Mouthfull (of) Member
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19.You're 17 now.
19.You're 17 now.
Agreed on Triple 9. I expected a hard hitting, real crime drama and got a Hollywood style mish mash of a movie. I felt that at any moment Denzel Washington or Liam Neeson would jump out and start snapping necks.Triple 9
From the initial trailer, I was expecting big things and balls to the wall bat shit crazy film but instead it was your typical heist movie. Had a great cast but way too many characters and not enough screen time to develop any of them. The second half of the film is a mess and Kate Winslet was a caricature Russian mobstress. The first half was still entertaining and overall a decent film, just not on the level the trailer made it out to be and probably worth waiting to see this on VOD or bluray as opposed to seeing it in the cinema 7/10
The Forest
A woman goes into Aokigahara, a Japanese forest where people go to commit suicide. She goes there because that's the last known location of her twin sister. I read about this forest a long time ago and always hoped someone would make a film about it. But this wasn't the film I was hoping for. It was your generic horror film with all the tropes. This was evident from the trailer (which also shows you the bloody ending), and the film just focuses on cheap jump scares you can see a mile off instead of actually trying to build up any tension at all. The lead character was annoying as a shit that just doesn't want to come out. Wasted opportunity 5/10
Bradley Cooper is a disgraced chef that rounds up his old employees/colleagues to start a new restaurant and try get the third michelin star that has eluded him his entire career. Why did I watch this? They go into so much drama and try to make the narrative seem like life and death all over a soufflé. Bradley Cooper and Daniel Bruhl's performances elevate this above a straight to TV film but unless you love fine dining and the processes behind it, then avoid this film. Boring film 4.5/10
Get. Out.Raiders of the Lost Ark - Just watched this for the first time, pretty good film. Holds up well but some of the effects were silly. Harrison Ford is great but Karen Allen is quite annoying. I like the comedy, even though I think some of it was unintentional. 6.5/10
...it provides us with yet another instalment in the long line of images of the frontier of which Hollywood is so enamoured; cult classics such as Clint Eastwood’s Unforgiven (1992), Jim Jarmusch’s surreal Dead Man (1995), Tommy Lee Jones’s The Homesman (2014) and, of course, Gore Verbinski’s The Lone Ranger (2013). Because in today’s America – wrestling with serious existential doubts about the possibility of harmonious inter-race relations, and beset by the legacies of ill-judged frontier wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere – a film that glorifies settler colonialism evokes a celebrated past and thus becomes a vehicle for present-day celebration.
I completely and utterly fail to see what is good in this dreadful film. It is historically and culturally out to lunch, it is shot under spring conditions with evident melting but pretends to be winter and includes such silliness as frosty whiskers as the characters stumble around in slush, egregious errors like portraying Glass in a raging river with his buffalo cape, something that would have promptly weighed 100 kilos and dragged him to the bottom, soaking wet people miraculously becoming dry, same soaking wet people not becoming hypothermic (Glass would have died in a spring run-off river in 3 or 4 minutes), surviving a severe mauling which would require all of (a) prompt staunching of bleeding; (b) intravenous fluids; and (c) antibiotics, French traders as the proverbial black hats when in reality the French had far better relations with Aboriginal people than the English (though the Scots were pretty good at getting along with Aboriginal people, too, they and the French "going native" in a way the English would not), portraying as epic and heroic the terrible genocide America perpetrated against native peoples, and much else to offend the intelligence of an audience.
Oh yeah but that's the kind of exploitative, manipulative bullshit Inarittu pulls in all his films as substitute for substance.Doesn't it make you cringe a bit, though, that the movie version of Hugh Glass not only marries a Native woman, has a child by her, and also takes to her people's language and spirituality? I mean, that's pretty desperate, transparently obvious stuff on the film-maker's part and a whitewash (in general terms at least).
Doesn't it make you cringe a bit, though, that the movie version of Hugh Glass not only marries a Native woman, has a child by her, and also takes to her people's language and spirituality? I mean, that's pretty desperate, transparently obvious stuff on the film-maker's part and a whitewash (in general terms at least).
Furthermore Dicaprio can be seen lecturing his son on his cultural heritage and what it means to be a savage. Hollywood hero, again more native than the natives. Dances with wolves, Avatar, The Last Samurai, Temple of Doom... Claims of the film's culturally reparative efforts have been greatly overstated - by white critics mainly.
Don't be upset mateGet. Out.
Raiders of the Lost Ark - Just watched this for the first time, pretty good film. Holds up well but some of the effects were silly. Harrison Ford is great but Karen Allen is quite annoying. I like the comedy, even though I think some of it was unintentional. 6.5/10
Each week finished with a cliffhanger where the hero was surely dead but of course he survived at the beginning of the following week, often by huge change of plot and logic.
Interesting take on The Revenant. I really dislike history being rewritten in this way:
From the Comments section:
I completely and utterly fail to see what is good in this dreadful film. It is historically and culturally out to lunch, it is shot under spring conditions with evident melting but pretends to be winter and includes such silliness as frosty whiskers as the characters stumble around in slush, egregious errors like portraying Glass in a raging river with his buffalo cape, something that would have promptly weighed 100 kilos and dragged him to the bottom, soaking wet people miraculously becoming dry, same soaking wet people not becoming hypothermic (Glass would have died in a spring run-off river in 3 or 4 minutes), surviving a severe mauling which would require all of (a) prompt staunching of bleeding; (b) intravenous fluids; and (c) antibiotics, French traders as the proverbial black hats when in reality the French had far better relations with Aboriginal people than the English (though the Scots were pretty good at getting along with Aboriginal people, too, they and the French "going native" in a way the English would not), portraying as epic and heroic the terrible genocide America perpetrated against native peoples, and much else to offend the intelligence of an audience.
What lies beneath The Revenant:
I'm most concerned with the main character - the one the audience is supposed to identify with.
The issue should be obvious, Bill - if, for instance, German cinema was constantly producing films showing us the 'one good Nazi', then we'd understandably be pissed off and cynical about it.
The issue should be obvious, Bill - if, for instance, German cinema was constantly producing films showing us the 'one good Nazi', then we'd understandably be pissed off and cynical about it.
*throws draft script into bin*
Bill said:there have been far worse historical rewrites.
I agree with that - but Hollywood is there to fictionalise and paint the picture they want people to see. It's not that surprising.Interesting take on The Revenant. I really dislike history being rewritten in this way:
From the Comments section
What lies beneath The Revenant:
I see, that makes sense. Anyway it was a good film and I enjoyed it, just didn't think there was anything particularly great about it.It is meant to be silly. It is inspired by serials from the 40s and 50s (or was it earlier?) that used to be shown every week at the cinema before the main feature. Each week finished with a cliffhanger where the hero was surely dead but of course he survived at the beginning of the following week, often by huge changes of plot and logic.
Granted, but one would be forgiven for thinking that the 'one good Nazi' was the historical rule and not the exception. It's surely not just me who's tired of this.
I see, that makes sense. Anyway it was a good film and I enjoyed it, just didn't think there was anything particularly great about it.
Don't forget how old it is. At the time, it was unlike anything else really. Over the years since raiders we've been saturated with action/adventure films and it'll be nothing you haven't really seen before.
It's dated, but it still has a certain charm that I often find lacking in many modern action/adventure films.
It is a bit crap, but I got over it years ago to be honest. They find a true story that's good enough for a film, decide it's not good enough for a film and rewrite it until it is. The one that used to annoy me was how the Americans single handedly won WW2 whilst the rest of the allies were running around being incompetent. I find it amusing now though, and usually say "Murica, feck yeah!" when they're being all brave and stuff.
I just don't think the Revenant was that bad. The supposed issue about Hugh Glass and his relationship with the natives wasn't fictional, so no harm done as far as I'm concerned.
The Last Crusade is the only one who really holds up today.Raiders of the Lost Ark - Just watched this for the first time, pretty good film. Holds up well but some of the effects were silly. Harrison Ford is great but Karen Allen is quite annoying. I like the comedy, even though I think some of it was unintentional. 6.5/10
Yeah my reaction too. Will Absolute thinks it's because I'm not a lesbian.Carol - It was exquisite and everything but it kinda lacked a bit of spark for me, still very good though.
I agree with that. It's like my belief that you can't have your views on football taken seriously unless you play the sport decently at any level.Yeah my reaction too. Will Absolute thinks it's because I'm not a lesbian.