Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Thing is all sorts of films get discussed on here. I genuinely feel the issue is people feeling they don't fit in.
Just ban cinc from posting in this thread. Because he's Hungarian, obscure and likes film, he's perpetuating stereotypes about film fans. Bring in Viva to talk about how much he enjoyed Step Up 2 instead.
By the way, I'd like to point out that my 'esteemed' thread isn't aimed at any Caf poster(s) at all.

I actually learn a great deal from the posters in this particular thread, and it's one of my favourites.
I don't see how a film isn't ordinary just because it's old, or in a different language or whatever. Do people think the film buffs are watching crazy shit about naked Europeans flipping eggs and slitting their wrists?

If you're looking for a film to watch and a bunch of poncy film buffs recommend it, why not give one a look every once and a while? The worst thing that'll happen is you might not like it.

Excellent advise , and where do I find this film of naked Europeans flipping eggs ,sounds good :lol:
Anonymous At times it's an interesting take on who was the actual person behind the works credited to Shakespeare. Some of the plot lines it brings up are far too preposterous to be taken seriously(mainly Edward De Vere's relationship with Elizabeth). Rhys Ifans does a good job as the Earl of Oxford. There are parts I really liked about it, but the aforementioned barely believable plot lines do make it hard to take seriously.

I really liked this film, despite having reservations about going to see it. Bit ridiculous at points as you said, took some serious liberties with historical fact, but enjoyable. I like how it played out like a Shakespeare play, from the narrator in the beginning to the behaviour of characters. Bit long though, I got a bit twitchy towards the end.
The Mill and the Cross - a Polish film featuring Michael York, Rutger Hauer and Charlotte Rampling. Another film with fantastic visuals (like Melancholy). Its built around Pieter Bruegel's famous depiction of Jesus' "Way to the Calvary". Its almost a silent film, with only the three major actors speaking. Its mesmerizing to watch, the living pictures (tableaux vivants, to the poncier among us) in it are something else, but just like Melancholy, it just not working for me.

I thought it was just me

Was talking about it yesterday actually and it's fairly split between mates and family, for some it's the only movie worth talking about and for others it's cheesy and dull...I think it's great fun, Tarantino's movies are very hit and miss in terms of my tastes - tried watching Kill Bill about 3 times now, give up within 45 minutes every time - but some of the dialogue's hilarious and it's got a great verve to it. Endlessly watchable for me.
No arguments there.

Partly because I don't really know what screenwriting consists of but mainly because you're a poncy foreign film critic.
No arguments there.

Partly because I don't really know what screenwriting consists of but mainly because you're a poncy foreign film critic.


Brwned is looking at his laptop screen, scratching his balls.


I should say something witty to prove cinc is a good writer.


Was talking about it yesterday actually and it's fairly split between mates and family, for some it's the only movie worth talking about and for others it's cheesy and dull...I think it's great fun, Tarantino's movies are very hit and miss in terms of my tastes - tried watching Kill Bill about 3 times now, give up within 45 minutes every time - but some of the dialogue's hilarious and it's got a great verve to it. Endlessly watchable for me.

I cant watch Pulp Fiction all the way , but I love both Kill Bill films and have seen them quite times.
Like you I find Tarantino films very hit and miss.
Doesnt sound like a good idea but Im interested in seeing which Roman generals they use. And if a Reddit thread can turn into a movie then why cant we do it on Redcafe? Who's up for it?
The thread has a bit more balance now as opposed to when it would often devolve into forty bajillion posters chiming in regarding the latest major release.

But erica kind of has a point: if you take a step back you'll notice it's strayed from the usual submissions, particularly in format. It's definitely no longer a place where you can come for quick-browse lists of what's released in other countries that might be worth looking out for.

Keeping the format might help solve the crowding issue: people can visually screen out the discussion that way while still letting the filmlovers have their space, since even with their discussion going on, as soon as you see the usual:

Moneyball (2011) - 7/10

Your eye goes to it, you can check out the review. Then you can skim past the discussion/banter until the next review and so on, no animals were harmed in the posting of this film.

Just keep one format. The past few pages have seen italics and all manner of formats: it's not exactly nice for the people who come in looking for a flick to watch on the weekend to have to squint at the screen and wonder if that's a film title or some avant-garde idee exploring the possible nuances of slanted text as commentary on the precipitous nature of man's self-awareness.
So did anyone see Immortals? I'm gonna try and catch it next week. The Fall was a visual orgasm... so I have high hopes for Immortals. Although it does kinda look like 300, and I don't want to watch 300 again.
I don't like Mickey Rourke anymore. He was so interesting to watch in the early 1980' that he's cashing in on stardom again he's rubbish.
The thread has a bit more balance now as opposed to when it would often devolve into forty bajillion posters chiming in regarding the latest major release.

But erica kind of has a point: if you take a step back you'll notice it's strayed from the usual submissions, particularly in format. It's definitely no longer a place where you can come for quick-browse lists of what's released in other countries that might be worth looking out for.

Keeping the format might help solve the crowding issue: people can visually screen out the discussion that way while still letting the filmlovers have their space, since even with their discussion going on, as soon as you see the usual:

Moneyball (2011) - 7/10

Your eye goes to it, you can check out the review. Then you can skim past the discussion/banter until the next review and so on, no animals were harmed in the posting of this film.

Just keep one format. The past few pages have seen italics and all manner of formats: it's not exactly nice for the people who come in looking for a flick to watch on the weekend to have to squint at the screen and wonder if that's a film title or some avant-garde idee exploring the possible nuances of slanted text as commentary on the precipitous nature of man's self-awareness.

Bastard. I read that entire thing expecting a review of Moneyball.
Der himmel sounds a barrel of laughs

I think you'll like both of Cinc's suggestions. Amelie's got a surreal like quality but I think you'll adore Audrey Tautou and her gnomes.
Spoons..have you watched the Man who fell to earth...David Bowie.

I thought it was an amazing film when I first saw it in the late 70s.

I just got it and want to see if I feel it is still a great film after all these years.

I think I saw it when I was a wee kid...but I don't remember much of it.

Anyway, has anyone seen Edukators?