Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Pacific Rim. This movie was good. Cheesy but still well worth a watch. Idris Elba is one of my favorite actors. He was the saving grace in this one in terms of dialogues and acting. 8/10
I really liked Pacific Rim. Exactly what you'd want in a dumb, in no way actually believable movie.

The cheesy acting just added to the "not taking itself too seriously" charm for me. Even the dumb parts were so dumb I half think they were on purpose "they did a trial run before, it was the dinosaurs" etc.

Only complaint was that the ending seemed like someone sort of got bored of writing so just copied and pasted the end of the script for Independence Day.
The Squid And The Whale (2005)

Watched this last night and thought it was a good little film. The youngest kid who wipes his jizz everywhere is hilarious.

Sharknado teaches us the valuable lesson that sharks are easier to cut through than butter. Also, the American government monitors the preferred cheeses of its citizens. You can't put a score on lessons like that.
Pacific Rim was a solid 7/10. Enjoyable fare, with some kickass effects. As has been mentioned, the dialogues and screenplay could do with a lot of work, but I found it enjoyable nonetheless.
Sharknado teaches us the valuable lesson that sharks are easier to cut through than butter. Also, the American government monitors the preferred cheeses of its citizens. You can't put a score on lessons like that.


I can't believe you sat through Going Overboard. Fair play.
Switch - not a bad film at all, and Cantona is pretty good at playing the cop actually (not that he has to demonstrate much range, but he's good in the role that he's been assigned for). The plot is more then a little far-fetched, and just keeps getting crazier, but it's still a pretty creepy premise non the less.

One big problem I had with the film was:

What happened with the main girls mother - absolute fecking stupidty all the way round on that one

But apart from that quibble, it's a fun little thriller, and deserves more poinst for the presence of Eric.
Shell Minimalist mood based drama from Scotland. So minimalist that I stopped watching after an hour during which time my wife put the film on hold without me noticing. Something may have happened in the last half an hour but TBH I doubt it.TBA
Switch - not a bad film at all, and Cantona is pretty good at playing the cop actually (not that he has to demonstrate much range, but he's good in the role that he's been assigned for). The plot is more then a little far-fetched, and just keeps getting crazier, but it's still a pretty creepy premise non the less.

One big problem I had with the film was:

What happened with the main girls mother - absolute fecking stupidty all the way round on that one

But apart from that quibble, it's a fun little thriller, and deserves more poinst for the presence of Eric.

I only bought it because it was £2 on blu ray. Ended up enjoying it.
Sharknado teaches us the valuable lesson that sharks are easier to cut through than butter. Also, the American government monitors the preferred cheeses of its citizens. You can't put a score on lessons like that.

American "cheese" is shit too. Poor guys.

I watched The Campaign:

Better than I thought it would be, got a few genuine chuckles out of it. Avoid if you don't like Ferrell or babies being punched.
If you do like the above, you'll enjoy it.
Behind the Candelabra

Interesting look at Liberace's life behind the scenes, with a really terrific performance from Michael Douglas, ably supported by Matt Damon. Rob Lowe has an excellent part as a plastic surgeon. It was a pretty straightforward cautionary tale, and it looked a bit cheap, which is something that's becoming more apparent with Soderbergh's projects. 7/10
Specific Rim Job - A really fun spectacle movie. It's not perfect by any stretch; it could probably have lost 10/20 minutesin it's first half somewhere, they definitely could have done more with the soundtrack and the script was poor... but ultimately we're here to see giant robots fight giant monsters, and in that sense the film delivers spectacularly. The big action scenes are genuinely impressive, and will show you stuff you've never seen before - and it all deserves to be seen on the biggest cinema screen possible.

So yeah, I didn't love it as much as I love the Hellboy films, but I certainly enjoyed it.

Also, it makes Das Boot look like shit.
Pacific Rim was alright. When people justify shit like Transformers by saying 'what do you expect from an action movie' and 'check your brain at the door' those comments really apply to stuff like this. The main guy was like they combined the DNA of the shit actor from Avatar, the shit actor from Tron: Legacy and the shit actor from The Spirit.
World War Z - Not great - and only partially redeemed by a okay final act. The plot was a little bit all over the place, and some of the occurances - especially in Israel - ranked amongst the stupidest things I have ever seen commited to film.

So yes, I didn't get much enjoyment out of the first 3/4s of this movie, the coverage of the infection spread seemed a bit underwhelming, the airfield bit was dull, less said about Israel the better, the flight was nonsense - really, the only thing I thought was alright, was everything in Cardiff - and thats basically because it feels like an entirely different film (probably because it was written by a different bloke to the rest of it) to the rest, and I enjoyed the focus being more on tension/horror then on loud set pieces (though even in this part, one character commits an inexplicable and totally pointless act of stupidity) as well as the final resolution for the film, which I suppose was quite interesting. Also Malcolm Tucker was there, so thats a bonus.

The special effects were pretty terrible mind. The Zombies didn't look great (or in any way believable) and we still haven't got to the point where CGI people look good. Also, Brad Pitt was fairly wooden throughout... and needed a hair cut,

The tale of a mysterious blind masseuse with a sword in his cane who arrives in a village in the grip of a criminal gang feud.
A nice mix of drama, comedy, tragedy and action with a nice dancing finale thrown in for good measure.
Hadn't seen it for a few years, still as good as I remembered it!

Definitely worth a watch.
The killer Inside Me

Flawed movie about a small town sheriff with a lot of darkness lurking behind his calm and polite exterior. Well acted by Casey Affleck and just about every other actor in it and well shot. The problem is that ultimately it does not come together well as it lacks a real insight into what drives the character other than a fractured personality. Needed to give more of an insight into what the character’s deeper motivations were in order to justify some horrific on screen violence against women. As you can guess this is not one for the faint of heart. Also notable for Jessica Alba’s bare arse and some “interesting” sex scenes as well as Kate Hudson contributing much the same. Most will give it a 4/10 or below but I’d give it slightly more because I particularly enjoy studies of fractured personalities (not so much with this one). It just so happens that this one needed to go to greater length to justify the violence as there is a pretty good movie in there somewhere.

Pacific Rim

I was beginning to think I'd never like a new action film again, but this is good. I'm in shock at how not shit it was. It's hard to express how much better this is than Man of Steel. Much much. Many muches better.

However, complaining is also many muches beter than praising, so...

This guy


destroyed every scene he was in. What the feck was he doing?! I mean, ugh, Jesus. feck!

Plenty of dodgy accents, shit acting and cheesy lines to be found of course. People seem to have accepted it as par for the course, but I shall moan it into extinction.

But yeah, 7.438201/10. It got an extra mark for refraining from making a Jaeger-bomb joke at the end
Shutter Island

A much better movie for me the second time around than when I first saw it. I guess knowing the plot makes it seem like there are less loop holes because you can analyze each part with full knowledge( although the overall premises is still a little flawed IMHO) Still a good thriller with plenty of good acting on display.

I Saw The Devil - This film deserved high praise/rankings then it got... it's fecking glorious (if incredibly uncomfortable/hard to watch).
The Internship - 3.5/10

A few laughs and plenty of schmalzy, manipulative guff. It was essentially a really long ad for Google. The message seemed to be "If you too want to be an insufferable dullard...."

even though it's a throwaway comedy film, did they really have all of the unsuccessful candidates ecstatically cheering someone else getting the job at the end? I'm all for suspension of belief, but did a load of kids who've just had their dreams crushed really starting throwing around high fives to celebrate two weird old blokes getting a job?
Man of Steel-6.5/10

It's got plenty of plot holes and is ridiculous at points, but I thought it was quite entertaining nevertheless. For someone who's never been too bothered with Superman, I thought the origin story was half decent, the performances were mostly well acted and the action scenes were generally entertaining enough. It's go nothing on TDK trilogy and you get the feeling it was trying to be something on that level and it failed in that regard, but it was a decent watch anyway.
Jug Face

Not your usual horror film. It's about a cult that live in isolation and sacrifice members to a pit in return for their well being. It was decent, quite tense and decently acted. Not exploitation of gore or violence but when there are gruesome sections, they really do work. It's quite a slow burner and I found myself rewinding sections to understand what the cast are saying (it was all redneck southern slang). The only negative is that it is just a little tooooo slow... 7/10

The Frozen Ground

The Con Air duo have reunited in The Frozen Ground and I was lucky enough to go to the media preview screening. Everyone knows I'm a huge Nic Cage fan and always like whatever he is in but without bias I can safely say that this is a really good film with good performances from both Cage and Cusack. But the trend will continue, which is that whenever Nic cage does a good performance on a lower budget film that is slightly offbeat, critics will praise it, it will get limited release and will flop. Then he will go and star in some random high budget action film, will get panned and the film will do well in sales. I just don't get it. Anyway, to stop rambling, the film was brilliant from start to finish and I would recommend it to fans and non-fans of the Cage! 9/10
Jug Face

Not your usual horror film. It's about a cult that live in isolation and sacrifice members to a pit in return for their well being. It was decent, quite tense and decently acted. Not exploitation of gore or violence but when there are gruesome sections, they really do work. It's quite a slow burner and I found myself rewinding sections to understand what the cast are saying (it was all redneck southern slang). The only negative is that it is just a little tooooo slow... 7/10

The Frozen Ground

The Con Air duo have reunited in The Frozen Ground and I was lucky enough to go to the media preview screening. Everyone knows I'm a huge Nic Cage fan and always like whatever he is in but without bias I can safely say that this is a really good film with good performances from both Cage and Cusack. But the trend will continue, which is that whenever Nic cage does a good performance on a lower budget film that is slightly offbeat, critics will praise it, it will get limited release and will flop. Then he will go and star in some random high budget action film, will get panned and the film will do well in sales. I just don't get it. Anyway, to stop rambling, the film was brilliant from start to finish and I would recommend it to fans and non-fans of the Cage! 9/10

Cool, Cage and Cusack back in action. What's it about?
Cool, Cage and Cusack back in action. What's it about?
It's the true life story of one girl that escaped the clutches of a deranged serial killer and Nic Cage then leads the investigation. Cusack plays the serial killer. I would recommend you see it as it is released tomorrow but only on limited release :confused:
Sounds ok, I enjoyed Cusack's recent performance as a deranged killer type character in The Paperboy, so I might check this out.
Nic cage does a good performance on a lower budget film that is slightly offbeat, critics will praise it, it will get limited release and will flop. Then he will go and star in some random high budget action film, will get panned and the film will do well in sales.

Like Bad Lieutenant followed by Season of the Witch? :D

Frozen Ground looks good, I'd had my eye on it but what you wrote about it confirmed my intention to see it!