Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

About a couple that go on honeymoon and the woman starts behaving weird and clearly something strange is happening to her. Stars the Bianca Wildling from Game Of Thrones so I thought I'd give it a shot. The acting, especially until she starts behaving strange is absolutely awful and both characters at this point are so fecking annoying that you as a viewer CANT WAIT for them to get messed up. Once she becomes strange, it gets a little better but the final act is quite anti-climatic and doesn't really explain much, it just kind of ends. Had potential but did not deliver and wasn't really scary at all 4.5/10

Teenage English girl (Jenny Agutter) and aboriginal boy (David Gulpilil) wander around the Australian bush. Great visually. Both actors were 16 and are outstanding in their different styles. The narrative and editing are sometimes hard to follow. A classic and quirky film. 8/10
You should get loaded and watch Wake in Fright next.

Cloud Atlas is criminally underrated, isn't it?
It's quite good.
Entre Les Murs (The Classroom) - Laurent Cantet (2008)

Brilliant, spot on portrayal of education, schools, and a multi cultural classroom in an outer arrondissement of Paris. The acting by both the youths and the teaching staff was excellent and very natural, and the guy who wrote the screen play, Francois Begaudeau, and who's book it was based on from his actual experience, played the lead role and was better than most professional actors and gave it a very authentic touch. I can totally see why this won the Palme d'Or in Cannes. Fantastic achievement this film.

9 cocks up

Ah a great film. Absolutely nothing happens and it's riveting.
The make up makes it hard to take seriously. But it's definitely not bad.

Very ambitious, to be fair. It must've taken me 50mins to get into but once my mind decided to switch became thoroughly rewarding - that despite Tom Hanks's fantastical Irish accent. Anyhow, I suspect Che would've nodded his head in agreement. The revolution is not an Apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall. Or something.
Entre Les Murs (The Classroom) - Laurent Cantet (2008)

Brilliant, spot on portrayal of education, schools, and a multi cultural classroom in an outer arrondissement of Paris. The acting by both the youths and the teaching staff was excellent and very natural, and the guy who wrote the screen play, Francois Begaudeau, and who's book it was based on from his actual experience, played the lead role and was better than most professional actors and gave it a very authentic touch. I can totally see why this won the Palme d'Or in Cannes. Fantastic achievement this film.

9 cocks up
Best film I've ever seen set in a school. I remember showing it to my parents, who both teach/ taught at pretty rough East London schools and they could barely watch it, it was so real for them. The child actors were completely believable as well.
Felony - really poor. Complete mess of a plot, all contrived leaps and ridiculous character development. Jai Courtney couldn't act his way out of a paper bag. Had high hopes given the hype in Oz but once again the media are puffing up a local film regardless of quality.
Very ambitious, to be fair. It must've taken me 50mins to get into but once my mind decided to switch became thoroughly rewarding - that despite Tom Hanks's fantastical Irish accent. Anyhow, I suspect Che would've nodded his head in agreement. The revolution is not an Apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall. Or something.
Ambitious is an apt word to describe it. Was hopelessly lost for the first half hour. Then advised by a few in this very thread to stick with it, as it all makes sense in the end. Took some patience, but I'm glad I did. Remarkable film.
The Game - A fun, thrilling film that earns it far-fetched story and plotholes by being a good concept, vastly entertaining, well directed and a fun ride. It's probably my favourite Fincher film from the 90's.
Under the Skin's another cracking film. I thought it was visually beautiful and eerily atmospheric... Loneliness eh?
No, I haven't. It probably would've translated more easily into a series.

If I'd not read the book, I'd have found the first 20 minutes of the film a bit difficult due to the amount of jumping about. God knows what you must have thought initially!

As per the series comment, it would have been perfect for a nice mini series on HBO or something.
If I'd not read the book, I'd have found the first 20 minutes of the film a bit difficult due to the amount of jumping about. God knows what you must have thought initially!

As per the series comment, it would have been perfect for a nice mini series on HBO or something.

It twisted my melon, man. Like I said above, it must've taken me 50 mins to get into.
I watched 'Frances Ha' the other night, really enjoyed it. Worth checking out for anyone who hasn't seen it.
Oh and I saw 'Videodrome' as well, which I never really fancied because I thought the name sounded silly, but was impressed. James Woods and Debby Harry are great, and Cronenburg did a great job directing.
A Walk Among The Tombstones: A completely unremarkable and mediocre movie that has very little reason to exist other than cashing in on the whole “Liam Neeson is a hard-man” movie construct. It is even hard to be angry or annoyed at it as although it is riddled with clichés it doesn't really do anything in an excessively poor fashion, it just isn't troubled by the fact that it doesn't have a shred of originality in it or any interesting concepts. Mediocre and the type of movie I wouldn't mind watching to kill a few hours if it was on TV, however having paid for it I can think of a thousand better uses of my £7+. Don’t bother paying to watch it as you’ll just feel slightly cheated. Shades of Jack Reacher in this one.

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Man on Fire

One of the great, underrated, schlocky films. Denzel Washington is powerfully charismatic as usual, Dakota Fanning may be the best child actor ever, and Tony Scott's camera blasts a hole through the audience's brain.
The Pope of Greenwich Village Loved this purely for Mickey Rourke and Eric Roberts and the chemistry between them. Roberts in particular gives a wonderful performance. 7.5/10

I find it remarkable that Eric Roberts didn't have a better career, he had the talent. His imdb lists 370 acting credits and it's mostly crappy movies and tv shows.
What's it about and why is the title making fun of Frances? I need me something to watch tonight.

A bunch of young people in NYC with the lead starting to not feel so young anymore as she struggles to make her in life. If you don't mind films that are more about the characters than action or plot then give it a shot, otherwise I'd avoid as it's not for everyone. Despite the lack of anything much happening it has a strangely fast-paced quality to it that gave it an original feel.

You'll find out what the title means in the closing shot, or not, as the case may be.
It's about modern 20 something year olds being 20 something.

A bunch of young people in NYC with the lead starting to not feel so young anymore as she struggles to make her in life. If you don't mind films that are more about the characters than action or plot then give it a shot, otherwise I'd avoid as it's not for everyone. Despite the lack of anything much happening it has a strangely fast-paced quality to it that gave it an original feel.

You'll find out what the title means in the closing shot, or not, as the case may be.
Cheers boys, just seen the trailer too and the fact it's been shot in black and white alone annoyed me. So I think I'll better give this one a miss.
The Pact 2
I watched the original in the cinema when it came out but it was quite the snooze fest and I don't really remember much about it apart from the fact that some bald man was hiding behind a wall and that it had Rico from Starship Troopers. I watched the sequel yesterday and it referenced the first one a lot so there were some bits where I didn't understand what was going on. Having said that, the film is still boring with not a lot happening throughout it's run time. Has a few decent moments and a slightly unpredictable twist but the film is way too boring to really give a shit about what is happening, which most of the times was nothing 3/10
I loved it when I was a hip hop obsessed stoner. On reassesment it's a bit pseudo. The scene where RZA & Whitaker walk past each other is clearly a homage to this though..