Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

At some point I'm going to have this one my wall.

Metropolis one is too common. Love the apocalypse now and 8 1/2 ones. I want them!

I was going to link a better Metropolis poster...I'll have a scan for it later. As for the two you liked check out the Polish section. Some great posters of more obscure movies in that section too...but I stuck to well known movies. Oh some good ones of Battleship Pometik and all in the Russian section.
Nah, I just think they've got more artistic freedom. I'd be chuffed to've designed some of them...put it that way.
The one for Aliens seems to have been done by someone with a serious snake fixation whose at no point ever seen the film Aliens.

I have a Tears of the Black Tiger poster on my wall, and have had for about 5 or 6 years in 3 different flats. I've still got absolutely no idea why. It's a bat shit silly film and I was given it in a post-rave flyer bundle. For some weird reason I keep putting it on my walls. It's not even a very good poster.