Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I knew you would like that one. I enjoyed it but certain aspects (mainly the acting and dialogue) really took me out of the story.

Yeah I can see your point some of the acting was dreadful, but for me the story and the film more than made up for it.

The Town That Dreaded Sundown
Awful slasher film that would have seemed dated even if it was released in the early 90s when slashers were the 'in' thing. Not scary, tense or gruesome, so kind of pointless really? The characters keep doing stupid shit, like walking home in the middle of the night when there is a killer on the loose and get surprised when he sees them. Also, the entire town seem to turn deaf when the killer is doing his business. The twist was also nonsensical and just creates a major plot hole. Avoid at all costs 2/10
This is next on my watch list, I nearly watched it last night.
Instead I watched.

V/H/S Viral

Complete and utter rubbish, 3 not that good short stories held together by an even work story about chasing an ambulance.
90 mins of my life I wont get back.

This is next on my watch list, I nearly watched it last night.
Instead I watched.

V/H/S Viral

Complete and utter rubbish, 3 not that good short stories held together by an even work story about chasing an ambulance.
90 mins of my life I wont get back.


VHS Viral was next on my list :lol:

The Town That Dreaded Sundown was SO bloody stupid and unoriginal. The only thing I liked about it was that some of the film was quite stylistic. Can't wait to read what you think of it
Don't watch VHS Viral. It really is awful. Horror is my favourite genre too so I've unfortunately seen pretty much all the z-list movies Pauldy has (including a lot that haven't been mentioned but I assume he's seen anyway) and VHS Viral has no redeeming features. It even managed to make the nude scenes weird and unwatchable. 2/10 was incredibly generous.
Don't watch VHS Viral. It really is awful. Horror is my favourite genre too so I've unfortunately seen pretty much all the z-list movies Pauldy has (including a lot that haven't been mentioned but I assume he's seen anyway) and VHS Viral has no redeeming features. It even managed to make the nude scenes weird and unwatchable. 2/10 was incredibly generous.
That would be the middle story, I thought it would be the best, clearly about a 3/4 some / swinging, the women was not unattractive but it turn into crazy rubbish, the ending of it was maybe the worst thing I have ever watched.
I went to see Nightcrawler and, I dunno. I thought Gyllenhaal was excellent in it, his performance was very disarming, to the point where the audience was laughing out of awkwardness the way they would if they were right there with him, and yet the film still felt unsatisfying. It seemed oddly too enamoured of its own lead character, to the point where I was wondering at some parts whether I was supposed to find him as much of a creep as I did.
I knew you would like that one. I enjoyed it but certain aspects (mainly the acting and dialogue) really took me out of the story.

The Town That Dreaded Sundown
Awful slasher film that would have seemed dated even if it was released in the early 90s when slashers were the 'in' thing. Not scary, tense or gruesome, so kind of pointless really? The characters keep doing stupid shit, like walking home in the middle of the night when there is a killer on the loose and get surprised when he sees them. Also, the entire town seem to turn deaf when the killer is doing his business. The twist was also nonsensical and just creates a major plot hole. Avoid at all costs 2/10

I agree with all what you say about this film , but you know what, I did not hate it, I enjoyed it.
I like slasher films, OK this one is not that good , but the story behind it was better than most, the acting on the whole was pretty decent.
Yeah the twist at them end was beyond stupid, but in slasher films you, well I expect some daft twist and this was no different.

4/10 for me
Let's be Cops (2014)

Really good shit. had low expectations for this one, but damm i was wrong. Some hilarious stuff... the domestic violence call scene was too much fun

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I went to see Nightcrawler and, I dunno. I thought Gyllenhaal was excellent in it, his performance was very disarming, to the point where the audience was laughing out of awkwardness the way they would if they were right there with him, and yet the film still felt unsatisfying. It seemed oddly too enamoured of its own lead character, to the point where I was wondering at some parts whether I was supposed to find him as much of a creep as I did.

I thought it was quite interesting - in that I thought the film wanted you to use your own moral compass to decide how much of a creep you thought he was. Lou, as a character, thought that everything he was doing was fine/right - and it had the juxtaposition of some heroic/inspiring music choices at several points as if to show it's a heroes story - but then, with the things he's actually saying and doing (and his last line of "Won't ask you to do anything I wouldn't do myself") I think the film was clearly showing him as a complete creep/pyschopath, it just wanted you to come to that judgement yourself.
Haneke does walk a fine line between restrained and just plain tedious, particularly in his earlier stuff.

I'd rank the Seventh Continent as one of his best personally, its not an easy task to effectively accumulate both an atmosphere of dread, and an atmosphere of banality at the same time. Contrastingly, Benny's Video just straight up bored the tits off me, with long stretches of pointlessness.

Cache is indeed fantastic. Demands a second viewing.
Took me 4 efforts just to get through the first one.
Interstellar - the middle part, where they're flying around space, looking for shit, is thrilling. The first third is a bit dull, and the last part is complete rubbish. Can't say I didn't get my moneys worth though. Topher Grace lol
Tried watching this a few years back but the idiots I was watching it with were just being stupid so I couldn't enjoy it. Watched it again and loved it. Very deadpan, great comedic moments in an intense cat-and-mouse style film. The mockumentary angle works well here and the trolls look and feel absolutely superb. Great film 8/10
I thought it was quite interesting - in that I thought the film wanted you to use your own moral compass to decide how much of a creep you thought he was. Lou, as a character, thought that everything he was doing was fine/right - and it had the juxtaposition of some heroic/inspiring music choices at several points as if to show it's a heroes story - but then, with the things he's actually saying and doing (and his last line of "Won't ask you to do anything I wouldn't do myself") I think the film was clearly showing him as a complete creep/pyschopath, it just wanted you to come to that judgement yourself.

But if it wanted me to come to that conclusion myself, it did that within the first scene, where he gets caught by the security guard, lies, beats the guy, nicks his watch and then yammers at the guy he's selling fence wire to. I didn't take the whole film for that judgement to be made, so it was just 2 hours of a creep getting everything he wanted, without really struggling for it. The one thing that goes against him is Bill Paxton getting the drop on him, and then he just cartoonishly kills him off.
Rashomon - Quite nice and arguably the first movie that tells a story from a few different perspectives. It follows a murder, but the main topic is the general corruption of mankind.

Still, cannot understand why people on Kurosawa movies go from completely calm to batshit crazy on a place of a second, why they fight that badly and why they always speak 3cm from the other person's ear. Were Japans really like that? 7/10
Grave of the Fireflies - :( Undoubtedly, the saddest movie I have ever seen. And arguably the best animated movie I've ever seen.
It tells the story of two siblings (14 years old Seita and 4 years old Setsuko), their struggle for survival during the ending of the second world war. It is beautiful, it has great music, it is sad, and it makes you cry. Highly recommend it for those who haven't watched it. 9/10

There's something wrong with this one. Is it pacing or the tone but that something prevented me from caring for the main characters. The idea is good and I don't think it's a bad movie at all but overall it's not very engaging like it should despite above decent cast. (Depp, Freeman, Murphy)

European sci-fi for the win, not the first time. The concept is nothing original. Just humanity and serving synthetics interacting with each other in a radiated and hopeless society until the spark comes from nowhere and push the synthetics above humanity, stealing the show and taking the moral high ground while Antonio Banderas gloriously saving his career after humiliating appearance in The Expendables 3.

More of that kind of surprises, please.
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.

Not much action for a film 2 hours 45 mins long and besides, watching 14 vertically challenged people fight their way through a few armies without taking so much as a scratch really gets a bit boring anyway. What's the point? Bring back Sean Bean just so we have someone we know will inevitably die at some point. Bilbo Baggins is a dick. Stealing the only thing of value to a tormented and lonely creature? Go feck yourself Bilbo. Still visually impressive as always- how on earth do they release one of these every year? Did they start filming all three right after LotR? Did that bird speak to that dragon in Morse code?
Gloria (2013) - a nice, simple, funny, bittersweet film about a divorced, middle-aged woman in Chile. It touches on things like the intoxicating feelings of love and lust, the sobering effects of loneliness and loss and the difficulties of post-divorce family life. Paulina García is great.

Les Diaboliques (1955) - I can see the comparisons to Hitchcock but for me this has aged badly in a way that none of Hitchcock's big hits have. I appreciate it's a seminal film too but that doesn't make it any more enjoyable to watch. It's not bad by any means and as with almost any long-standing Hollywood film from that era the acting is very good, but I didn't think it was particularly suspenseful or "thrilling" at all unfortunately.
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The Secret of Kells (2009) - I haven't seen many animated films as good as this. I also think every film should be 78 minutes long.
For my final year project we interviewed Tomm Moore (Director) of Secret of Kells in Dingle, Ireland. Was a nice bloke.
Interstellar - Like all Nolan's movies, it looks fantastic. In fact, I would say that visualy looks better than any of Nolan's movies (which is a pretty big thing). The acting from the main actors McConaughey, Chastain and Hathaway is very good (especially from McConaughey who is one of the best actors in the world). The idea of the movie isn't revolutionary, but is interesting. The movie is emotional on many parts, which was good considering that since Prestige I found Nolan's movies very cold. And lastly, the music is really good. Hans Zimmer is the best when it comes to this.

Now the negative part. A big part of the movie is a shitload of nonsense. While on Inception, you needed two hours after the movie to realize that, here you realize it instantly. Really some parts are just stupid. It has all kind of cliches, and it is extremely predictable. You can see the influences of 2001 and Tarkovsky movies, but it hasn't been implemented that well. I also found a scene very similar to Armagedon.

To conclude, it is a decent movie, a lot of fun but ultimatelly nonsense, lot of cliches, predictable and non-revolutionary (like it was hyped to be). Would say that it is somewhere between The Dark Knight Rises and Inception/Batman Begins (on quality) and far below the likes of Memento, The Dark Knight and The Prestige. 7/10
Interstellar (2014)

Stunning acting from McCoughnaghey (Spelling?) and Anne Hathaway is stunning with her short hair. The film lacks a big bang of suspense, but the suspense and expectations was constant in a way that I care for the characters and their fate.

1st part was kinda dull but McCoughnaghey pulled the movie through with his warm daddy performance, the second bit was a different movie, while the third part seems to be the kind of ending you find in disney movie (white text for minor spoiler)

All and all, it's a very scarry movie for me, not in the way that OH NOES The world's gonna end kinda thing, but imagining being lost in the space for tens of years by yourself is a scarry feeling to comprehend, and that final scene in the 5th dimension pulled out a thought of "what if you're stuck there for eternity without being able to even suicide to end your life?"(white text for minor spoiler)

It's a great movie, but not as entertaining as Inception (where they got some action), this is a very slow moving drama about humanity and the interstellar exploration is just the gimmick that goes along with it.

Still, it'll be worth your every penny, and I'd probably regretted not going 3D with this.

Interstellar - Like all Nolan's movies, it looks fantastic. In fact, I would say that visualy looks better than any of Nolan's movies (which is a pretty big thing). The acting from the main actors McConaughey, Chastain and Hathaway is very good (especially from McConaughey who is one of the best actors in the world). The idea of the movie isn't revolutionary, but is interesting. The movie is emotional on many parts, which was good considering that since Prestige I found Nolan's movies very cold. And lastly, the music is really good. Hans Zimmer is the best when it comes to this.

Now the negative part. A big part of the movie is a shitload of nonsense. While on Inception, you needed two hours after the movie to realize that, here you realize it instantly. Really some parts are just stupid. It has all kind of cliches, and it is extremely predictable. You can see the influences of 2001 and Tarkovsky movies, but it hasn't been implemented that well. I also found a scene very similar to Armagedon.

To conclude, it is a decent movie, a lot of fun but ultimatelly nonsense, lot of cliches, predictable and non-revolutionary (like it was hyped to be). Would say that it is somewhere between The Dark Knight Rises and Inception/Batman Begins (on quality) and far below the likes of Memento, The Dark Knight and The Prestige. 7/10

All Sci-fi are nonsense, you just have to take it that they managed to get there, if it makes sense it won't be a scifi.

Although, I'm kinda intriqued in the theorem that gravity can go through time, gravity dictates time wasn't it?
Rashomon - Quite nice and arguably the first movie that tells a story from a few different perspectives. It follows a murder, but the main topic is the general corruption of mankind.

Still, cannot understand why people on Kurosawa movies go from completely calm to batshit crazy on a place of a second, why they fight that badly and why they always speak 3cm from the other person's ear. Were Japans really like that? 7/10
The Japans, a crazy breed indeed.
Free Birds
Starts well and then just goes downhill. Not really funny, the animation isn't anything spectacular and the story is pretty boring 4/10
Adaptation - Loved this. Clever and original but also packed with emotion and feeling. Cage is brilliant, almost as good as he is in Leaving Las Vegas.
Watched Seven Psychopaths today - a worse version of Adaptation, which I wasn't a massive fan of in the first place. 5/10
Watched Opening Night and a Woman under Influence by John Cassavetes starring his wife Gena Rowlands

Both full of psychological intricacies, people looking for their place in society, quite enjoyable filming
Watched Opening Night and a Woman under Influence by John Cassavetes starring his wife Gena Rowlands

Both full of psychological intricacies, people looking for their place in society, quite enjoyable filming
Very heavy films, both dragged a little I thought, Rowlands is just breathtaking though.

The Killing of a Chinese Bookie is his most enjoyable one for me.
Very heavy films, both dragged a bit towards the end I thought, Rowlands is just breathtaking though.

The Killing of a Chinese Bookie is his most enjoyable one for me.

Fish Story (2009) - Non-linear end-of-the-world-is-coming style Japanese Sci-Fi flick that keeps you entertained throughout. Loved it. 7/10
Scenic Route
A film about two lifelong friends who end up stuck in a desert because their car breaks down. Very good film. Enjoyed the character driven story and dialogue. Decent performances and was really funny in parts. The ending was very fitting 8/10