is incorrect. Godfather II is in no way better than the original Godfather. You'll have to start it all over again, I'm afraid.
How the feck can you have The Departed and no Infernal Affairs?! I'm sorry Rednome but that must be corrected immediately!
I preferred Godfather 1, but it's a tough one as they're both fecking ace.
And I can see it now. Requiem, American History X, Forrest fecking Gump, M Night Shamalyan's movies all in the top 50. We should've just got Laura do the list.
This is all my fault.
I didn't know Omen was remade. Is the remake watchable?