The Hundred Foot Journey - Possibly the most inoffesnive film to ever exist. Helen Mirren does a dodgy french accent, conflicts get resolved, everyone embraces each other and dreams come true... it's all very "nice"... and you'll probably have a pleasent enough time with it, but it won't exactly stir up anything stronger than that in you... well, apart from maybe some hunger.
The Million Dollar Arm - I'm a sucker for a Disney sports film based on a true story... thus, I rather enjoyed this. Some pretty likeable leads, some interesting locations, a decent story and Lake Bell being lovely... throw-in sport as a backstory and I'm sold. It doesn't reach the dizzying heights of Cool Runnings or Remember the Titans, but it can sit above Invincible and Glory Road... around the same level as Miracle.
The Million Dollar Arm - I'm a sucker for a Disney sports film based on a true story... thus, I rather enjoyed this. Some pretty likeable leads, some interesting locations, a decent story and Lake Bell being lovely... throw-in sport as a backstory and I'm sold. It doesn't reach the dizzying heights of Cool Runnings or Remember the Titans, but it can sit above Invincible and Glory Road... around the same level as Miracle.