Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I do own a pair of Doc Martens...

Hail, Caesar! - plenty of laughs but it isn't about anything. A procession of famous people play fake famous people and there are a number of great homages to classic films. It's really fecking weird and I'm a little unsatisfied.
I do own a pair of Doc Martens...

Hail, Caesar! - plenty of laughs but it isn't about anything. A procession of famous people play fake famous people and there are a number of great homages to classic films. It's really fecking weird and I'm a little unsatisfied.
I'm curious about this one, though I probably won't go watch it at the pictures (I don't really care about seeing Coen films at the cinema actually).

Will finally get to see The Revenant this weekend though, finally out here, even though all you cock gobblers have spoiled it for me.
Nothing wrong with owning a pair of Doc Martens
Carol - It was exquisite and everything but it kinda lacked a bit of spark for me, still very good though.
The love at first sight meeting at the start of the film seemed a bit silly/ outdated, but I thought everything after that was perfect. Best of the Oscar films I've seen, though I still need to watch Room and Spotlight. Hopefully get to one of them this weekend.
I do own a pair of Doc Martens...

Hail, Caesar! - plenty of laughs but it isn't about anything. A procession of famous people play fake famous people and there are a number of great homages to classic films. It's really fecking weird and I'm a little unsatisfied.
Every so often, the Coens come out with something a bit self aggrandising and pompous...I have the feeling this will be the same. See also: Burn after Reading (in itself a good movie, but a bit naff when book ended with No Country and A Serious Man).
I do own a pair of Doc Martens...

Hail, Caesar! - plenty of laughs but it isn't about anything. A procession of famous people play fake famous people and there are a number of great homages to classic films. It's really fecking weird and I'm a little unsatisfied.

I needed this on Tuesday. It's $5 ticket night so I was thinking of giving it a go. I think I'll just wait for the netflix DVD since a film needs to be worth me sitting in a dark room with other noisy cnuts....even for $5.
I'm curious about this one, though I probably won't go watch it at the pictures (I don't really care about seeing Coen films at the cinema actually).

Will finally get to see The Revenant this weekend though, finally out here, even though all you cock gobblers have spoiled it for me.
Don't expect too much from it and you will like it. It's also very long. That's what she said. (Not Mrs RIP, obviously)
Triple 9 - Really enjoyed this. It's fast paced, gritty, well shot, acted and directed, and boasts a couple of excellent set-pieces - one of which could rival Sicario's border scene in terms of intensity (though it would probably fall short). My only real gripe would be that it does all come together a bit too easily/quickly at the very end, but I appreciate that the film didn't treat me like an idiot - leaving a lot of exposition up to the viewer to piece together.

Having said all this... I can't help but wonder if this would have been better had it been an East Asian crime film... but that's probably just me being racist.
Triple 9 - Really enjoyed this. It's fast paced, gritty, well shot, acted and directed, and boasts a couple of excellent set-pieces - one of which could rival Sicario's border scene in terms of intensity (though it would probably fall short). My only real gripe would be that it does all come together a bit too easily/quickly at the very end, but I appreciate that the film didn't treat me like an idiot - leaving a lot of exposition up to the viewer to piece together.

Having said all this... I can't help but wonder if this would have been better had it been an East Asian crime film... but that's probably just me being racist.

I thought it was a bit of a hot mess. Basically no character development, Kate Winslet was a caricature, lots ot cliches and ultimately whilst it felt like they built good tension in reality I was pretty apathetic to any consequences.

Plus, I felt the opening heist and chase was easily the best bit and the rest of the film just petered out.
I thought it was a bit of a hot mess. Basically no character development, Kate Winslet was a caricature, lots ot cliches and ultimately whilst it felt like they built good tension in reality I was pretty apathetic to any consequences.

Plus, I felt the opening heist and chase was easily the best bit and the rest of the film just petered out.
Agreed. Sicario suffered from no product and all tension. This had no tension at all though.
Die Hard

Just saw this for the first time. Generally not a fan of action films, but this one was very good. Did not expect Bruce Willis' character to be so corny with some of his lines, thought he'd be a straight up bad-ass. I think that made me like it more. Alan Rickman was great, obviously, and I enjoyed a lot of the characters that had smaller parts, like the limo driver. 7.5/10
Die Hard

Just saw this for the first time. Generally not a fan of action films, but this one was very good. Did not expect Bruce Willis' character to be so corny with some of his lines, thought he'd be a straight up bad-ass. I think that made me like it more. Alan Rickman was great, obviously, and I enjoyed a lot of the characters that had smaller parts, like the limo driver. 7.5/10
So so good.
Die Hard

Just saw this for the first time. Generally not a fan of action films, but this one was very good. Did not expect Bruce Willis' character to be so corny with some of his lines, thought he'd be a straight up bad-ass. I think that made me like it more. Alan Rickman was great, obviously, and I enjoyed a lot of the characters that had smaller parts, like the limo driver. 7.5/10
One of my colleagues made this promo for Die Hard. Very creative

I thought it was a bit of a hot mess. Basically no character development, Kate Winslet was a caricature, lots ot cliches and ultimately whilst it felt like they built good tension in reality I was pretty apathetic to any consequences.

Plus, I felt the opening heist and chase was easily the best bit and the rest of the film just petered out.

I thought the characters were all exactly who they needed to be. You knew what kind of people they were and what was motivating their actions through what the film told and showed you... didn't really need anymore then that to be invested in them.

Also, the scene going through the apartment block chasing the guy with the uzi was really good too - rivaled the opening for me.
I thought the characters were all exactly who they needed to be. You knew what kind of people they were and what was motivating their actions through what the film told and showed you... didn't really need anymore then that to be invested in them.

Also, the scene going through the apartment block chasing the guy with the uzi was really good too - rivaled the opening for me.
Didn't you feel the characters to all feel a bit 2 dimensional? I couldnt care less who lived and who died in that film.
Well, Spotlight's made me depressed. I love real journalists, hope we don't lose them in the next 50 years. 9/10

Edit - Slightly too much overacting from Ruffalo knocks it down to a tad.
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Munich (2005): 7/10

Good and interesting movie. The Mossad doesn't mess around, do they?
Mad Max: Fury Road: 4/10

Given all of the hoohah about this film, I was disappointed by it. So many beefs with it- yes it's frenetically-paced, but it doesn't excuse the nonsense on show.

-The awful flashbacks to the first movies at the beginning.
-Some of the dialogue sucks, eg 'Don't get addicted to water'
-The frequent and utterly ridiculous speeding up of scenes, be they driving or fight sequences. Reminds me of early '60s Bond films or Colin Firth taking out the chavs in Kingsman (he is 55 btw).
-The big boss's family were like a derivative combo of Texas Chainsaw Massacre/The Hills Have Eyes.
-No way Max survived that early smash when he was on the front of a car.
-Charlize pushing the mega-tonne truck was somewhat comedic.
-The fight scenes in the last sequence- why leave the son unconscious on the bit between the trucks?
-Max stabbing her to save her? I'm no medic but seemed odd.
-Them letting the water run free at the end, like the air on Mars in Total Recall. Surely it'd run out and sink into the earth.
-Oh, and Max throughout being pretty much a secondary character and played as a mumbling feck, much like Jim Caviezel in Passion of the Christ.
For a people riven back to the dark ages though, the system of pulleys and levers was impressive.
Triple 9 - Really enjoyed this. It's fast paced, gritty, well shot, acted and directed, and boasts a couple of excellent set-pieces - one of which could rival Sicario's border scene in terms of intensity (though it would probably fall short). My only real gripe would be that it does all come together a bit too easily/quickly at the very end, but I appreciate that the film didn't treat me like an idiot - leaving a lot of exposition up to the viewer to piece together.

Having said all this... I can't help but wonder if this would have been better had it been an East Asian crime film... but that's probably just me being racist.
I'm with you @Annihilate Now!, just saw this earlier tonight and liked it a lot. Some nicely-shot, tense action sequences, quality acting, and the 2 hours breezed by. Was disappointed by the ending and agree that it felt rushed to tie things up, but overall I'm willing to overlook the last 5 minutes due to how much I enjoyed the majority of the film. Sorta like a lower quality Heat meets The Departed. Well, that might be too high of praise but it's an entertaining film if you're looking for some fun and mindless action. And oh my, Gal Gadot is fecking stunning.
I agree on Gal Gadot. Never saw the hype till this movie. That tracking shot of her ass in the tight red dress..... Oh my god.
I think I've been a bit spoilt by directors like WKW and their overwhelming subtleties. I didn't think there was much chemistry between Mara and Blanchett.

Where do you rank In the Mood for Love? I found it far more inscrutable than his other films (that I've seen) and lacking the humour I'd enjoyed in Chungking and Fallen Angels.

Trumbo -
a bit shit. Movie of the week quality. Cranston over does it. Three or four appalling impersonations of very famous people.

Where do you rank In the Mood for Love? I found it far more inscrutable than his other films (that I've seen) and lacking the humour I'd enjoyed in Chungking and Fallen Angels.

Trumbo -
a bit shit. Movie of the week quality. Cranston over does it. Three or four appalling impersonations of very famous people.
I like it a lot but I'm more inclined to enjoy 90's WKW, with the moodiness of Days of Being Wild, quirkiness of Chungking Express/Fallen Angels and rawness of Happy Together.
Alright, so I watched Interstellar about 11 months ago and decided after listening to the soundtrack the other night that i'd give it another go.

I enjoyed it first time round, ticked all the boxes for me but felt a tiny bit flat at the end and a little confused (the final quarter I found daft). Watched it a 2nd time tonight and I actually think it's one of those films that on 2nd viewing makes it much, much better. To the point where I actually think it's Nolans best film to date, I didn't entirely understand the final quarter concept on 1st viewing.

Going to be one of those films imo that people will come back to after a decade or so and realise just how good it is compared to the rest of the science fiction coming out lately. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed The Martian, Gravity etc but would I watch them again? Probably not no, twice is enough, they're feel good Nasa adverts basically. Interstellar however, I would gladly watch again and again.

I'm actually a bit shocked at how different my view is on 2nd viewing too. Maybe just one of 'those' films that requires a few viewings to really understand properly. Either way, it's won me over also Zimmer is a king.
Your wrong in every way there. Sorry to say.
How is he 'wrong' exactly? He's giving his opinion.

For what it's worth Gol, you yourself will look back in a decade at some of the opinions you hold today and find them ridiculous.

Agree with you RedSky, I enjoyed it maybe more on second viewing and it's a film I think will age well.
Interstellar is also a cinema movie. I was lucky enough to see it in 70mm IMAX and it was absolutely phenomenal!
Might as well put Gol123 on ignore in any thread about films. People aren't allowed to be entertained by movies, it must be a philosophical adventure that changes you as a person and the film industry as a whole before it can even be mentioned as a good film.
There's no right or wrong when it comes to evaluating cultural products; only a consensus that passes for a possible guideline to excellence or otherwise.