Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Halloween - Fortunately for me, I don't get scared. However, this movie was a great suspense - horror that put you in maximum tension for an hour or so. Similar to Exorcist, the music was great and great incorporated on the theme of the movie. Not a fan of horror, but still a very good and enjoyable movie. 8/10
Ringu - Finished the day with this. Slightly better than the American version with Naomi Watts. Liked how the tension went on, the acting was superb and it had scary moments. Also, Nanako Matsushima is really :drool: worthy. 7/10
Class Film(Although I feel it loses something near the end when it moves to
The heist in London)

I don't mind that whole part because you get a nice bookend with it dealing with water and fate again, like at the beginning. True, it's not as energetic but it ties it all together nicely on a deeper level maybe.
The Taking Of Deborah Logan
The film follows a film crew who are making a film about an Alzheimer's patient but soon the patient starts acting increasingly erratic and it's clear there is more to her than the disease. When I switched this one on and saw that it is in 'found footage' style, I instantly thought "oh here we go another one of these shites" but it was actually excellent. It felt very claustrophobic and had some genuinely scary moments, not just of the supernatural but of alzheimer's disease also. They really tied it in well. Would recommend to horror fans for sure 7/10
I cant add anything to this, very good film and worth watching.
Prisoners: 6/10.
"Who should we cast as the little old lady no one is supposed to suspect? How about a much younger Oscar-winning actress in shit grey wig?"

Pretty young girls, spiritualism, jumpy bits. You can actually tell where scenes have ended up on the editing floor, as there's a scary bit and two seconds later the girl who was terrified is calm as you like. Obviously rushed out to cash in for Halloween.

The Babadook - I have mixed feelings on this. On the one hand it's without a doubt the best horror film since the Orphanage, or the best that I've seen anyway. On the other hand I left a little disappointed and think it just falls short of a classic horror film. The first half is tremendous and a wonderful example of how you can genuinely terrify the audience without any cheap scares at all but sadly a few horror cliches are thrown in there as it builds up to its final act. For me, the relationship between the son and mother was terrifying enough in itself and "the monster" didn't need to appear at all...but I guess that's what puts bums in seats and that's what makes for a good trailer.

The good parts are very, very good though. The two lead performances are brilliant and it really allows you to get sucked into their relationship and feel the anxiety, the helplessness, the growing isolation and the tension that exists in it. As Samuel's strange behaviour continues to alienate them from friends and family, Amelia finds it increasingly difficult to live her life. She can't go to work because Samuel is a danger to his classmates and cousin, she can't go to sleep because he's terrified of monsters and eventually she becomes overwhelmed and becomes a danger to herself and her child. It's been done before but it's executed perfectly. You're genuinely fearful of and fearful for both the mother and child and fully sympathise with what torments them so.

Definitely recommended if you like a good psychological horror story.

The first half was good before the film descended into a farce. What a load of heavy handed nonsense.
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Yeah the first half was pretty good with it's portrayal of domestic decay, it falls apart later on though. I don't think it ever really committed to the Babadook idea and he ended up looking like a gimmicky ornament. It never captures that uncanny atmosphere of the best children's books, and the beast as allegory theme is never fully realised like it was in something like Stephen King's IT. Disappointing but the director shows promise.
Lego the movie - 9/10

Yes, I'm a grown up Lego collector (is there a thread? :D ) but loved the movie not only cause of the great Lego animations but cause the story is also very good or the message movie sends. Also pshidoelic song - Everything is perfect - is brilliant too. :D
Loved the script too, loved the jokes, loved everybody about it.

All in all an excellent movie.

You mean - Everything is Awesome, right? :D
The Secret of Kells (2009) - I haven't seen many animated films as good as this. I also think every film should be 78 minutes long.

I enjoyed it.

There's plenty of scenes that stick in the mind. The tank battle scene especially is fantastic...although the fact I can use the term "the tank battle scene" when describing a film about tanks battling is a bit of a let down.

It's a bit OTT, but most of the time you can see why in terms of the point it's trying to get across. Except for near the end when it turns into a Rambo film...which is kind of fun, entirely predictabe, but at the same time naggingly daft.

Also, for a film that's very much in the "Look how horrific and scary war is" camp, there's a little too much of people just strolling around in the open firing their guns for my liking. I mean you don't really see people doing that when you go paintballing, so it comes across somewhat unlikely.

Pitt's character I think is a much more accurate representation of the sort of person who'd make a good leader in that kind of scenario than Hanks in Saving Private Ryan. Thinking particularly of a certain scene where they have a captive German soldier. That was a big plus point for me. None of this morally uncorruptable, righteous Captain America sillyness.

All in all I approve...and I'm not usually a massive fan of war films

La Pianiste - Isabelle Huppert is unbelievable but feck me that was an ordeal. Amour is one of the best films I've seen but I'm definitely not an admirer of Haneke.
La Pianiste - Isabelle Huppert is unbelievable but feck me that was an ordeal. Amour is one of the best films I've seen but I'm definitely not an admirer of Haneke.
It's a tough watch but a quite brilliant film - Haneke can miss the target (Funny Games, Time of the Wolf) but that's a bull's-eye.
It was a patronizing film and fairly dull after the initial confrontation. He gets an extra sin for boring us in two languages.

Yeah, it seems I'm in the minority with this one. I enjoyed how much it creeped me out. I'm not even sure why it creeped me out as films don't usually have that effect on me.

And it was very satisfying when they finally killed Tim Roth and Naomi Watts!
Deliver Us from Evil.

New York police officer Ralph Sarchie investigates a series of crimes. He joins forces with an unconventional priest, schooled in the rites of exorcism, to combat the possessions that are terrorizing their city.
Has possession films go it was OK, not going to win an Oscar but also not the worst one I have see, It was not scary at all, ran along the same line has any possession film.
Eric Banna was decent enough, a bit wooden at time but OK, Edgar Ramirez has Mendoza the unconventional priest was excellent.
Sean Harris has the possessed one was on a par with Ramirez.
What did let it down was the music for a film of this type it was dreadful, the right sort of music that creates the mood of the film is essential, this lacked it badly and very nearly ruined the whole film.
If you like this sort of film, you should like it, if you dont, dont watch it.

Deliver Us from Evil.

New York police officer Ralph Sarchie investigates a series of crimes. He joins forces with an unconventional priest, schooled in the rites of exorcism, to combat the possessions that are terrorizing their city.
Has possession films go it was OK, not going to win an Oscar but also not the worst one I have see, It was not scary at all, ran along the same line has any possession film.
Eric Banna was decent enough, a bit wooden at time but OK, Edgar Ramirez has Mendoza the unconventional priest was excellent.
Sean Harris has the possessed one was on a par with Ramirez.
What did let it down was the music for a film of this type it was dreadful, the right sort of music that creates the mood of the film is essential, this lacked it badly and very nearly ruined the whole film.
If you like this sort of film, you should like it, if you dont, dont watch it.


And the fact that it goes nowhere. There's not enough personal conflict on Sarchie (at least I don't think Bana captured that part pretty well), probably like you say : wooden. It kinda feels that this movie was actually about Mendoza and Sarchie was just the supporting cast.

I wish they'd go Constantine if they made the sequel with Sarchie becoming a BAMF and goes around chasing demons with crucifix and ancient biblical badassness
The Midnight After (HK)

It's actually a pretty satisfying movie, a good one I might say with all the usual HK veterans chipping in (Simon Yam, Lam Suet, Kara Hui) and I admit the first hour was very intriquing, except for the ending which kinda like "WTF"!

So... I can't really decide, I guess the ending really is the movie 5/10

Jelangkung (Indonesian)

99 out of 100 Horror movies from Indonesia is plain insult to intelligence, with the movies being titled as "The selfie ghost", or "Virgin ghost rope", and all other stupid C-grades movie that delivers a bit of female flesh, typical storyline, and all other bullshits that's too absurd even for cartoon.

But this one really does it, since I grown up, I don't have a problem with seeing horror movies, but this one really gives the creep out of me, even long after the movie. The visual is just plain spooky, dark and gritty that it really captures the mood.

It's about 5 people going into a hiking tour, and the Indonesian equivalent of Quija stuffs. And the plot is pretty simple, it goes awry and people start dying.

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And the fact that it goes nowhere. There's not enough personal conflict on Sarchie (at least I don't think Bana captured that part pretty well), probably like you say : wooden. It kinda feels that this movie was actually about Mendoza and Sarchie was just the supporting cast.

I wish they'd go Constantine if they made the sequel with Sarchie becoming a BAMF and goes around chasing demons with crucifix and ancient biblical badassness
I agree, not really watched much Bana, he is not a bad actor, just lacks something.
There is a cracking film just waiting to be made about Mendoza
The Maze Runner

Another in the Hunger Games inspired YA fiction genre. Not really anything special and the plot borders on the ridiculous for a long time before taking a giant leap over that line and becoming batshit ludicrous. Full of plot holes, some which can be accepted as part and parcel, some which are just outright annoying and lazy. It has perfectly channeled that until-now-uniquely Walking Dead feature of being dialogue heavy yet still leaving the audience having idea what anyone's name is.

It's watchable, and the action films are decent enough. You know, if you ignore the fact that one boy who has been around for 3 days single-handedly does what an entire village of boys weren't able to do in 3 years. I don't even know why the other boys were there tbh. They didn't actually do anything, even the ones who presumably are supposed to be some of the main characters are never actually in the film. Bizarrely of the small group of heroes at the end I'd never even seen about half of them before.

Effects and action scenes were decent though.

Also I watched this at the cinema and it was too loud damnit.

Nightcrawler - Beautiful, Gripping, Thirlling, Fantastic - if Gyllenhaal doesn't get an Oscar nomination for this then something is seriously wrong.

Goes straight into my top 5 for the year.

Radio 1 Rescores Drive - A completely pointless exercise.
A film about a guy (Harry Potter) who's girlfriend is mysteriously murdered and the town believes he did it. He then grows horns for some reason which trances people who tell him the truth. He spends the rest of the film trying to figure out what really happened. The film was decent and the story was a little different. The acting was pretty good for the most part and I quite enjoyed that but in terms of tone, it was all over the place. One minute it was a romantic drama, then a mystery, then a horror, then a thriller, then dark comedy... it's as if the director couldn't commit to a few styles so threw them all in there and as the film reaches it's conclusion, it becomes too predictable and cliched. Still, it was worth a watch. I like seeing films that try to be different 6.5/10


An ancient Jinn (demon) and it's army attaches itself to a descendent of a bloodline that fights these creatures so this man gets help from a priest and Ray Parks to try and stop them. Cheaply made, bad acting, laughable special effects and an inconsistent script. Really bad dialogue, odd pacing and just a mess. However, it was one of those films that are so bad you end up quite enjoying them. It starts off well enough and then becomes a bit silly really. Watch it if you like B-Movies 4/10


Was on the tele so I watched it again. Love the insanity and Michael Keaton's performance. Back when Tim Burton was shit hot 8/10
The Seventh Continent - Just too depressing, even for me.
Funny Games - idk lol.
Code Unkown - Uneven, some good, some bad parts.
The Piano Teacher - Powerful stuff.
Caché - Dull, dull, dull.
The White Ribbon - Need to watch it again.
Amour - Masterpiece.
The Seventh Continent - Just too depressing, even for me.
Funny Games - idk lol.
Code Unkown - Uneven, some good, some bad parts.
The Piano Teacher - Powerful stuff.
Caché - Dull, dull, dull.
The White Ribbon - Need to watch it again.
Amour - Masterpiece.
Surprised... I quite enjoyed that
Haneke does walk a fine line between restrained and just plain tedious, particularly in his earlier stuff.

I'd rank the Seventh Continent as one of his best personally, its not an easy task to effectively accumulate both an atmosphere of dread, and an atmosphere of banality at the same time. Contrastingly, Benny's Video just straight up bored the tits off me, with long stretches of pointlessness.

Cache is indeed fantastic. Demands a second viewing.
Nightcrawler - Went an saw it yesterday lunchtime on a break from Uni. Marvellous movie. Gyllenhaal was just superb. 9/10 from me.

Absolutely cannot wait to see Interstellar on Friday though! :D
The Canal

Just WOW , what a stunning film, the best film I have seen this year.
Film archivist David (Rupert Evans) has been having a rough time lately, as he suspects that his wife Alice (Hannah Hoekstra) has been cheating on him with Alex (Carl Shaaban), one of her work clients. This stress is compounded when David's work partner Claire (Antonia Campbell-Hughes) gives him a reel of to-be-archived footage that shows that his house was the setting for a brutal murder in 1902.
Rupert Evans is excellent, has is Kelly Byrne who plays Sophie the babysitter.
There is no real scenes in this film , but it does not need them.
The film is a slow burner that has a great ending.
I recommend The Canal to people who are tired of dumbed-down horror flicks that throw a dozen jump scares a minute at you, and are seeking a solid, exciting horror film.

The Canal

Just WOW , what a stunning film, the best film I have seen this year.
Film archivist David (Rupert Evans) has been having a rough time lately, as he suspects that his wife Alice (Hannah Hoekstra) has been cheating on him with Alex (Carl Shaaban), one of her work clients. This stress is compounded when David's work partner Claire (Antonia Campbell-Hughes) gives him a reel of to-be-archived footage that shows that his house was the setting for a brutal murder in 1902.
Rupert Evans is excellent, has is Kelly Byrne who plays Sophie the babysitter.
There is no real scenes in this film , but it does not need them.
The film is a slow burner that has a great ending.
I recommend The Canal to people who are tired of dumbed-down horror flicks that throw a dozen jump scares a minute at you, and are seeking a solid, exciting horror film.

Man, I just watched the trailer and it looks scary as hell. I have to watch that.
The Canal

Just WOW , what a stunning film, the best film I have seen this year.
Film archivist David (Rupert Evans) has been having a rough time lately, as he suspects that his wife Alice (Hannah Hoekstra) has been cheating on him with Alex (Carl Shaaban), one of her work clients. This stress is compounded when David's work partner Claire (Antonia Campbell-Hughes) gives him a reel of to-be-archived footage that shows that his house was the setting for a brutal murder in 1902.
Rupert Evans is excellent, has is Kelly Byrne who plays Sophie the babysitter.
There is no real scenes in this film , but it does not need them.
The film is a slow burner that has a great ending.
I recommend The Canal to people who are tired of dumbed-down horror flicks that throw a dozen jump scares a minute at you, and are seeking a solid, exciting horror film.


I'm sold.

To the pirate cove, there must be disgusting pirates that are keen to get their hands on this and needs to be reported.
The Stonehearst Asylum (aka. Eliza Graves)

Jim Sturges, Kate Beckinsale, Michael Caine, and Ben Kingsley. A thriller based loosely on Edgar Allan Poe. Failed to deliver the punch for me, although rated at 7/10 at IMDB, I still found it lacking something.

Acting wise it's quite Ok. Solid performance by Sturgess, Kate, and Kingsley while Caine is a bit underused. All and all a good movie but it has been done to many and there's too many plotholes to make it a great movie. The tension never builds.

The Canal

Just WOW , what a stunning film, the best film I have seen this year.
Film archivist David (Rupert Evans) has been having a rough time lately, as he suspects that his wife Alice (Hannah Hoekstra) has been cheating on him with Alex (Carl Shaaban), one of her work clients. This stress is compounded when David's work partner Claire (Antonia Campbell-Hughes) gives him a reel of to-be-archived footage that shows that his house was the setting for a brutal murder in 1902.
Rupert Evans is excellent, has is Kelly Byrne who plays Sophie the babysitter.
There is no real scenes in this film , but it does not need them.
The film is a slow burner that has a great ending.
I recommend The Canal to people who are tired of dumbed-down horror flicks that throw a dozen jump scares a minute at you, and are seeking a solid, exciting horror film.

I knew you would like that one. I enjoyed it but certain aspects (mainly the acting and dialogue) really took me out of the story.

The Town That Dreaded Sundown
Awful slasher film that would have seemed dated even if it was released in the early 90s when slashers were the 'in' thing. Not scary, tense or gruesome, so kind of pointless really? The characters keep doing stupid shit, like walking home in the middle of the night when there is a killer on the loose and get surprised when he sees them. Also, the entire town seem to turn deaf when the killer is doing his business. The twist was also nonsensical and just creates a major plot hole. Avoid at all costs 2/10