Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

So yesterday I risked it and watched After Earth. Consider the horrible IMBD rating of 4.9 I was expecting a really shitty film but to be honest it wasn't even that bad. Not a good film but not really bad either. Seems like the rating is more down to people hating the director and Will Smith's son.

I agree with that, Jaden Smith wasn't even nearly as bad in this as people made out. Its a decent movie too.

The Awakening (2011)
(starring Rebecca Hall & Dominic West)

1921: England. Florence Cathcart is a published author on supernatural hoaxes who works with the police to expose charlatans and debunk supernatural phenomena, having begun her foray into her profession upon the death of her lover in World War I. Upon a visit from Robert Mallory, a teacher from a boarding school with the request to investigate the recent death of a student, and to determine if and how it is related to sightings of a ghost of a child, she travels to the school hoping to explain the sightings and the death.

A good, old school (ho ho) psychological ghost story. 7.5/10
The World's End - Thought it might be a bit crap and Pegg was probably scraping the barrel but I ended up liking it quite a lot. Consistently funny, some excellent writing, Pegg & Frost were good as was Martin Freeman. 8/10.

This is the End - I like a lot of the actors in this film although I appreciate they aren't everyone's cup of tea. Danny McBride is great, overall good cast. Bonus Emma Watson. 7.5/10

The East - Good film, enjoyed it. Hadn't heard of it before but it was a nice surprise, kept me entertained and I do like Ellen Page. 7.5/10.

About to watch Heat, never seen it before so looking forward to it. Next on my list is Margin Call
The Conjuring

Having read a load of hype over this haunted house horror movie, the missus and I decided to give it a look tonight. I gotta say, it's definitely over-rated. Sure it's scary, but the way some people were going on about it you'd swear that it was the most refreshing, piece of horror brilliance in decades.

Personally I found The Exorcist of Emily Rose scarier. The Conjuring just doesn't do anything new, and the happy ending as if nothing had happened?


I got to watch it in an empty theatre with only 3 others in it which made for a great atmosphere, and gave me a hell lot of scare.
This is the End - I like a lot of the actors in this film although I appreciate they aren't everyone's cup of tea. Danny McBride is great, overall good cast. Bonus Emma Watson. 7.5/10

About to watch Heat, never seen it before so looking forward to it. Next on my list is Margin Call
I watched This is the end last night and I agree with your take in it. It's good fun, and the whole beginning where you see all the famous people acting their own parts is original. Overall, I felt it dragged on a bit in the final third but still enjoyed it a lot. You get the feeling that it's a film really made by a punch of friends and there's a nice vibe to it. Absolutely loved the moment about half way through when they decide to make movies :lol:

Enjoy Heat, it's a good film. Do you like Michael Mann as a director? And Margin Call is brilliant, you talk about a great cast for This is the end (rightly so for a comedy), Margin Call sets the bar very high as far as acting performances go.
After Earth
What can I say that hasn't been said before? Not much. Awful acting, especially by Jaden Smith, bad script, bad directing, jarring edits, shit set design. Just an awful, awful movie. Bored the feck out of me. Only redeeming feature was that the soundtrack was ok. 2/10

You've Got Mail
Watched this with the missus and it was alrite. quite charming film. Always like Tom Hanks. Funny how its about a Big Book store company throwing a little independent book store out of business, yet a lot of the scenes are in Starbucks, a big chain known for putting smaller businesses out of business! 6/10

Shutter (2004)
Still one of my favourite horror films. Came out at a time when the horror market was saturated with the Yurei ghost films (Grudge, Ring, The Eye etc) and got overlooked somewhat. Quite well acted, cleverly written and directed and some twists to stir things up. Not full of gore and not reliant on jump scares. It is paced well, the ghost looks creepy and it sticks with you after the film has finished due to the punch that the ending brings. Absolutely love it. 9/10
Shutter (2004)
Still one of my favourite horror films. Came out at a time when the horror market was saturated with the Yurei ghost films (Grudge, Ring, The Eye etc) and got overlooked somewhat. Quite well acted, cleverly written and directed and some twists to stir things up. Not full of gore and not reliant on jump scares. It is paced well, the ghost looks creepy and it sticks with you after the film has finished due to the punch that the ending brings. Absolutely love it. 9/10

Not seen this, sounds good.
Not seen this, sounds good.

I don't know what you will think of it watching it now, but at the time when I watched it, this type of horror was still relatively new and this one really freaked me out. I still think you would enjoy it. Give it a go, let me know what you think.
Now you see me 8/10
I had low expectations at the start but in the end I totally enjoyed this movie, its story, its twists, its beautiful visual effect, Melanie Laurent (:drool:).
World's End

This is about 4 graduates doing the 'Golden Mile' i.e. Having a pint each in 10 of their town's pubs ending with the World's End pub. They get plastered early and fail after the 8th pub. Now years later the leader of the group gets the group together to redo the Golden Mile, only to find that their old town has been taken over by aliens who replace actual people with robots. How they escape and whether they save the world (?) form the plot.

A movie that does not take itself seriously, yet keeps you interested till the end. Does not amke you roll with laughter, but still is funny and enjoyable.

Rating: 7/10
Brandon Croneneberg basically copying what his father's been doing for the past 30 odd years, but not as well. Still though, it was an original story and the performances weren't bad.

Elephant (02)

It's arty so I get why it appeals to some, but I've no idea how this won the Palme d'Or. I can live with a film moving at a snail's pace and being purely character-driven, but these characters had been seen hundreds of times before on film. The two high school killers were about as clichéd as you get. In fairness to the director he might've just jumped the gun a bit and bought into the crap about the kids being goths, social outcasts and all the rest, but it's the kind of characters you'd have expected (and tolerated) in a Hollywood shoot 'em up action flick where they're just an after-thought.
Now You See Me. It was a very good movie. The magician movie that brings together 4 random magicians and makes them work together. They perform tricks like robbing a bank and stealing from a big insurance agent all while performing from the stage itself. Its an intriguing movie and they also try and evade the police from start to finish. A sequel has been announced since it did pretty well in the box office.8/10

It really was, wasn't it ? Here are my thoughts as well.
Now you see me 8/10
I had low expectations at the start but in the end I totally enjoyed this movie, its story, its twists, its beautiful visual effect, Melanie Laurent (:drool:).
Prisoners - Managed to catch this on Monday night and was looking forward to it after plenty of high praise from the critics and the buzz coming over from the states. Some fantastic performances from Jackman, Gyllenhaal & Dano keep this film rolling and importantly intriguing, but they alone can not make the films plot more interesting than it actually is. A run time of 153 minutes is far too long for this film; after about an hour of the film I was drawn in, but I would of expected it to start coming to an end sooner as the plot / twists were easy to unravel the longer it went on. Overall the movie was a good viewing for the level of acting, but I couldn't help but come away feeling that this was just a high budget, extended version of a good Law & Order episode. 6/10
The Call - A ridiculous, non-sensical film about a kidnapped girl in a trunk of a car whilst people around her make stupid decisions. It's rather melodramatic, and "contains sustained terror" to the point where it manages to somewhat hold your attention for it's relatively short run time, and some decent direction (from the bloke who did The Machinist) keeps the tension ramped up, which provides a relatively entertaining time when you consider what it is... though it's nothing that you'll be remembering months later. Still, theres much worse ways to spend 90 minutes.

Oh and Halle Berry was there.
The Call - A ridiculous, non-sensical film about a kidnapped girl in a trunk of a car whilst people around her make stupid decisions. It's rather melodramatic, and "contains sustained terror" to the point where it manages to somewhat hold your attention for it's relatively short run time, and some decent direction (from the bloke who did The Machinist) keeps the tension ramped up, which provides a relatively entertaining time when you consider what it is... though it's nothing that you'll be remembering months later. Still, theres much worse ways to spend 90 minutes.

Oh and Halle Berry was there.

I saw this and thought it was quite intense until the final act and it just go becomes really cliched and generic. Missed opportunity for sure.
I saw this and thought it was quite intense until the final act and it just go becomes really cliched and generic. Missed opportunity for sure.

The ending was ridiculous (but went along with people making daft decision)... in fact, the film took a bit of a nose dive as soon as it stopped being about 'The Call'.

I felt the whole thing was a poor man's Cellular... which is not a line I ever thought I would say.
I watched Elysium yesterday, it was ok, some overly cartoon bad gays but the actions scenes done well and it looked good. Solid 6/10.

I loved the trailer for Gravity, that looks like it could be excellent.
Elephant (02)

It's arty so I get why it appeals to some, but I've no idea how this won the Palme d'Or. I can live with a film moving at a snail's pace and being purely character-driven, but these characters had been seen hundreds of times before on film. The two high school killers were about as clichéd as you get. In fairness to the director he might've just jumped the gun a bit and bought into the crap about the kids being goths, social outcasts and all the rest, but it's the kind of characters you'd have expected (and tolerated) in a Hollywood shoot 'em up action flick where they're just an after-thought.

I at least can certainly see why it won the Palme d'Or. The whole cinematic language of the film was a breath of fresh air and what could've been way too arty and boring and distant turned out to be a very poetic lesson of film making.

I don't know how well you know high school life in the United States (have you ever been in one?), but I don't get your cliche comment at all. They were sort of normal (not cliche) kids who's life was treated in this distant, detached, rather bizarre style. I don't see how you can use the term "cliche" in anything about this film. And using this style to sort of recreate Columbine was nothing short of genius, in my opinion. But yeah, you have to be patient and well into art house cinema to enjoy this.

Van Zandt has done a few movies in this style, and I think it's by far his most creative, artistic fair. Don't mean to be so contrarian to your review, but I thought this movie was a work of genius, and much more interesting than any real life dramatization of this tragic event could've ever been.
I at least can certainly see why it won the Palme d'Or. The whole cinematic language of the film was a breath of fresh air and what could've been way too arty and boring and distant turned out to be a very poetic lesson of film making.

I don't know how well you know high school life in the United States (have you ever been in one?), but I don't get your cliche comment at all. They were sort of normal (not cliche) kids who's life was treated in this distant, detached, rather bizarre style. I don't see how you can use the term "cliche" in anything about this film. And using this style to sort of recreate Columbine was nothing short of genius, in my opinion. But yeah, you have to be patient and well into art house cinema to enjoy this.

Van Zandt has done a few movies in this style, and I think it's by far his most creative, artistic fair. Don't mean to be so contrarian to your review, but I thought this movie was a work of genius, and much more interesting than any real life dramatization of this tragic event could've ever been.

I thought Van Sant's direction was the best thing about it. He seems to split opinion a lot and even though he's made a few stinkers I think he's one of my favourite American filmmakers.
Il Divo - Fantastic film. Skillfully directed and it was almost like a political rock opera. Sorrentino's camera moved so smoothly and the eclectic soundtrack was great as was Servillo's performance.
Yeah, I've been waiting patiently for the right moment to watch this film. I've got it sitting there in the old external memory waiting to be watched. Everything this Sorrentino geezer does totally blows me away, in every aspect of film making. Apparently this was the film Sean Penn had seen and was dying to act in a film of his, hence This Must Be The Place.
Did not like it.
The first half was way to slow and nothing happened, but it got no better.
The back story would of made a much better film.
It does have its good points, the filming was excellent and I liked the music.
This film should of been much better, the story was there, the acting was there, for me the film was lacking.
I've always wondered what drew Kubrick to a King novel...

Not really an account of 'why he chose it', but a story goes that one afternoon Kubrick's secretary was going crazy listening to a periodic loud thumping coming from Kubrick's office: the director skimming through the first pages of books and then throwing them against the wall as he looked for his next project. At some point she realized that she hadn't heard a peep from him for about half an hour running; she went in to check on him and he was reading The Shining. He then asked her to call Stephen King at which point this happens.

For the life of me I can't remember where I read that story.
Yeah, I've been waiting patiently for the right moment to watch this film. I've got it sitting there in the old external memory waiting to be watched. Everything this Sorrentino geezer does totally blows me away, in every aspect of film making. Apparently this was the film Sean Penn had seen and was dying to act in a film of his, hence This Must Be The Place.
I reckon it's beneficial to read up a bit on the history before seeing it if you don't know it already.

Someone worked out the soundtrack if you're interested, thought you'd enjoy the film!

I can't wait to get my hands all over that film. He always has great music in his films, I still listen to The Consequences of Love soundtrack from time to time.

The Amityville Horror (2005)
Full of the usual cliched horror techniques. Blood spilling from walls, man carrying axe whilst scraping it on the floor, demonic faces appearing for no reason, child speaking to imaginary friend etc. they are all in there. The film is edited like a music video and would have been cool as maybe a video for NIN or some band but as a film, fast cuts on a horror film don't work unless they are used very carefully, and they weren't in this film. The only thing it had going for it was that the acting was at a decent level and Ryan Reynolds was surprisingly quite watchable in this. A few tense scenes here and there but it just added nothing new to the genre. Disappointed. 4.5/10
Cold Fish: Japanese film about a fish shop owner that gets drawn into a horrific set of circumstances by a seemingly friendly rival fish shop owner/serial killer. Apparently based on a true story!

It's a mostly enjoyable film, peppered with quite a bit of gore and misogynistic behaviour. The final act lets it down a bit, as it goes completely batshit mental. I enjoyed the absurdity of it all, but some might find it ruins the film for them. It's worth a watch; love it or hate it, it'll leave you with something to talk about. I'm still trying to process it all now, and I finished watching it about an hour ago!
I don't know what you will think of it watching it now, but at the time when I watched it, this type of horror was still relatively new and this one really freaked me out. I still think you would enjoy it. Give it a go, let me know what you think.

I started to watch Shutter and realised I had seen it before, but I still watched it and I did enjoy it.
The ghost was very creepy, no gore, there is a few bits that make you jump bit only a couple.
A basic story of revenge but well written and acted Rachael Taylor was excellent, has she was in 666 Park Avenue.
The twist was well done but I felt the ending was very predictable.
A good solid 7/10
Cold Fish: Japanese film about a fish shop owner that gets drawn into a horrific set of circumstances by a seemingly friendly rival fish shop owner/serial killer. Apparently based on a true story!

It's a mostly enjoyable film, peppered with quite a bit of gore and misogynistic behaviour. The final act lets it down a bit, as it goes completely batshit mental. I enjoyed the absurdity of it all, but some might find it ruins the film for them. It's worth a watch; love it or hate it, it'll leave you with something to talk about. I'm still trying to process it all now, and I finished watching it about an hour ago!

If you enjoyed that one then you'll probably enjoy Himizu, by the same director.