Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I'm personally alright with Michael Bay's slobbering rape bait sexism not permeating another beloved children's franchise.

Though I'm aware that's probably the only positive thing I'll be able to say about it. It's been slaughtered everywhere.
Children of the Corn
Old school horror film based off of a Stephen King novel. Was not too great, a little boring and I always find horror films where children are the main antagonists a little laughable and some of the performances from the child actors in this film made that feeling even stronger. This is the first film based on a Stephen King novel that I really didn't like 4/10
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)

Movie that follows a similar style like Guardians of the Galaxy. If you like that you'll llike this too.
A wafer thin story with standard twists that you can see a mile off. But still they have managed to keep it amusing and light hearted. Megan Fox is different a shade less hot, if that is even possible.
A fun timekiller movie.

I'm personally alright with Michael Bay's slobbering rape bait sexism not permeating another beloved children's franchise.

Though I'm aware that's probably the only positive thing I'll be able to say about it. It's been slaughtered everywhere.

The criticism from Vanilla Ice with regards to its new song was most damning:

With respect to all of the artists, the song doesn't really do it for me," he said. "It feels a little artificial – what I mean by that is that it sounds like a bunch of executives in the corporate world put it together. It really does not fit the theme of the Ninja Turtles' legend. I think you have to understand, and be a true Ninja, to possess the magic to really pull off the secret sound."
The Sacrament
A film based around the Jonestown Mass Suicide but doesn't really say that it's based on a true story, so firstly, I would say the writer is taking credit for a non-fiction event and I find that quite appalling. This is pretty much a typical Ti West film. Does a great job setting up the story with bags of tension but the payoff yet again lets it down somewhat but it is definitely an improvement on his previous 2 films (House of the Devil and Innkeepers).

It is told through the "found footage" method but West has stuck to the recent trend of having the camera op as a "professional" in the storyline so it makes sense that the camera quality doesn't look like it was shot on DV and also there is not too much running around aimlessly with a camera, instead there is decent footage. However, there are many points where it switches to a different angle that the camera operator could not have been in and throws you off a little.

The film was decent and if you look pass the shameless ripoff of Jonestown, there is enjoyment to be had here 7/10
Ossessione - Italian neorealism, film noir, harmonica playing drifters, countryside/port towns, subtle sexual undertones. There were was a lot of things to like about this film. It came as no surprise that Fascist Italy banned it and wanted every copy destroyed.
The assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford - Loved it. Brad Pitt and Sam Rockwell are great, and Casey Affleck is incredible. The cinematography is brilliant, perfection in every single shot.
TAoJJbtCRF was unfortunate to come out in the same year as more higher profile and inferior westerns like There Will Be Turgid Crap, No Country for Old Men and maybe even 3:10 to Yuma snatched all the plaudits.
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Deakoms was king in 2007, both Jesse James and No Country were elevated thanks to his greatness. Though No Country destroys it on the overall however much I like Jesse James, No Country is a modern classic.
If There Will Be Blood is turgid so is TAoJJbtCRF.

They're both great though. Best work Billy Pitt's ever done.
Nah. TAoJJbtCRF ticks all the moody, contemplative reflection of the old west boxes. There Will Be Blood is just Daniel Day-Lewis masturbating with an oily oil tower shoved up his arse for 160 messy minutes.
Safe- Unsettling drama/horror. Julianne Moore as a banal suburban housewife who becomes increasingly ill under mysterious circumstances, with the polluted environment as a possible cause. The first half of the film was truly excellent stuff, with Todd Haynes creating an Antonioni like atmosphere of unease through rendering the suburban landscape as cold and malevolent. It was slow paced but built a great creeping anxiety. The second half didn't quite live up to the promise of the first, it dragged a touch and became a bit too straightforward as a metaphor for AIDS culture. However, it still remained unsettling, and felt very unique. I feel like this is the sort of film I'll appreciate a lot more on second viewing, when I know where everything is going. A good watch. 6/10
Before Midnight

7.5/10. Didn't enjoy it as much as the first two - maybe I'm too young to relate to the worn down, married with kids relationship they had. The writing and the two leads are still incredible, and the film(s) make you want them to be happy so much that it hurts when they're cruel to each other, but this one just seemed a bit off the mark. It really lacked the tension of the real-time format from the other films, and the supporting characters just seemed a bit fake and pretentious. That said, wouldn't be surprised at all if I enjoy it more in a few years.

Would rate the trilogy as Sunset (near perfect film), Sunrise, Midnight.
Will have to watch them together in a year or two to see what I make of second viewings - Sunset was my clear favourite though.
At The Devils Door
A film about a woman that is trying to sell a house with a chequered past and gets attacked by a supernatural being. It seems like the director tried to fill the idea for a trilogy in one film and it really, and unusually, feels too slowly paced yet rushed at the same time. There are some nice build ups of atmosphere and some decent jump scares but it is also boring for most of it's runtime and the plot kind of goes nowhere. Absolutely hated the ending as well. It seemed like a poorly executed film on a decent idea that needed to be fleshed out a little more 4/10
Strarred up- gritty and violent british prison drama. Jack O'Connell is exceptional, as is Ben Mendelsohn.
Excellent film, 9/10
The Man With The Golden Arm- Frank Sinatra as a drug addict trying and failing to go straight. The story's a bit cliched but considering it was made in 1955 it's just surprising that a Hollywood film was able to be so explicit in its portrayal of addiction and poverty, so I can't imagine it was cliched at the time. It's extremely well directed by Preminger, and Sinatra's performance is brilliant, particularly in a, single take, cold turkey scene at the end. The film falls down a bit by surrounding Sinatra's character with a secondary cast of caricatures, particularly the wife and Kim Novak's character who both seemed to be ridiculously devoted to Sinatra, and came of as cartoonishly weak. Still, a good Hollywood drama. 6/10

A young, gifted football player who gets into trouble for a petty crime is brought to the attention of former Manchester United coach Matt Busby, who comes out of retirement to help the boy and his teammates.
Brian Cox playing Sir Matt was good has was Jack Smith who played the young lad in trouble.
OK so it is really a kids film, the acting is not great, the music is pretty poor and it is way to sentimental for my liking.
But I enjoyed watching, yes the ending was predictable but you know what I did not care, it made me and by 2 lads smile and thats what mattered.

Knife Fight (2012) - what the feck? Rob Lowe and Eric McCormack are two different people? I thought they were both Rob Lowe.


wat. 0/10
Strarred up- gritty and violent british prison drama. Jack O'Connell is exceptional, as is Ben Mendelsohn.
Excellent film, 9/10

Watched it myself a few nights ago and have to agree with the above, very gritty believable portrayal of prison life with excellent performances.
Wasn't sure where to put this. Michael Owen on films:

What’s the last film you saw? It’s very boring, but I don’t watch films. I think I’ve seen about five in my life. I just can’t get into them. I do try – someone will say, ‘Watch this film, it’s great,’ and I’ll try but after half an hour, 40 minutes I can’t take it any longer.

What an absolute vegetable.
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Animal Farm, Debbie Does Dallas, Anal Intruder I, II and III.
1 of them has to be Matilda. I refuse to believe everyone hasn't seen it.
Surely everyone has seen Back to the Future, at least two Indiana Jones films and a James Bond film or 20.
The Purge: Anarchy

Was at a loose end so downloaded it yesterday. Better than the first one. Still not great but enjoyable. Worth a watch if you don't take it seriously.
I think the first one had a potentially interesting premise but was just a fairly dull siege movie in the end. Surprised it got a sequel at all.