Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Olympus Has Fallen

Not the worst film ever made as some people have suggested but was quite a bore fest. Too cliched and generic action romp and has a lot of cheap CGI. Waaaay too many plot holes (even for an action film) some terrible one liners etc. However, I have seen worse. Gerard Butler was quite likeable. 4/10
Olympus Has Fallen

Not the worst film ever made as some people have suggested but was quite a bore fest. Too cliched and generic action romp and has a lot of cheap CGI. Waaaay too many plot holes (even for an action film) some terrible one liners etc. However, I have seen worse. Gerard Butler was quite likeable. 4/10

Going to watch this tonight, I love cheesy action films, I just make a brew (sadly not beer, I will be at work) grab a big bag of Sweet Chilli Sensitisations and disengage brain for 90 mins.
Going to watch this tonight, I love cheesy action films, I just make a brew (sadly not beer, I will be at work) grab a big bag of Sweet Chilli Sensitisations and disengage brain for 90 mins.

Normally, so do I but to see an action film made this (unintentionally) poorly in this day and age doesnt harm the same charm as something like Delta Force featuring the one and only Chuck Norris
Olympus Has Fallen

Not the worst film ever made as some people have suggested but was quite a bore fest. Too cliched and generic action romp and has a lot of cheap CGI. Waaaay too many plot holes (even for an action film) some terrible one liners etc. However, I have seen worse. Gerard Butler was quite likeable. 4/10

Such a bad movie. Cheasy is one thing. This is a big budget film with the worst cliches. It's just full of them. People are also so stupid in it.
This is the End: Definitely the most funny movie of the year. The best movie from the Goldberg-Rogen combo. I thought I would be disappointed because other people had hyped it up so much but it lived up to the expectations that I had.

Olympus has Fallen

This is not just a bad film , it is a very bad film.
An action film, which is just so predictable, you know what is coming way before you see it on the screen, when Butler said he was going to put a knife in Kang's brain, you knew he would do it.
Eckhart is the worst actor I have seen playing an American President, no presence and just plodded out the expected speech at the end, Freeman's worst film for me , he was like a rabbit caught in the headlights of the car about to flatten him.
Gerard Butler was the only decent thing in the film, he played his part well, even with the cheesy lines.
Some parts were so boring they could not keep me awake, I had to rewind in a couple of places to catch up.
If you want to watch an action film , watch a decent one, not this one.

The Lone Ranger: A movie that ridicules itself. It's as if the director almost makes a challenge to make silly all the points that make a movie good. It's not a spoof, it not a comedy, it's not a drama, it's not a action movie, it's not a western...yet it has all those elements just thrown into the mix. It's one of those movies which is "so bad that it's worth a watch" least for the sake of a few curses! 5/10

living near LA I see how the meeja treats the entertainment industry and basically it seems like a great big circle jerk. this movie has gotten panned by most critics but still on IMDB it's gotten 3-1/2 stars. The Roger Ebert critic gave it 3-1/2 stars too so you'd wonder if they've been influenced to rate it so highly. also nominated for 2013 Summer Blockbuster. weird.
living near LA I see how the meeja treats the entertainment industry and basically it seems like a great big circle jerk. this movie has gotten panned by most critics but still on IMDB it's gotten 3-1/2 stars. The Roger Ebert critic gave it 3-1/2 stars. also nominated for 2013 Summer Blockbuster. weird.
living near LA I see how the meeja treats the entertainment industry and basically it seems like a great big circle jerk. this movie has gotten panned by most critics but still on IMDB it's gotten 3-1/2 stars. The Roger Ebert critic gave it 3-1/2 stars. also nominated for 2013 Summer Blockbuster. weird.

Empire magazine gave it 4 stars out of 5. Seeing as the film has been panned to bits, I suspect something is going on!
I read its Rotten Tomatoes page, and the movie does seem to polarize opinion, whether because of natural taste differences or something more sinister, I don't know.
Pacific Rim

Looked absolutely glorious on Imax. Movie was exactly what you would expect of a movie about monsters fighting robots. Leave your brain at home and enjoy the fight sequences.
I thought it was quite good, for what it was.

Yes I definitely enjoyed it, in case that wasn't clear in my first post. I also liked the soundtrack, which I later discovered was done by the same guy responsible for most of the original songs on Game of Thrones.
I usually dislike mindnumbing action flicks but I can't wait for Pacific Rim. Big monsters vs big robots. Call me 15, but it just sounds awesome
9 Songs - Michael Winterbottom (2004)

Another great movie by the severely underrated British director, Michael Winterbottom. Basically an arty soft porn film about a year long romance between a Brit and an American chick where all they do is feck and go see bands. It's unsimulated sex (always with a condom) and the guy even busts his nut once in her hand. It must've drove the censors crazy and been very controversial when it came out. Fantastic shots of live bands; Elbow, Dandy Warhols, Primal Scream, Super Furry Animals amongst others. The mix of British and American rock sort of symbolizes the British/American personalities of the two, where the British geezer is a meteorologist or some kind of weather scientist, with his his arctic research mixed into the film, and is a decent chap; whereas the American gal is immature and annoying, but attractive in her own way. You're sick of their sex life by the end of the film.

8 1/2 cocks up
It's a terrible film. It's not even a film, it's not very good porn set to random music. Bonkers wanky nonsense. The kind of wanky nonsense that gives good wanky nonsense a bad name.
Oslo, August 31st

"Makes Requiem for a Dream look like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang"

A brilliant film, flawlessly acted and incredibly painful to watch if you're at a particular moment in your life. Contrary to my back cover blurb it's not really a film about drugs at all. The protagonist is an ex junkie coming out of rehab and going into the city to meet up with friends, family and interview for a job but it's about so much more.

It's about being at a certain stage in your life where everyone you know and loved has moved on and left you behind. It's about a crippling lack of self belief even though those with your best interests at heart can see what you're capable of. It's about not knowing your place in the world and looking on half with envy and half with disgust at how seemingly easy other people are able to get on with it.

Put it this way, it starts out with a suicide attempt and get's bleaker from there.
Evil Dead

It was not bad but it was not good either, it was definitely not the most terrifying film I have ever seen.
The original did it much better, when I first watched it I remember it left me scared, with this version I was not scared, I did not think the entity as Evil, it was just brutal.
The demon voice sounded stupid , the acting was dreadful
The film had plenty of blood and guts, to be honest in places maybe too much, the ending did try to make an effort but I think it failed.
It should of been much better than it was, I hope they don,t do a second one or if they do they go down the same route has Evil Dead 2 Army of Darkness

Pacific Rim 10/10
Yes you heard me I loved it. The story line was a bit cheesy and the acting could have been better so it's a good thing I don't care much for that :)
It was non stop action from start to end and the graphics were amazing. It was funny at some parts and inspirational too. Some will love it (me) and some might not but it's good fun either way.
I really like Del Toro's work, most of it, and I thought he did a really impressive job on Hellboy II which could've been a pile of shite given the subject matter. I'm really looking forward to Pacific Rim, should be good fun!
Just saw Pacific Rim, and it was excellent, exactly what you want from the kind of film. Two things that bothered me though:

Why didn't they use the swords from the get-go? Seemed like an extremely effective weapon against the Kaiju? And they couldn't cast actual Australians? Those accents were bloody terrible
The Servant - Sort of character study of the powerplay between the master and servant and also between the classes. Tense, claustrophobic, atmospherical...perhaps the change into decadence came a bit sudden. T'was decent anyways.
Pacific Rim - movie that jumps towards greatness, but falls short. It has everything that could make it a classic, but some obvious flaws drags it down.

Lack of character development - apart from Ron Pellman's cameo, none of the characters create an impression. Hero is eminently forgettable, heroine has a contrived flashback. Elba saves some grace in this area.

Dialogue - bad quality. Situations wherein a look would have been powerful is spoilt by bad melodramatic dialogue. Also drags down the pace, especially in action sequences.

Screenplay & Story - should have been more crispier. Too lengthy with scenes that do not add value. Obvious plot line takes away the thrill factor.

Actors - just mediocre. Nothing worth mentioning. Quite stale acting except for Elba and Pellman. Heroine is cute, though.

Awesomeness - diluted. The Jaegers project awesomeness, but the way the fight sequences are picturised does little justice.

Rating: 7/10. Definitely worth a watch. Just dial back your expectations. Oh, what it could have been!