Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

They're mostly all instantly forgetable too... I was looking at a list of his films, saw Side Effects then thought "Oh, I was meaning to see that" clicked on it, then remembered that I saw it at the back end of last year.
Watched Farewell My Concubine last night, my first real venture in Chinese cinema. Very impressive for the most part. Going to binge on Asian cinema in general for a while I think.

Edit: No yellow pun intended...
They are weird movies, I thought Contagion was unbelievably bland.

A little surprised by your choice of adjective. I thought the movie was aiming for a kind of understated naturalism.

For instance, Matt Damon, playing a decent, unremarkable middle-class American, reacts to the discovery of his wife's infidelity in a quiet, contained manner, indulges in no histrionics, but tries to do the right thing and fulfill his responsibilities. Undramatic, I guess, but I didn't find it bland.
A little surprised by your choice of adjective. I thought the movie was aiming for a kind of understated naturalism.

For instance, Matt Damon, playing a decent, unremarkable middle-class American, reacts to the discovery of his wife's infidelity in a quiet, contained manner, indulges in no histrionics, but tries to do the right thing and fulfill his responsibilities. Undramatic, I guess, but I didn't find it bland.

It's been ages since I've seen it but I remember coming out of the cinema and just thinking, that was ok but surely that can't be it? It just never got going from what I remember.
If you say the other one was Con Air, I will make it my life mission to hunt you down and force you to buy a handbag so I can shit in it :mad:

Con Air was fun despite Cage being in it. Dumb but fun. I can even watch Arnageddon but Face/Off I cant stomach.
A little surprised by your choice of adjective. I thought the movie was aiming for a kind of understated naturalism.

For instance, Matt Damon, playing a decent, unremarkable middle-class American, reacts to the discovery of his wife's infidelity in a quiet, contained manner, indulges in no histrionics, but tries to do the right thing and fulfill his responsibilities. Undramatic, I guess, but I didn't find it bland.

I found it flat out boring. How you make such a subject boring I have no idea.
A Most Wanted Man - tight little thriller with a fine performance from Phillip Seymour Hoffman. Anton Corbijn has obviously learned a thing or two after the disaster that was The American.
I really enjoyed it as well, really nice understated spy film, well written, well acted, well directed. It's not exactly a film that's going to leave a huge mark on me but I thought it was great.

I'd enjoyed The American a lot too though.
Starring Mark Strong. Written by Danny Boyle.
Enough of your madness.
Man on Fire

One of the great, underrated, schlocky films. Denzel Washington is powerfully charismatic as usual, Dakota Fanning may be the best child actor ever, and Tony Scott's camera blasts a hole through the audience's brain.
I'd never seen this one and it was randomly proposed in the film selection in the plane so I watched it a couple of days ago. Well I kind of dozed off before the end so I'm missing the final 30 minutes that I'll obtain somehow, I'd be disappointed not to see it. I mean it does have Denzel Washington blowing people up thanks to explosives stuck up their bums.
I wonder if he ever received my letter of complaints about The Tree of Life.
What did you say in it? Did you villify him for the ending? I hope you did.
I'd just like to re-iterate that Prometheus is really really terrible and perhaps the worst, laziest and dumbest Sci-Fi script ever written for it's comparable budget.

I might periodically remind you of this over and over for the next few weeks until I get it's idiocy out of my head.
What I remember thinking of Prometheus is 'what a huge waste of a big budget and great cast'. Also, I'm angry at it because it's more or less killed any chance Guillermo del Toro has of adapting 'At the mountains of madness', apparently.
I was really disappointed by Face/Off because I was led to believe it was going to be 139 minutes of John Travolta slowly cutting Nicolas Cage's face off and watching him suffer.

I have a fondness for Cage's silly action films and I had a good souvenir of Face/Off watched when I was younger but re-watched it last year and was underwhelmed. I can watch Con Air and The Rock on a regular basis and enjoy them for their stupidity but I don't have that sort of love for Face/Off. Not sure why, it does have a super futuristic prison where people wear boots that keep them grounded and stop all mutinies.
They are weird movies, I thought Contagion was unbelievably bland.
I wouldn't use 'bland' to describe Contagion or Soderbergh's other films, but they are indeed very cold, voluntarily so I'd guess. Contagion was a dispassionate take on such a crisis, and I thought the approach he took made him very realistic and more chilling. I can easily understand why people wouldn't warm to Soderbergh's stuff though.
Watched Zodiac again before seeing Gone Girl this week. Think it's an absolute masterpiece, Fincher's best film and one of the best of the millennium so far. Delighted it's just as good on repeat viewings as well, you still get completely caught up in the characters' obsessions (though the
basement scene
isn't so terrifying if you re-watch it from the homeowner's perspective). I don't normally like him but Ruffalo's brilliant, steals the show. Probably the best performance of his career.

Will be happy if Gone Girl's half as good. I didn't think much of the book but all the noise is that the film's excellent.
Apparently the terrible ending's been re-written too.
Watched Kar Wai Wong's Days of Being Wild tonight. Elegant movie, looking forward to watching more of his catalog.
Watched Zodiac again before seeing Gone Girl this week. Think it's an absolute masterpiece, Fincher's best film and one of the best of the millennium so far. Delighted it's just as good on repeat viewings as well, you still get completely caught up in the characters' obsessions

Absolutely love the film. One of my favs of the 00's.
I found it a bit stiff.

It's a kind of re-boot to the whole chinese zombie genre, so you kinda have to follow the whole history of the mindboggling chinese zombie of the 1990s to appreciate it more.

Even the actors are the original actors who features predominantly in the zombie movie back then, so for me it's refreshing nostalgic chinese zombies movie made with proper CGI of the 2000s
It's a kind of re-boot to the whole chinese zombie genre, so you kinda have to follow the whole history of the mindboggling chinese zombie of the 1990s to appreciate it more.

Even the actors are the original actors who features predominantly in the zombie movie back then, so for me it's refreshing nostalgic chinese zombies movie made with proper CGI of the 2000s


I haven't seen it, it was a terrible joke about rigor mortis.
To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) - 7.5/10

A Few Good Men (1992) - 7/10

Can you say 'courtroom drama theme night'?

Oh, and the people jerking off to Zodiac with zero mention of the film that influenced it is kind of like global warming - sad but understandable but still pretty sad.
Mistaken for Strangers - I watched this after intending to for a while. It's about the band The National, more accurately the relationship between two brothers, and is made by the leader singer's, Matt Berninger, brother Tom. It was very enjoyable and captures a lot of the relationship between the two brothers. Some of it was a little awkward because I relate to Matt more in terms of their relationship because I'm older and very different personality-wise from my brothers. It's hilarious at times and also has some heart, particularly Tom trying to do his own thing while living in his brother's shadow. I do think he missed out on comparing the dynamic of the Dessner and Devendorf brothers who are in the band. 8/10

Also, Tom is basically the Dude.
The Prestige

Saw this for the first time, believe it or not. Regret not having watched it earlier. Loved it, loved how the movie was shown in three parts just like how they explain the parts of a magic trick. Movie kept me in suspense till the end. Strong performances from Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman and Michael Caine (how wonderful an actor is this man?). It's always nice to see Scarlett Johansson as well, can't complain. Nolan did a good job with the story.

Watched Frank, Michael Fessbender is absolutely crackers, guys on top of his game though right now whatever he's doing. It's a fun watch really, although I could of done without the Gleeson narration again given that horrible time warp film he did with it last year, but that's not a fault of this film really, because he also does nothing wrong. Just yeah it took me back to that terrible script. Watch it for something out there, that isn't artsy. It's just what it is. Normal kid joins absurd band to record album in the woods.....

Gone Girl later. By all accounts, it's just another Finch adaptation excluding the woeful Benjamin Button, so I should enjoy it.
The Prestige

Saw this for the first time, believe it or not. Regret not having watched it earlier. Loved it, loved how the movie was shown in three parts just like how they explain the parts of a magic trick. Movie kept me in suspense till the end. Strong performances from Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman and Michael Caine (how wonderful an actor is this man?). It's always nice to see Scarlett Johansson as well, can't complain. Nolan did a good job with the story.

Yeah, my favourite Nolan movie followed by Memento. Very clever story, and Bale is terrific as usual.
Don't Blink
Film about 10 friends that go to a resort for a holiday and realize all the people at the resort are missing. Then they start vanishing one by one. The story was really intriguing, I really wanted to know what was happening and why but the problem is that the film doesn't actually give you an answer at the end. I don't mind if some films leave things open to interpretation or give you clues so you can re-watch and come to a conclusion but this film literally just ends with no payoff whatsoever. It's a real shame because the story had me hooked and then just vanished like the people in the film.

The music composition was also not great, it didn't suit the tone of the film and actually zapped away any tension that was being created.

Would have been better as a short film but I still enjoyed the ride up until it ended 5.5/10