Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Just watched Oman 3 for the umpteenth time, each time I watch it I cant help feel we were cheated out of a very good film.
The first 2 were pretty good ,set good foundations for an excellent trilogy and then they give you 3 , a big steaming pile of crap,
Sam Neil's acting and lines were dreadful.
Just watched Oman 3 for the umpteenth time, each time I watch it I cant help feel we were cheated out of a very good film.
The first 2 were pretty good ,set good foundations for an excellent trilogy and then they give you 3 , a big steaming pile of crap,
Sam Neil's acting and lines were dreadful.

Classic Pauldy :)
Saw The Revenant last night and enjoyed it. Leo did well but it's definitely not best picture of the year for me. From the nominations, I'd have it well behind Spotlight, and probably behind Mad Max and The Martian as well. It was better than Bridge of Spies though and I haven't seen the other 3 yet. Some of the scenes were beautifully shot and the acting was good as well. Your man Gleeson is in everything these days but he was excellent here again.

Nailed on for Cinematography and could win a few others. Possibly effects for the bear scene and however the hell they managed to make it look like that horse fecked itself off the cliff.

What a hard hitting movie, whilst also being heart warming at the same time. Basically the movie is about a young girl who's been kept captive against her wishes for 7 years, in this time she's had a child by her abductor. I won't spoil the film too much but it's compelling viewing and amazingly acted.

Labyrinth - Was garbage and looked like garbage. Jennifer Connelly was just woeful.

What was you expecting?

It's a child's fantasy movie. I actually watched it again with my children last week, both of them (2 & 12) loved it as much as I did as a child.

10/10 for me.
Ex-Machina (2015) - a fascinating sci-fi film that explores the concepts of consciousness and what it means to be human. Quite a slow-paced film but brilliantly shot, and some of the CGI is awesome. 8/10
Saw Triple 9 and really really enjoyed. The marketing in England has been really poor, hardly seen many trailers / ads / posters for it. (remember seeing it online or before a movie once and thats about it).

Its got an all star cast and a really good plot / story to it. Very intense, action is good.
Saw Triple 9 and really really enjoyed. The marketing in England has been really poor, hardly seen many trailers / ads / posters for it. (remember seeing it online or before a movie once and thats about it).

Its got an all star cast and a really good plot / story to it. Very intense, action is good.

Its not out right? Don't tell me it was tonight's secret screening at Cineworld. We thought it was Zoolander so didn't bother.
Its not out right? Don't tell me it was tonight's secret screening at Cineworld. We thought it was Zoolander so didn't bother.

It was. I thought it was good, but could have been much better given the cast.
Its not out right? Don't tell me it was tonight's secret screening at Cineworld. We thought it was Zoolander so didn't bother.

Yeah. Zoolander2 came out today so they wouldnt have that as the secret screening lol.
But as @Minkaro it could have been better, but I still enjoyed it and thought it was good.

I dont get the hype with this one, a good drama but nothing really stands out, Ruffalo is annoying and keaton is top cool as cucumber, tucci is the standout imo.

Good, very entertaining but it lack something, it lacks suspense and the ending is meh, we know the church aint going to hire some goon to mess you up ey?

Saw Triple 9 and really really enjoyed. The marketing in England has been really poor, hardly seen many trailers / ads / posters for it. (remember seeing it online or before a movie once and thats about it).

Its got an all star cast and a really good plot / story to it. Very intense, action is good.
This is my most anticipated movie, looking forward to it.
The original is a really marmite film but I loved it. One of the few gruesome flicks that justified the gore. This was a completely watered down version of the film, nearly a shot for shot remake and the things they changed (especially the ending) was all for the worse. I really didn't see the point in making this film and I have no idea why I watched it. Some nice cinematography, but that's all 3/10

The Big Short

Really enjoyed this. It takes a subject matter that I have no interest or knowledge in and made me understand it and find it interesting. Was paced brilliantly and acted with aplomb. Steve Carrell gets special props for his part, he was brilliant. Definitely worth a watch 8/10
Just watched 'Hail Caesar', new Coen brothers movie. Thought it was a pile of steaming and I usually love their work.
Zoolander 2:

There were a couple of decent chuckles, some fun cameos and Will Ferrel was fun as Mugatu.
I love the original but I found this one disappointing. :(
Gone Girl - This was pretty twisted. Entertaining, but twisted and I actually enjoyed it. 7/10

The Big Short - This does a good job trying to explain the financial crisis of 2008 in a manner that does not take itself too seriously. Nice story, with good humour. 8/10

The Great Gatsby - I liked the book, watched this and it was decent. Leonardo Di Caprio was very good as usual but I hated the narrative by Toby Maguire. That spoilt it for me. 7/10

Spotlight - I enjoyed this one. A good story based on true events and good acting. 8/10

The Revenant - Abit draggy and slow moving, but it was decent. That bear attack scene was intense. 7/10
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The Last Witch Hunter
Vin Diesel is an immortal witch hunter and has to stop the threat of an ancient witch who is resurrected. What a pile of shit. Bad effects/CGI, awful acting and a storyline that a 10 year old could have written. With Vin Diesel's voice, I had to constantly rewind to make out what he was saying. Bianca aka Ygritte was in the film and looked quite hot as did the immortal witch, which is quite worrying :lol: Boring switch your brain right off crap 3/10
Bianca aka Ygritte was in the film and looked quite hot as did the immortal witch, which is quite worrying


I swear that if you/I walked into a Hollywood producer's office & said: "Here's the premise - Bruce Lee's budgie has Chevy exhausts for arms, and he lives in a pyramid. He's out to avenge the theft of Fu Manchu's kidney donor card"'d probably get made.

I swear that if you/I walked into a Hollywood producer's office & said: "Here's the premise - Bruce Lee's budgie has Chevy exhausts for arms, and he lives in a pyramid. He's out to avenge the theft of Fu Manchu's kidney donor card"'d probably get made.
:lol: Hollywood really is stupid enough to fund shit like that... although that plot sounds better than 50% of films these days
I've just remembered that budgies don't have arms...
I've just remembered that budgies don't have arms...

What a hard hitting movie, whilst also being heart warming at the same time. Basically the movie is about a young girl who's been kept captive against her wishes for 7 years, in this time she's had a child by her abductor. I won't spoil the film too much but it's compelling viewing and amazingly acted.


Enjoyed this too.
The Revenant

Just watched this last night, great cinematography and scenery. But it reeks bullshit to me, Leo would have died 1000 times, even for video games what he endures is totally over the top.

I don't enjoy this much, but I can see that it's a great performance from him. A very good movie, but probably not my cup of tea, just like There will be blood isn't my cup of tea.

7/10 (still a good movie though)

What a hard hitting movie, whilst also being heart warming at the same time. Basically the movie is about a young girl who's been kept captive against her wishes for 7 years, in this time she's had a child by her abductor. I won't spoil the film too much but it's compelling viewing and amazingly acted.


Agree with this completely.

One of those movies that I just can't stop thinking about.
Exodus Gods and Kings, and that movie where he played a sex addict spring to mind (think he wrote / directed the latter, as well).

I think you'll find he was a gigolo...Though one who exclusively sleeps with glamorous, attractive and sexually insatiable women.
I think you'll find he was a gigolo...Though one who exclusively sleeps with glamorous, attractive and sexually insatiable women.
John Turtorro directs John Turtorro in a role written by John Turtorro, for John Turtorro, where John Turtorro plays a brooding, handsome, laconic, irresistibly cool and impecably dressed ladies man who's prone to quoting profound italian idioms for no apparent reason to the admiring swoons of Sharon Stone, Vanessa Paradis in a wig, and that MILF from Modern Family who is constantly on heat. The plot sees John Turtorro (for it is he) slide half heartedly into part time work as a mature gigolo, catering exclusively to beautiful, lythe, glamorous women (you know, the usual type who pay for sex) only one of whom is ever seen in more than 15cm of clothing. It goes without saying that John Turturro (or the character John Turturro wrote for John Turturro) is fantastic at sex. They all fall in love with him, and two of them even want a menage a tois. He's that good. He is John Turturro. These fantastically glamorous women have little real purpose other than to swoon over, flirt and simulate sex with John Turtorro at regular intervals, but in lieu of any chance at a Bechdel Test pass, they do at least look very good. For this, and indeed their casting, we can presumably thank the director, John Turturro.

This is brilliant.
Why does Johnny Depp keep getting acting work? What's he been decent in recently?
He was really good when he played the gothic, quirky, aloof character in Tim Burton's Dark Shadows, which is a homage to his character in Alice in Wonderland, which is a homage to his character in Sweeney Todd, which is a tribute to is character in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory which is a tribute to his character in Sleepy Hollow which is a........very versatile actor, he is.

Edit: This is more of a criticism of Tim Burton, tbf.
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