Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

If only people would just stop pilgrimaging to the cinema to watch the Transformers films despite knowing they'll be shit then we could be spared from more sequels.

A lot of people like them though - The only 2 people who I've spoken to in the flesh about it both enjoyed this one. For the record, I really enjoyed the first and enjoyed large parts of the third, so I had some hopes for this one...

Still, the best Transformers film is the 1986 animated one... by some distance.
Under The Skin was a great film, top performance from ScarJo, very atmospheric, smart and extremely well made.
Under the Skin looked extremely boring from what I've seen of it, guess I need to sit down properly and have open mind to it...

Not that its a marker to judge all films by or anything but IMDB only scores is 6.7, more respectable score on Rotten Tomatoes, 87%.
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Sometimes it's really laughable

People coming here saying how shit transformer is, boring as feck, dull as feck, but somehow managed to see not only one installment, but all four of them (including me)

They're just one of those big blockbuster movies you can't afford to miss, and probably see it to justify our perceived "more artistic mind" and says to everyone listening how we are the supreme being for not liking them and think that they're rubbish
Sometimes it's really laughable

People coming here saying how shit transformer is, boring as feck, dull as feck, but somehow managed to see not only one installment, but all four of them (including me)

They're just one of those big blockbuster movies you can't afford to miss, and probably see it to justify our perceived "more artistic mind" and says to everyone listening how we are the supreme being for not liking them and think that they're rubbish

Thing is Transformers 4 is boring/uneventful/ a bit crap in direct comparison with Transformers 1 and 3...
I've seen the first Transformers.....none since it. Someone offered to pay for me and food to go to the second, I refused. I stick to my guns, if it was free for me, it still would of been one extra ticket to the profit of that series.
I thought about going to Transformers 4 to make fun of it, but I mean, the cinema isn't free. Saw the first one, thought it was garbage, and was done.
Still not seen any Transformers films. I'm still bitter about my Mum not taking me to see 'Transformers: The Movie', in 1986 as we lived too far away from a Cinema.
Sometimes it's really laughable

People coming here saying how shit transformer is, boring as feck, dull as feck, but somehow managed to see not only one installment, but all four of them (including me)

They're just one of those big blockbuster movies you can't afford to miss, and probably see it to justify our perceived "more artistic mind" and says to everyone listening how we are the supreme being for not liking them and think that they're rubbish

Well... as I have a Cineworld card, it's technically free for me to see these films... that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

Not that I need one - I had some genuine hopes for it.

Still not seen any Transformers films. I'm still bitter about my Mum not taking me to see 'Transformers: The Movie', in 1986 as we lived too far away from a Cinema.

I can only conclude your Mum is pure evil...

I listened to the soundtrack on Spotify the other day.... magnificent stuff
it's okay, somehow Transformers 4 wasn't even the worst film around this summer......Mrs Brown Boys has bailed you out this time Mr. Bay. Well at least in the UK, where garbage like this somehow gets viewed.
Sometimes it's really laughable

People coming here saying how shit transformer is, boring as feck, dull as feck, but somehow managed to see not only one installment, but all four of them (including me)

They're just one of those big blockbuster movies you can't afford to miss, and probably see it to justify our perceived "more artistic mind" and says to everyone listening how we are the supreme being for not liking them and think that they're rubbish
It's just you having a taste for the trashy.

Most adults I think don't rate the Transformers films but still watch them because their expectations are so low going to the cinema and they just watch whatever's on at the moment.
Also, sometimes it's really fun to bitch about films. I was hungover to shit on Saturday, so I watched Doom and a Nicolas Cage film. 'Cos I knew I'd have more fun laughing at their awfulness than watching a so-so film I had to pay attention to.
Gets tiring bitching about Transformers though, the topless robot Transformers 2 FAQ will never be topped, 90% of the follow up rants were just identical, which is me basically thinking Bay has made the same film 4 times.....though he has reused scenes on films that weren't even connected and got away with it, so wouldn't surprise me.

The same deal with the Walking Dead, how much of the whining can people do without endless going over the same ground....and yet still, insane ratings.
The lads at Red Letter Media (the people behind the Plinkett reviews) watched the first 3 Transformers films at the same time. It was funny to see how all 3 had the same story beats occur at roughly the same time, and how all 3 of them became incomprehensible in the end.
Also, sometimes it's really fun to bitch about films. I was hungover to shit on Saturday, so I watched Doom and a Nicolas Cage film. 'Cos I knew I'd have more fun laughing at their awfulness than watching a so-so film I had to pay attention to.
Doom is awesome. The ridiculous first person scene when the director thought, "feck it, anything to see less of Karl Urban".
2.35 AM and I'm sitting here watching Fellowship of the ring extended edition, I forgot how good Lord of the rings actually is. I'm going to watch them all in a 12 hour marathon :cool:
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes - Just came back from the cinema with my wife. I see myself as a movie critic and to be honest, a lot of movies these days don't really impress me that much. But this movie is almost to perfection. Proper sequel, wonderful story, great acting (without using top actors) and the directing is almost flawless. I can see why they took this long to make the sequel...they truly knocked this one out of the park. 9.5/10
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes - Just came back from the cinema with my wife. I see myself as a movie critic and to be honest, a lot of movies these days don't really impress me that much. But this movie is almost to perfection. Proper sequel, wonderful story, great acting (without using top actors) and the directing is almost flawless. I can see why they took this long to make the sequel...they truly knocked this one out of the park. 9.5/10

9.5? Is it really that good? Might go to see it tonight.
A lot of people like them though - The only 2 people who I've spoken to in the flesh about it both enjoyed this one. For the record, I really enjoyed the first and enjoyed large parts of the third, so I had some hopes for this one...

Still, the best Transformers film is the 1986 animated one... by some distance.

To be fair :
The first one wasn't that bad, it was entertaining....6/10
Second one was obviously written by a 5 year old. My daughter could have written that script. Horrible movie....2/10
The third one was a little better than the 2nd but almost edged the first. Story was ok and the explosions actually made sense....6.5/10
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9.5? Is it really that good? Might go to see it tonight.

Yes. The entire cinema clapped at the end. Not because of some crazy ending or event but we all acknowledged how well thought out and good this movie was. It's over 2 hours long and it grips you from start to finish. Trust me on this one, it's a really good movie.
Yes. The entire cinema clapped at the end. Not because of some crazy ending or event but we all acknowledged how well thought out and good this movie was. It's over 2 hours long and it grips you from start to finish. Trust me on this one, it's a really good movie.

Feeeck I really want to see this. Why the hell is it coming out so late in London ?!
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes - Just came back from the cinema with my wife. I see myself as a movie critic and to be honest, a lot of movies these days don't really impress me that much. But this movie is almost to perfection. Proper sequel, wonderful story, great acting (without using top actors) and the directing is almost flawless. I can see why they took this long to make the sequel...they truly knocked this one out of the park. 9.5/10
That's another positive review to add to the list for this film. I wasn't really expecting amazing things from this, I thought 'Rise' was a good film and much, much better than the previous remake, but now I can't wait for this one.
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes - Just came back from the cinema with my wife. I see myself as a movie critic and to be honest, a lot of movies these days don't really impress me that much. But this movie is almost to perfection. Proper sequel, wonderful story, great acting (without using top actors) and the directing is almost flawless. I can see why they took this long to make the sequel...they truly knocked this one out of the park. 9.5/10
9.5 for a squeal WOW I am impressed, to be honest I was expecting this to be slatted, hear nothing but good about this film, really cant wait to watch this now.
Is the tone of these new ape movies very serious? It looks that way in trailers and stuff, and I know I like a lot of goofy shit but I cannot get into movies that present apes on horses taking over the world in a very grim and gritty manner.
Saw Three Colors:Blue again last night. Something very powerful about that film. A grief-stricken woman tries to wall herself off from her past and all feeling; but life is insidious.
9.5 for a squeal WOW I am impressed, to be honest I was expecting this to be slatted, hear nothing but good about this film, really cant wait to watch this now.

You can really see why they took this long to make this's a well thought out story and at no time within the 2 plus hours, did it get boring or even cheesy. Most were impressed afterwards.
Seems I'm one of the few who didn't like the new Apes movie. Thought it was full of cliches and was very predictable. Standard 6/10 for me.
There's no point bitching about Transformers when it's such blockbusters that indirectly help fund the indies.

No studio is going to back a Spike Jonze film, if they're not making money elsewhere.
Watched Her yesterday, started out fantastic but got a bit too cheesy for my liking towards the end. Joaquin Phoenix is great as usual. 7/10
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