Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I barely see James Franco at all there :eek:

Same. I recognised it as a Wiseau portrayal before I recognised it as Franco... Which is all you can ask from such an ostensibly odd casting.

His brother's playing Greg/Mark

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Oscar buzz indeed. My front runner for the win so far (I should know, I've seen two). Good pace, good acting, very good cast, well directed, good movie.
Ip Man - Holy shit, what have I just seen? I love martial arts, been practicing whole whole life, but even if you don't this movie is just......fecking epic. Donnie Yen just owns that role, and the beatings he dishes out, are like nothing I've ever seen. Just brilliant. Loved it from start to end. 11/10.
Ip Man - Holy shit, what have I just seen? I love martial arts, been practicing whole whole life, but even if you don't this movie is just......fecking epic. Donnie Yen just owns that role, and the beatings he dishes out, are like nothing I've ever seen. Just brilliant. Loved it from start to end. 11/10.
Yeah that's a great film. I also liked part 2 and will soon see part 3. Donnie Yen is one of my favourite martial arts actors. Especially love Sha Po Lang and Flashpoint.
Ip Man - Holy shit, what have I just seen? I love martial arts, been practicing whole whole life, but even if you don't this movie is just......fecking epic. Donnie Yen just owns that role, and the beatings he dishes out, are like nothing I've ever seen. Just brilliant. Loved it from start to end. 11/10.

As a chinaman, I found the whole Japanese is evil is cringeworthy. It's probably the closest thing to an american watching how the US spanks the Russia back in the cold war era movie.

PS: The Second has the best fight eva! omg! Lol. Seriously the 2nd has a better fight midway, won't spoil it for ya
Labyrinth - Was garbage and looked like garbage. Jennifer Connelly was just woeful.

Swimming Pool - T'was alright. The girl was pretty but the swimming pool was rather underwhelming.
The revenant - Kinda meh and overrated/hyped.

The bear scene was pretty good tho. I fell sleep halfway through.
Spotlight - This should get the academy best picture award, powerful, moving piece of cinema. Horrifying story though... 9/10
Just watched the interrogation scene again and came across/realised something:

Did Del Toro's character rape the guy in this scene?
In the way he stands over him? I read that as an intimidation method. I don't think he raped him though. The big jug of water made it seem fairly clear it was waterboarding.

They show the unopened water bottle while you hear the groaning noises in the background though. I thought that was to tell us he didn't bother with the waterboarding and raped him instead.

Edit: actually not sure it was unopened after watching again
They show the unopened water bottle while you hear the groaning noises in the background though. I thought that was to tell us he didn't bother with the waterboarding and raped him instead.

Edit: actually not sure it was unopened after watching again
You can also hear rythmic grunting right at the end. Also, Deo Toro made a comment in an interview about "penetrating" when the subject of him being physically intimidating was brought up.
Rape never occured to me. I assumed he was torturing him prior to waterboarding him.
Watched Jackie Brown and Goodfellas today. One was a very good film, the other a masterpiece.

7/10 & 9.5/10 respectively.
Pawn Sacrifice

I didn't knew much about Bobby Fischer, read his wikipedia once, but tobey is just annoying overacting actors with a wooden face. I'm more impressed with Sparssky to be honest, can't have enough of him, and everytime tobey is on the screen I felt like wanting to punch him, or waterboard him at least... what's with that rape / waterboard argument? it was clear as day it was waterboarding, whoever got the idea that Del Torro was raping that man is certainly smoking something


The Big Short

Wow, just wow. First, margot Robbie in bubblebath? Yes please! honestly this is a good movie, specially for someone with financial background. Steve carell was ace in here, it's baffling how Bale got the oscar nomination, he wasn't bad but far from oscar worthy imo.

For a Few Dollars More

Quite enjoyed it, but didn't think it was anything brilliant. Eastwood's good like in Fistful, and Van Cleef is an interesting counterpart. Their scenes together are good, but the villians are mostly just cardboard cut-outs. Leone's score is excellent, and there's still a lot to like.


The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Masterpiece. Van Cleef's villain is superb, and Wallach steals the show with his performance. The three main characters work well together and their stories are interwoven excellently. Full of iconic scenes, with an iconic soundtrack.

Never been a huge fan of Leone's films. Overly long with cliched characters. Also I didn't find a lot of the scenes nearly as tense as they were made out to be.
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Steve Jobs - I liked this for Fassbender alone who deserves the Oscar nod (for best of nominees, not best of year). Too Sorkin-y for it's own good and overdoses on the Jobs Kool-Aid. Supporting cast all fine too.

Sorkin Dialogue Formula
Character #1: Question
Character #2: Digression
Character #1: Confusion
Character #2: Explanation of digression
Character #1: Question
Character #2: Explanation of first question
Character #1: Confusion
Character #2: Repeated explanation of first question
Character #1: Placated
For a Few Dollars More

Quite enjoyed it, but didn't think it was anything brilliant. Eastwood's good like in Fistful, and Van Cleef is an interesting counterpart. Their scenes together are good, but the villians are mostly just cardboard cut-outs. Leone's score is excellent, and there's still a lot to like.


The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Masterpiece. Van Cleef's villain is superb, and Wallach steals the show with his performance. The three main characters work well together and their stories are interwoven excellently. Full of iconic scenes, with an iconic soundtrack.

Never been a fan of Westerns but I love these , agree with the reviews.
Never been a fan of Westerns but I love these , agree with the reviews.

Yeah, Fistful and AFDM kind of felt like well done standard Western fares to an extent (although I preferred the latter), but GBU was one of those iconic movies you partly feel like you've seen before you've seen it, because of how iconic the soundtrack/characters/scenes are. A bit like watching The Godfather or Casablanca for the first time. It's like watching something you think you know what it's going to be like, expecting it to be epic, and then getting that satisfaction of it being as good as you thought it'd be.