Mrs Smoker
Full Member
New X-Men is absolute garbage.
Is that the one on a train? I remember there was one film he did where some lass from Baywatch got her baps out, so it had redeeming feature at least.Have you seen On Deadly Ground?
Nah the train one is Under Siege 2: Dark Territory. On Deadly Ground is set in Alaska, it has the environmentalist bullshit he loves, it's about an oil platform being built and killing esquimos or something. Michael Caine is the baddie in it.Is that the one on a train? I remember there was one film he did where some lass from Baywatch got her baps out, so it had redeeming feature at least.
Wow, that's an impressive knowledge of his back catalogue. They all kind of blur into one. My word, Michael Caine has done some bad films. Who the feck ever thought any of his films warranted a sequel?Nah the train one is Under Siege 2: Dark Territory. On Deadly Ground is set in Alaska, it has the environmentalist bullshit he loves, it's about an oil platform being built and killing esquimos or something. Michael Caine is the baddie in it.
Wow, that's an impressive knowledge of his back catalogue. They all kind of blur into one. My word, Michael Caine has done some bad films. Who the feck ever thought any of his films warranted a sequel?
I had a phase in uni where a friend and I were fascinated by anything Seagal did, so I watched quite a few of them. On Deadly Ground is the one that sticks in mind the best, it has a drug trip in the middle where he talks to an eagle I think. And a really long and tedious eco friendly monologue at the end. It's top notch.
Get on it BillWe should do a thread on the best 80's and 90's action flicks.
We should do a thread on the best 80's and 90's action flicks.
I had a phase in uni where a friend and I were fascinated by anything Seagal did, so I watched quite a few of them. On Deadly Ground is the one that sticks in mind the best, it has a drug trip in the middle where he talks to an eagle I think. And a really long and tedious eco friendly monologue at the end. It's top notch.
That's Out for Justice, one of the Greats as well. It's really non stop violence from beginning to end.That Seagull film where he stabs the bloke in the neck with the pool cue is the best. But then again the one with the Jamaican's is pretty fecking good too.
That's Out for Justice, one of the Greats as well. It's really non stop violence from beginning to end.
Why does he need a bodyguard if he's so hard?Mate of mine bodyguarded the great man when he was in London for Under Siege and we got tix to go to the premiere.
He was probably a reverse bodyguard, protecting the great unwashed from Seagal's wrath. A hero, basically.Why does he need a bodyguard if he's so hard?
Fire down below
Delicately handled eco-drama, ahead of its time, where Steven Seagal single-handedly fights giant coal-burning corporate psychos and small town prejudice in the hunt for penetrative sex and enviromental harmony.
Thrills, spills and slo-mo fight stills as 'Mr Taggart' fixes the girl's porch and solves global warming.
it has a drug trip in the middle where he talks to an eagle
Meh everybody knows that predator wins this anyway.We should do a thread on the best 80's and 90's action flicks.
Train to Busan
The 1080p of this with English subs are now available, shoot me a PM if you want the link.
Don't laugh Steve, this is serious stuff about... eskimos and shit.
F*cking shameful way to treat a World Cup-winning captain.There's heavy name-dropping of obscure demons and clunky dialogue in the vein of 'I expel thee, goat of Azoleth'
I expel thee, ghost of LVG. Take my sacrifice of £8.5m and be gone.F*cking shameful way to treat a World Cup-winning captain.
The devil rides out
Occult hokum with Christopher Lee (playing a goodie for a change, albeit an edgy one with pointy facial hair).
Someone I vaguely remember from some '70s/80s TV shite or other is trying to summon the dark lord. Lee steps in to help the hapless Paul Eddington rescue his son from their clutches and his kid's bird, who he seems a bit too fond of.
There's heavy name-dropping of obscure demons and clunky dialogue in the vein of 'I expel thee, goat of Azoleth', all delivered stoically by a po-faced Lee.
Bit too try hard and the effects have dated badly. Stick with 'To the devil a dughter'. Nastassja Kinski's first film and she goes full frontal.
I read the Dennis Wheatley books when I was growing up, the haunting of Toby Jugg and all that, and was a fan. Seriously though, Lee's explanations for everything reads like some occultist showing off his obscure knowledge. 'They've sent the angel of death himself! Don't look him in the eye!' To the devil a daughter is defo better.I love this film. The Dennis Wheatley book is very good too.
I love this film. The Dennis Wheatley book is very good too.
When films are not just bad but incompetent, incoherent and incomprehensible, you start to wonder whether an actual human being was in charge or if a group of monkeys was given free rein on a soundstage for a month and this is what they produced. Such is the case with [re]Assignment (previously Tomboy), a B-movie in which the b stands for bad, a film made with such staggering idiocy that it deserves to be studied by future generations for just how and why it ever got made.
The premise, which has already caused upset within the trans community, has hitman Frank Kitchen (played by a beardy Michelle Rodriguez) kill a drugged up art collector who happens to be the brother of experimental black market surgeon Dr. Rachel Kay (Sigourney Weaver). As an act of revenge, but also to explore issues of gender and identity (no really), the unhinged doctor kidnaps Frank and performs reassignment surgery on him. Frank wakes up as a woman (played by a non-beardy Michelle Rodriguez), eager for vengeance.
But this is a film from a man with his eye off the road, hand off the wheel but foot on the pedal, a jumble of shoddy choices and nonsensical dialogue careering wildly into a pit of infamy. It’s as if Tommy Wiseau decided to remake The Skin I Live In.
...Gratuitous nude shots of Rodriguez as both a man and a woman (there’s an extended shot of her clutching her vagina and screaming “NO!!”)
Tone-deaf in every possible way and made with such haphazard indolence that it feels as if it might have been made for an ambitious dare, [re]Assignment is a sewage-stained gift for bad movie fans.
Amazing filmaking. Makes me wanna watch it again.
You had me at
This sounds absolutely amazing. As if Pauldy and Dirty Schwein gave up posting on redcafe and decided to make their perfect Friday night film. Some quotes from the review;
It’s as if Tommy Wiseau decided to remake The Skin I Live In.
They don’t seem content to merely make a trashy thriller although for that purpose, there’s plenty on offer as with gratuitous nude shots of Rodriguez as both a man and a woman (there’s an extended shot of her clutching her vagina and screaming “NO!!”) and numerous people being mindlessly shot in every other scene.