Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Shouldn't all films of a trilogy be good to call the trilogy great? Temple of doom is an abomination, it's easily the worst Indy ever and yes that includes that hilariously bad Indy vs Aliens with crystal skulls flick they made a few years ago. I'd argue that the Indy trilogy is the one with the biggest gap in quality between the first and second film ever.

Raiders was the best by some distance but lazy racial stereotypes aside Temple was fun and very much in the spirit of the 30/40's short film serial style Raiders was based on.
Yeah I like Temple. There's an argument to be made it's the only one where Indy actually does anything towards the resolution of the movie. In Raiders & Crusade the same shit would've happened without him. Probably with less fuss and casual death too.

Sure it's incredibly racist, but it's got the plane raft stunt, the room with spikes, the hat grab under the door, the minecart chase, the bridge bit. To say it's worse than Crystal Skull is nonsense. Harisson Ford knows where he is for a start.
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Okay, forgot about Leone's 'Dollars' trilogy. That's a big contender for best trilogy ever.
I watched it not that long ago. Just chase chase chase without any of the redeeming qualities of the first 2. Even worse than part 4 imo.
Which version did you watch? Theatrical one, or the 'extended version' on the BR/DVD? I'm only asking cos the way you're describing it isn't at all how I remember it. My recollection is a very atmospheric and tense film, very dark with an almost nihilistic feel to it. Also loved Charles Dance in it.
Yeah I like Temple. There's an argument to be made it's the only one where Indy actually does anything towards the resolution of the movie. In Raiders & Crusade the same shit would've happened without him. Probably with less fuss and casual death too.

It's got the plane raft stunt, the room with spikes, the hat grab under the door, the minecart chase, the bridge bit. To say it's worse than Crystal Skull is nonsense.
I hadn't ever really realized that, but yeah, you're right. You've just sucked the fun out of my childhood.
I hadn't ever really realized that, but yeah, you're right. You've just sucked the fun out of my childhood.

Not only that, but in Raiders, due to an editing mistake, there's absolutely no reason why he knows not to look at the Ark. It's never mentioned at all, ever. He basically guesses and makes up a reason whilst the most literal "God in the Machine" ever takes out all the baddies for him. It's mental.
Why is there a Welsh Arab in Raiders? That's never explained either.
Not only that, but in Raiders, due to an editing mistake, there's absolutely no reason why he knows not to look at the Ark. It's never mentioned at all, ever. He basically guesses and makes up a reason whilst the most literal "God in the Machine" ever takes out all the baddies for him. It's mental.
Yeah that I'd picked up on and it's pretty daft indeed :lol:
And we haven't even got into the whole "Indy's a Pedo in Raiders" thing. Sure Temple is racist, but would you rather be a racist or a pedo?


Why is there a Welsh Arab in Raiders? That's never explained either.

Arabs don't look like arabs on film. You've got to tape a bunch of taffs together.
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Cube 2: Hypercube
I watched this out of curiosity because I enjoyed the first so much. My expectations were low and the film didn't really change my mind. They took a decent idea from the first one but tried to over-complicate it with shifts in time-space and transportation. The film was too confusing for it's own good but once you think about it a little it's actually pretty straight forward and not as clever as it thinks. Disappointed 4/10
Cube 2: Hypercube
I watched this out of curiosity because I enjoyed the first so much. My expectations were low and the film didn't really change my mind. They took a decent idea from the first one but tried to over-complicate it with shifts in time-space and transportation. The film was too confusing for it's own good but once you think about it a little it's actually pretty straight forward and not as clever as it thinks. Disappointed 4/10
This just made me think, has there ever been a good low budget sequel to a film? I can't think of one.
This just made me think, has there ever been a good low budget sequel to a film? I can't think of one.
I think the Cube 2 was much higher budget...

Insidious 2 wasn't super high budget and although not as good as the first, it was still decent.
Yeah I like Temple. There's an argument to be made it's the only one where Indy actually does anything towards the resolution of the movie. In Raiders & Crusade the same shit would've happened without him. Probably with less fuss and casual death too.

Sure it's incredibly racist, but it's got the plane raft stunt, the room with spikes, the hat grab under the door, the minecart chase, the bridge bit. To say it's worse than Crystal Skull is nonsense. Harisson Ford knows where he is for a start.
I actually like that a lot about the films, it makes a lot of sense in the context of the whole biblical apocalypse waiting to happen scenario where no man can actually prevent it and the bad guys just need to feck it up themselves. I kinda feel like I have to rewatch the trilogy again on the weekend, I haven't watched Temple for at least 15 years, maybe I'll change my opinion afterwards.

Okay, forgot about Leone's 'Dollars' trilogy. That's a big contender for best trilogy ever.
Both his trilogies are exceptional, the once upon a time trilogy is in my opinion even better than the dollar trilogy.
Savages: A movie with two endings and both of them are retarded. Full of woolly minded ideas, inconsistencies and a disjointed story line; this would only be notable for its beautiful settings if it wasn't for the fact that they have somehow even managed to f**k most of that up by using a a similar "metallic" type effect on the camera/film stock to the film Traffic (a vastly superior film about roughly the same subject). A film full of dumb ideas, avoid or go one step better and avoid and watch Traffic instead.

Worst ending to a film I've ever seen. Left the cinema in a rage at how insultingly stupid it was.
Not only that, but in Raiders, due to an editing mistake, there's absolutely no reason why he knows not to look at the Ark. It's never mentioned at all, ever. He basically guesses and makes up a reason whilst the most literal "God in the Machine" ever takes out all the baddies for him. It's mental.

Speaking of editing mistakes, the dude swallowing the fly is amazing.
Not sure which I prefer more, the Before trilogy or Eric Rohmer's Six Moral Tales, the latter definitely must have been a huge influence on Linklater.

I probably prefer Aki Kaurismäki's Proletariat Trilogy, Wong Kar Wai’s 60's trilogy and the Die Hard trilogy over both of them though...

Oh, and Temple of Doom is a horrible movie.
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Star Wars episode 4-6 or LOTR, which one is better??
Objectively speaking, I think the three LOTR films generally hold a higher standard. There's only one truly great film in the original Star Wars trilogy (The Empire Strikes Back).

I'm a huge Star Wars fan, though, much prefer them.
A little, I actually liked the sequels when I saw them. I watched the first film a few years afterwards after having seen a few animes and I didn't enjoy it, a colossal bore.
I'm the same a bit, I still enjoy the first one, but the sequels are soooo bad. At the time I bought in to them though.
A little, I actually liked the sequels when I saw them. I watched the first film a few years afterwards after having seen a few animes and I didn't enjoy it, a colossal bore.
You liked the sequels? Wow Nilsson, wouldn't have expected that from you really!
If you remove both of their impacts on pop culture and just look at them as standalone films Star Wars still wins for me on the basis that very little of it is boring. Some of LOTR is incredibly dull.
The Stand

I remember this being much better when I first saw it, but re-watching it now, I liked only the first part, dealing more with the plague and failed containment. Even that wasn't anything special. Surely Randall Flagg is more menacing and more...well, useful in the novel, right? Then again, heard it had the same ridiculous ending, so maybe not. Dark Tower might be more of his game. 4 pelicans out of 13.
I watched it not that long ago. Just chase chase chase without any of the redeeming qualities of the first 2. Even worse than part 4 imo.

God no. 4 was woeful... didn't feel like an Alien film at all. The only part that I remember at all is the under water scenes
Not sure which I prefer more, the Before trilogy or Eric Rohmer's Six Moral Tales, the latter definitely must have been a huge influence on Linklater.

I probably prefer Aki Kaurismäki's Proletariat Trilogy, Wong Kar Wai’s 60's trilogy and the Die Hard trilogy over both of them though...

Oh, and Temple of Doom is horrible movie.

The hotel scene in Before Midnight is as good as any, pretty much a perfect distillation of Linklater's talents (that said, Boyhood exceeds them as films, but never hits the high of that bit).

I think I discussed Temple with Mockney a while back, it's a bizarre film where its plot lacks any sort of causation-al chronology. He just stumbles from place to place and the woman is a fecking pain in the neck the whole way. And the racism.
Shouldn't all films of a trilogy be good to call the trilogy great? Temple of doom is an abomination, it's easily the worst Indy ever and yes that includes that hilariously bad Indy vs Aliens with crystal skulls flick they made a few years ago. I'd argue that the Indy trilogy is the one with the biggest gap in quality between the first and second film ever.

You see, I kinda love Temple of Doom because it's so ugly,crude and racist..... which is kinda in keeping with the old serials that influenced Lucas. It's messy, violent but has some of the best action sequences of the entire series. Yeah, I think it's terrific personally.
Kate Capshaw is indeed terrible, but Karen Allen isn't particualrly good either. Despite the sort of attempt at giving her a badass reputation at the beginng of the film, she then reverts to squeeling damsel for the rest of it. There's a reason the only other notable film she got post 80s was the 4th one, 30 years later. She has an interesting face though. I like her face.

The thing I like about Temple of Doom is it's completely different. Last Crusade, even though I like it too, is a weaker rehash of the first one, step by step. Lets see Indy teaching at college. Lets go to a market. Look, Welsh Arab! Lets go to the junlge. Lets fight Nazis on a desert dirt road. All of this is thought of as "What an Indy film is" now but only because they reverted back to it in the 3rd one. And people got stupidly weirded out about fighting "Russians and Aliens" rather than "Nazis and Ghosts" in Crystal Skull because PEOPLE DONT LIKE CHANGE!!. I'd like a series of Indy films where he goes and does loads of different crazy shit. They're supposed to be crude 30s boysown advernture stories, not just Indiana Jones: Desert Nazi hunter.

The set peices are all much better than anything in the 3rd & 4th ones too. Speilberg is as Speilberg does. Except when Speilberg does it in CGI with monkeys and Shit Beef, obviously.
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You see, I kinda love Temple of Doom because it's so ugly,crude and racist..... which is kinda in keeping with the old serials that influenced Lucas. It's messy, violent but has some of the best action sequences of the entire series. Yeah, I think it's terrific personally.
Indiana Jones is the closest cinematic series to Tintin (other than Spielbergs Tintin, which was nothing like Tintin). And Tintin had it's fair share of stupidity and racism but I loved its weird made up countries and adventure.
You're not gonna believe this, but Temple of Doom has just started right now on BBCThree.
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