Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Nocturinal Animals. So much layers of art.

A fashion designer makes a film about an art woman who is given a book by her old husband. He is a brilliant book writer and the book is brilliant. She writes him an email saying his book is brilliant. This brilliant book turns into a brilliant film as she reads it. There are some brilliant scary bits when she gasps, and some brilliant sad bits when she cries, and some brilliant bits that make no sense at all. Some of the brilliant dialogue includes "You have sad eyes" and "you eventually become your mother". All the art all the time. Best art thing since BrAngelina spent a million on a Banksy.

Some people (me), who don't know much about art, may say that this is not brilliant art but that it is fraudulent, cheap, vulgar and crap. They may even compare it to a Big Mac in a gold leaf wrapper. But they are wrong because it is a "devastating... deeply moving... beautifully written" art.

Now showing at the Bullingdon Club film night. Heston's guano covered popcorn available in the foyer.
Macfarland, USA
So the great white hope Kevin Costner teaches some cholos the way of life, the rewards of hardwork and how they should use their gifts of running to win the cross country championships with him as their coach. Of course, things start poorly, he has a few heart-to-hearts and things go well. Typical feel good sports film about a coach and a bunch of loveable misfits. And I loved it :lol: I really am a sucker for these types of films 7/10


Arthouse horror film about a girl that has a disability that allows the spirit of a recently deceased girl to take over body. Very slow, not scary, not creepy and not entertaining. Just slow and turgid. Tried to be the next It Follows but fails. What was a 90 minute movie felt like 2 hours. Shot well and acted well but that's about it 4/10

Kong: Skull Island

A leave your brain at the door and munch on some popcorn blockbuster. Some great visuals but lots of flaws. Hardly any character development but has great action. So yeah, a typical big budget blockbuster that you'll forget pretty quickly, however, is quite fun whilst your watching it 6/10
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Split: 6/10

I really don't get why this movie is so well received. At times it's quite boring and I started to get annoyed by the girls' frightened looks all the time.
Triumph of the will
Has anyone actually watched this? I've just started it. The footage is interesting, but's a bit slow. Not a huge fan of the incessant uplifting band music either.
Triumph of the will
Has anyone actually watched this? I've just started it. The footage is interesting, but's a bit slow. Not a huge fan of the incessant uplifting band music either.
Yeah, it's a weird one. Interesting bit for me came at the end with Hitler's speech, he looks positively insane.
Yeah, it's a weird one. Interesting bit for me came at the end with Hitler's speech, he looks positively insane.
The fervour of the general public is odd too and such a contrast to today's political apathy. I mean if Theresa May was going down my street in a motorcade, I wouldn't bother getting of my couch, let alone go outside and cheer like a maniac.
The fervour of the general public is odd too and such a contrast to today's political apathy. I mean if Theresa May was going down my street in a motorcade, I wouldn't bother getting of my couch, let alone go outside and cheer like a maniac.
Well it is a propaganda film, after all. But yes, the other interesting thing was focusing on the adulation (and in the speeches at the end, political achievements on infrastructure and whatnot), with few direct references to the folk they hated.

Also you do yourself a disservice, I can fully imagining you taking to the street to protest her Brexiteering shenanigans.
Some f*cking 'will'; Hitler admitted in Mein Kampf that he just wanted to become famous & didn't mind how.
Live by Night (2016)

I wonder if ill be able to enjoy a new gangster movie once again. It seems Hollywood forgot how to do them properly.

what a piece of crap.

Live by Night (2016)

I wonder if ill be able to enjoy a new gangster movie once again. It seems Hollywood forgot how to do them properly.

what a piece of crap.

Yeah they seem to have forgotten what made gangster movies so appealing. Kill The Irishman (2011) was a good movie I felt but The Iceman (2013) and Black Mass (2015) were pretty average.
Yeah they seem to have forgotten what made gangster movies so appealing. Kill The Irishman (2011) was a good movie I felt but The Iceman (2013) and Black Mass (2015) were pretty average.

The last mafia/gangster movie i really enjoyed, was the korean "New World" (2013).

Ill give KIll the Irishman a watch because i missed it.

This was actually much better than I expected. A bit silly at places and dialogue is not the best, but overall not a bad movie. 7/10
No worries. You will definitely not be disappointed on the action front, It's exactly what you would want a movie like this to be. I always felt Godzilla was trying to be too serious and missed a trick with the technology and effects at its disposal.

I really enjoyed it. Kong looked fantastic imo, and the one thing I really enjoyed about this over Godzilla was that you get to see a lot of the main monster.
For Godzilla it seemed they tried their best to avoid showing it.
In this you get it right from the start which sets a nice tone. Enjoyable seeing the other island monsters too.
Godzilla imo relied too much on the humans, and they killed the best actor who they could have relied upon.

Yeah, looks pretty awesome. Going to see this tomorrow as part of a triple header with Logan and the The Great Wall at Odeon.

Decent double bill if youre going for action over story (well strong storytelling rather).
John Wick and John Wick Chapter 2

Both excellent films.
2 of Reeves best films.

8/10 for both

Acceptable quality on the TS versions of John Wick 2 currently available?

Really want to see it but has been waiting for better versions.
The Inner Scar - Terrible nonsense but it had Nico in it, acting, singing and all round existing, so I couldn't help but like it. Basically one long, extended proto music video.
Hidden Figures: a not uninteresting story about talented black women in the 1960s who helped NASA's space program while being confronted with prejudice along the way. It's not a great film, it's very much by the numbers, sappy at times and packs no surprises whatsoever. Still, the acting is fine, Kevin Costner costners his way through the film, as I said it's an interesting story, so ok. Meh, but not in a horrible way.

Split: I enjoyed this, there's a good mix between tension and humour at times, McAvoy is excellent throughout, and even though the girls were a bit annoying in it, I thought it was engrossing enough to keep you captivated throughout, and to make scenes like this:

(careful, it's actually a spoiler) work pretty well. The end was a bit too far-fetched maybe, and it's a film that doesn't resist too much scrutiny, but it's worth seeing.

with Bruce Willis's appearance at the end, are there plans to make a saga out of this? Or was it just a cheeky wink at Unbreakable?
Imperial Dreams - been a while since I saw a 'hood movie set in South Central. The projects where this story takes place will look familiar to anyone who's seen Training Day. Anyway the lead character, played by Peckham's John Boyega, is an aspiring writer just out of prison determined to stay on the straight and narrow and raise his ten year-old son. But the system and his family (especially his uncle played by a refreshingly evil Glen Plummer) keep trying to drag him back into the criminal life.

Decent movie, it contains many of the usual cliches of this genre but handles them in a more nuanced/understated way than you're used to seeing. The best thing about it is Boyega's imposing performance, this guy is a real star in the making with genuine screen presence and charisma. Good soundtrack as well, it avoids the usual hip-hop overload you often get in these. 7.5/10

This has to be one of the best alien related movie made in recent years. The movie starts slowly and becomes better as it progresses. The last 20 minutes is simply mind-blowing and the direction/ narrative is excellent.

The Faith Of Anna Waters
A woman goes to Singapore to take care of her niece and find out why her sister committed suicide, to her surprise, a mystery surrounds the death. Awful horror film, full of stupid character decisions and non-stop, unearned jump scares. Sick and tired of these two genre tropes 2/10

xXx: Return Of Xander Cage

Balls to the wall insane action, pretty much does what it says on the tin and at this point in the franchise, you know if you'd enjoy a film like this or not just by the title. I just wish they would have showcased the martial arts of Donnie Yen and Tony Jaa more, instead of shaky cam quick cuts that are super distracting 6.5/10

Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping
After the failure of his second album, a former boyband member, surrounded by yes men, does all it takes to regain his fame. Hilarious mockumentary and very true to real life popstars in this day and age. Laugh a minute gags and really funny songs. Enjoyed the hell out of this film. Not sure why this didn't do better at the box office, I suspect the film title is to blame for that 8/10


A failing theatre owner runs a competition to find stars for his new play. Really enjoyable animation film with loads of laughs, a touching story (and sub plots) and some really good singers (especially the voice for the Elephant). Had a great time with this one 8.5/10
London Road

Stumbled across this on BBC iPlayer and stuck it on because living in Ipswich I have an basic curiosity of the subject matter.Suffice to say someone has inexplicably decided to make a musical based around the fallout in the local community following the Steven Wright prostitute murders back in 2006 and it's every bit as terrible as it sounds. Now when I say a musical, they haven't actually written any proper songs or anything they've basically just taken interviews from the residents of London Road (where the killer lived) and surrounding areas and made the cast sing them. So yeah imagine that for an hour and a half and the humorous novelty of it wears off after about 30. Add to the fact that it's not even set in Ipswich (think they filmed it in Bexley) and none of the cast bothers to even attempt a Suffolk accent and I barley made it to the 45 minute mark before turning it off. Speaking of the cast Tom Hardy makes a bizarre 3 minute cameo as a singing taxi driver which I can only assume was because he was in the area at the time and fancied a quick pay cheque and another notch on his filmography. Olivia Colman's appearance is more understandable as she'll do anything weird. So yeah, utter drek even if I can't stop singing "everyone was very very nervous...and very uncertain of everything...basically" (that's a song).
Kong Skull Island

Great film that is visually stunning throughout, whether its the location or the action scenes it is beautiful to look at. The action never lets up, they don't get too bogged down in explaining the existence of huge monsters. Shamelessly borrows a lot from the likes of Apocalypse Now and Jurassic Park and most of the cast are undeveloped fodder but it didn't really matter a whole lot because it was such good fun. Basically understood the genre tone much better than Godzilla.

(careful, it's actually a spoiler) work pretty well. The end was a bit too far-fetched maybe, and it's a film that doesn't resist too much scrutiny, but it's worth seeing.

with Bruce Willis's appearance at the end, are there plans to make a saga out of this? Or was it just a cheeky wink at Unbreakable?
M Night Shyamalan confirmed that there will be a 3rd film in the series. Dunno if it will be Willis and McEvoy facing off or if its just he will revisit a world where superpowers exist
Nocturinal Animals. So much layers of art.

A fashion designer makes a film about an art woman who is given a book by her old husband. He is a brilliant book writer and the book is brilliant. She writes him an email saying his book is brilliant. This brilliant book turns into a brilliant film as she reads it. There are some brilliant scary bits when she gasps, and some brilliant sad bits when she cries, and some brilliant bits that make no sense at all. Some of the brilliant dialogue includes "You have sad eyes" and "you eventually become your mother". All the art all the time. Best art thing since BrAngelina spent a million on a Banksy.

Some people (me), who don't know much about art, may say that this is not brilliant art but that it is fraudulent, cheap, vulgar and crap. They may even compare it to a Big Mac in a gold leaf wrapper. But they are wrong because it is a "devastating... deeply moving... beautifully written" art.

Now showing at the Bullingdon Club film night. Heston's guano covered popcorn available in the foyer.

I thought it was a rather slow thriller/drama with a shit end.
Assassins Creed

Shit movie.
Shit plot.
Shit action.
Shit music.
Shit acting.
Shit direction.

There's no background on why Fassbender ends on as a convicted murderer. He sees his mom killed and then just blanks out till his death? Didn't he try to find his father?
Marion Cotillard's acting would make a stone gargoyle look like Matthew McConaughy. Is she good or evil? She talks about them helping each other, but isn't afraid to burn him (and many other before) ebfore in the animus. Then talks about betrayal to her father and finally ends up with the templars?
And he just walks into a building full of templars, goes to the stage, kills the bad guy, escapes and no one, I mean no one takes any action.
Why don't the animus guys have guns? A bunch of prisoner patients take out the whoe facility and they have nothing to defend?
Grave (Think it's called Raw in the UK?)

Not usually a big fan of horror/gore, but I couldn't look away from this one. The symbolism might be a little on the nose, but I loved the film - it's refreshingly bold and confident. Minor gripe with the last scene, thought it could've been a tad more subtle.
Get Out - Well written and thought out thriller movie that cuts and builds the tension so effortlessly. Daniel Kaluuya does a great job in the lead role and it really adds to the film working so well. 8/10
Get Out - Well written and thought out thriller movie that cuts and builds the tension so effortlessly. Daniel Kaluuya does a great job in the lead role and it really adds to the film working so well. 8/10

Second this. Though obviously a limited budget films, it has a perfect cast and the direction keep you engrossed till the end. Despite being a thriller, it has a vein of satire on (unintentional) interracial prejudices even amongst the liberals which gives it a edge of humour.

Very good movie. 8/10
Tommy Wisseau has a new film out soon
Really? Or are you talking about "The Disaster Artist", the film about him and the making of The Room? (with James Franco)

Really looking forward to The lost city of Z, James Gray's latest film. The reviews over here are pretty great so far.
Really? Or are you talking about "The Disaster Artist", the film about him and the making of The Room? (with James Franco)

Really looking forward to The lost city of Z, James Gray's latest film. The reviews over here are pretty great so far.
Why do you French people like James Gray so much? He's the definition of middling.
Why do you not like anything?!

Dear Lord.

In all fairness, it doesn't look half bad. If it doesn't have some references to the Room I'll be very disappointed. I love the quotes at the end, words escape me too.