Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Sin City 2 - I haven't seen the first one, but my friends wanted to see this so I went along. It was basically just Eva Green naked for 60% of the film for basically no reason. The story was weak and transparent. There was so much that was pointless about this movie, including why it was made. They threw in Joseph Gordon-Levitt for a story that added nothing to the film. 4/10
Pretty much the reaction you get from anyone. Haven't seen it but was looking forward to it so it's disappointing to hear. Do watch the first one, though, it's great.
Sin City 2 : A Dame To Kill For

Sin Shitty.

Seriously this was a complete mess. The timeline was all over the place (made even more confusing by watching the far superior first movie directly before it), several of the characters had been replaced by different actors which added to the confusion (I mean Ffs Josh Brolin couldn't be any more different to Clive Owen)
Actually, the Dwight character gets a new face in the comic books as well (which is explained in the first film) so there's a reason for that.
The Damned - Damn...I wasn't prepared for the directions this took, just unflinching. Power struggle in early Nazi Germany. Ugly, ugly, sad, depressing, uneven at times but it all comes together into a powerful work. Young Charlotte Rampling was a real stunner.
The Poughkeepsie Tapes
Was quite interested to see this as it was pulled from release for years. Finally got a copy and it was surprisingly ok. Tried something a little different with the 'found footage' genre and was very disturbing without showing too much violence or gore. But the tone and theme of the film was very unsettling. Decent watch 5.5/10
Disappointing to read so many bad reviews for Sin City 2. I'm a big fan of the first one after being a big fan of the comics.

Maybe I'll just wait for it to come out on blu-ray instead.
Inbetweeners 2
Absolute shite. Not even remotely funny. Piss poor rehash of a couple of episodes and Kevin and Perry Go Large.
Russian Ark (2002) - I don't even know. What a ludicrous thing to make. But I enjoyed looking at it. 'Watching' would imply a degree of understanding that would be a downright lie. Far too many things get described as dreamlike, but it's apt with this monstrosity.


Thought it was very, very good. Great accent from Hardy and enthralling monologue at times. Awesome concept and not what I expected at all.

In many ways reminded me of Ayn Rand, fountainhead/atlas shrugged type characters. Just an indomitably straight and uncompromising man at odds with more emotional people.

One man in a car taking calls.... Well worth a watch.
Inbetweeners 2
Absolute shite. Not even remotely funny. Piss poor rehash of a couple of episodes and Kevin and Perry Go Large.

Yeah, watched it there myself and have to agree. Very jaded at this stage and seems like it's the end of the line, which is fair enough considering there's only so far you can go with this kinda thing thing.
Went to see Wayne's World at a rooftop cinema, being Cardiff in August though the weather was terrible and we got moved inside. Still, it's possibly my favourite film ever, the atmosphere was good and there was beer. 10/10.
Enemy (2013)

Wow. What an uneasy, unsettling film, far far away from what I was expecting. Direction and acting (mostly from Gylenhaal) were brilliant, a very Lynchian story (Isabella Rossellini even turns up), and one of the most shocking finishes to a film I can remember. Really curious to see what Villeneuve does after this and Prisoners, talent to look out for.

Also - anyone know why the film hasn't made it to the UK yet? It was shown a year ago in some places.
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Devil's Prey
What a pile of shit but one of those piles of shit that are SO shit that if you watch it with a bunch of mates, it will actually be quite funny. Full of bad acting, random sex scenes and nudity, plot holes and best of all, this line:

Bad guy: Well done Eli, you are a good disciple
Eli: Thanks sir, I try REAL hard


Loved it! 9/10
Edge of Tomorrow

If you have always wanted to watch Tom Cruise die repeatedly your in luck. It seems to be rated quite highly but I'm failing to see why, it was a 7/10 action romp. So.

Sin City: A Dame To Kill For

It's been getting stinker reviews which had me worried, but I thought it was pretty good. Big fan of the books and the first film, and this holds up pretty well. The stories stay very true to the comic, the graphic violence is pretty great, Eva Green and Jessica Alba don't wear many items of clothes throughout. The original material for the film was fine too. It has a bit of a slower pace to it than the first film, which I think it more true to the comic than the first film, which tries to jam a little too much in. Also, by far the best film I've seen in 3D so far. Overall, it looks spectacular.

Good. 7.5 outta 10.
The Raid 2 (2014)

feck yeah! reminded me of the korean "new world"... some plot similarities, but the raid has its own style. Non stop action from beginning to end.

lay back and enjoy the ride.

Enemy (2013)

Wow. What an uneasy, unsettling film, far far away from what I was expecting. Direction and acting (mostly from Gylenhaal) were brilliant, a very Lynchian story (Isabella Rossellini even turns up), and one of the most shocking finishes to a film I can remember. Really curious to see what Villeneuve does after this and Prisoners, talent to look out for.

Also - anyone know why the film hasn't made it to the UK yet? It was shown a year ago in some places.

Pretty much second this. Interesting and much deeper than it appears on the surface. Recommended.
Godzilla (2014)

Not impressed. The CGI and this classic Godzilla, really nice. But the story and dialogues were weak. Plus not enough screen time for Godzilla. And the great Heisenberg, hired just so they can put him on the trailers and posters.

This is the part that ticked me off the most about the movie, the whole movie was poor in every aspect except for Brian Cranston.
who made the movie worth while for about 40 minutes before he was killed. 3/10 for me.
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Devil's Prey
What a pile of shit but one of those piles of shit that are SO shit that if you watch it with a bunch of mates, it will actually be quite funny. Full of bad acting, random sex scenes and nudity, plot holes and best of all, this line:

Bad guy: Well done Eli, you are a good disciple
Eli: Thanks sir, I try REAL hard


Loved it! 9/10

Went out last night with a few friends and had a couple of drinks to celebrate the end of summer. While I was driving home, around 2am, my brother texted me that he was having some drinks in his garage and that I should pop by, so I did. He was having some drinks with his baseball team and by 3am most of them had left. My brother and I decided to have one more beer before I left, and he turned on the tv to see if anything was on. First channel he turned to we saw Chuck Norris and Lee Marvin on screen, so we decided to keep on watching, as is the natural reaction to Lee Marvin or Chuck Norris being on your screen, let alone BOTH appearing together.

It was Delta Force, and it was awful, but so awful that it was fecking hilarious. The last half hour or so is that greatest act I've ever seen in a movie, Oscar worthy stuff. People talk about the ending of the Sixth Sense, the Usual Suspects, and even Saving Private Ryan, but the greatest is watching Chuck Norris fecking shit up on his motorcycle. (Spoiler alert) The scene with Chuck riding up on those two jeeps on the runway trying to stop the airliner from lifting off, I feel like it must have defined a generation of movie going experiences. The scene was perfect, with Chuck machine gunning the two rear gunners and then pulling a wheelie and dispatching both jeeps simultaneously with two heat seeking missiles from the rear of his inspector gadget motorcycle; thus rendering the first two kills irrelevant yet no less satisfying. I felt at the end that my life was now complete but felt somewhat hollow that it had taken so long for me to see this masterpiece.

If any of you have made the same mistake as I (that being not knowing that the movie existed), do yourself a favour and watch Delta Force.
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Scarred Up - terrific little prison drama, weirdly touching, loses its shit at the end a bit. Ben Mendelsohn is reliably great, Jack O'Connell is good too although he's sort of got stuck playing the scrote with daddy issues.
I've been watching the Mad Max trilogy over the last few days. What the feck happened with the last one? Starts off as a potentially great film, along the same vein as the others- then turns into a soppier version of Robin Williams' Peter Pan. Even the music turns all Disney. Awful. Let down a potentially brilliant trilogy. Why did Gibson even agree to it after reading the script?
This is the part that ticked me off the most about the movie, the whole movie was poor in every aspect except for Brian Cranston who made the movie worth while for about 40 minutes before he was killed. 3/10 for me.

Ah come on- spoiler that shit!
Went out last night with a few friends and had a couple of drinks to celebrate the end of summer. While I was driving home, around 2am, my brother texted me that he was having some drinks in his garage and that I should pop by, so I did. He was having some drinks with his baseball team and by 3am most of them had left. My brother and I decided to have one more beer before I left, and he turned on the tv to see if anything was on. First channel he turned to we saw Chuck Norris and Lee Marvin on screen, so we decided to keep on watching, as is the natural reaction to Lee Marvin or Chuck Norris being on your screen, let alone BOTH appearing together.

It was Delta Force, and it was awful, but so awful that it was fecking hilarious. The last half hour or so is that greatest act I've ever seen in a movie, Oscar worthy stuff. People talk about the ending of the Sixth Sense, the Usual Suspects, and even Saving Private Ryan, but the greatest is watching Chuck Norris fecking shit up on his motorcycle. (Spoiler alert) The scene with Chuck riding up on those two jeeps on the runway trying to stop the airliner from lifting off, I feel like it must have defined a generation of movie going experiences. The scene was perfect, with Chuck machine gunning the two rear gunners and then pulling a wheelie and dispatching both jeeps simultaneously with two heat seeking missiles from the rear of his inspector gadget motorcycle; thus rendering the first two kills irrelevant yet no less satisfying. I felt at the end that my life was now complete but felt somewhat hollow that it had taken so long for me to see this masterpiece.

If any of you have made the same mistake as I (that being not knowing that the movie existed), do yourself a favour and watch Delta Force.
:lol: Delta Force! It's one of my favourite Chuck Norris films! It should be up there with the best of the 80's action films!!
Right At Your Door
Didn't enjoy it too much the first time I watched it when it was released and thought it was a little better second time round but still not amazing. The idea was decent and there is some really good camera-work and acting but too many stupid or unrealistic things happen that really threw me off. The 'twist' you can see coming but is quite powerful. The main problem is that there are points in the film that are dragged out to extend the running time and that get's a little annoying. Still a decent watch 6/10


I have looking forward to this for years, especially as it is directed by Takeshi Shimizu and I finally got a copy and watched it. It's about a bunch of passengers on a flight that start experiencing a supernatural force whilst on a turbulent flight. Although not too scary, the story was pretty good with some decent characters and there were some good moments of suspense. Main flaws are that there are quite a few plot holes, the pacing felt awkward and it seemed a little rushed towards the end but I liked that Shimizu has tried something a little different with the genre 7/10
He should be given a medal for saving people 2 hours of their life. Flop of the year for me.
Thank you, the movie is not even good in any way a complete waste of time. Also I didn't really see any rules in this thread about spoilers I went to the opening page and didn't see anything mentioned about spoilers.

I honestly forgot I could spoiler tag something won't happen again sorry.
Under the Skin (2013)

A really pleasant experience. I felt hypnotized by the TV... probably something similar to what prayer mantis (male) fell before going to mate.

Scarred Up - terrific little prison drama, weirdly touching, loses its shit at the end a bit. Ben Mendelsohn is reliably great, Jack O'Connell is good too although he's sort of got stuck playing the scrote with daddy issues.
Starred Up. Just watched it last week too and it was really good. Definitely recommend it.
Scott Pilgrim vs The World


Just watched it again.I love this film so much.

The very definition of a cult classic and I'm often referred to as a cult.
X-Men: Days of Future Past 6/10

Anyone else felt that "future" battle was without any tension at all as Wolverine was utterly useless and had no bearing in the past. They skipped back and forward trying to create some tension, but no matter when Professor, Raven and Magneto do their thing in the past, without Wolverine having a role in the past, what happens in the future is irrelevant.

Btw, does Magneto gives metal a mind of its own? Or he sees and hears through it? I mean, stitching himself while not looking, manipulating dozens of guns (to point and hold), transforming train tracks into metal that gets fused into Sentinels and changes their programming?

Also, Blink, think vertical more often.
Right people, I'm doing a new thing for FilmFixx where we get people to vote for one of 3 cult films for me to watch and review for the site, for the first one I'm doing a post-apocalyptic film, meaning I'll be reviewing one of Hell Comes to Frogtown, Escape From New York or the Sean Connery mankini sensation, Zardoz. You can vote either by tweeting one of this 3 titles to @filmfixx or by leaving it as a comment on this Facebok page:

I had to pitch this whole thing to the FilmFixx people and it would be a bit embarrassing if the whole thing died flat on its arse with no one voting so if any of you find the time I'd really appreciate it!
Marie Antoinette

A lot better than I'd been led to believe. It still has the usual Sophia Coppola issues, it's overly self-conscious at times about appearing cool, but despite that it does a good job of going over her usual themes of women, loneliness, and negotiating with foreign worlds and societies; but with a historical context that is genuinely interesting. She does an excellent job of balancing Antoinette as women, and Antoinette as royal myth while allowing you genuine empathy with her as a person. I liked the pop sound track for the most part, and I wasn't bothered by the appearance of purple converse in her shoe collection.

I don't think it's any worse than Lost In Translation, and it's a million miles away from dirge like Somewhere. 7/10
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The Rover: A David Michod directed (and scripted) movie. Well shot throughout and about as bleak and at times as nihilistic in many ways as Animal Kingdom this is a small budget movie that works primarily because of its two main leads. Pattinson is actually surprisingly good (I keep saying this with him so will probably have to learn to accept that he is just a good actor) but it is really Guy Pierce who is the outstanding presence in this film; delivering a brilliant and laconic performance filled with misanthropy, malevolence and pent up rage. The back-story based on an economic collapse only really forms the backdrop for the events of the movie. I guess some criticism can come from the fact that on the surface the movie doesn’t appear to be about much but I think that is a misunderstanding as there were quite a few themes that resonated with me. Not a masterpiece and nowhere near as accomplished as Animal Kingdom but an interesting, well scripted watch. It does have some issues with its final third but I actually liked the ending as I thought it fitted in well with some of the themes of the movie.
