Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

'Les Quatre Cent Coups' and 'Fahrenheit 451' are the shit.

Thought The 400 Blows was decent. I tried to watch Fahrenheit once but got turned off by the dated sci-fi look.

I remember being angry at myself for sitting through Pierrot le Fou, really disliked it.

Much prefer the Italian cinema of that time period, with the likes of Fellini and Antonioni.
Thought The 400 Blows was decent. I tried to watch Fahrenheit once but got turned off by the dated sci-fi look.

I remember being angry at myself for sitting through Pierrot le Fou, really disliked it.

Much prefer the Italian cinema of that time period, with the likes of Fellini and Antonioni.

Pete's right, F451 is brilliant, you ought to give it another try.
Cell 211

Yeah, this was really brutal. But what was the deal with Malamadre? I mean like... the dude is locked up with all the murderers, rapists etc yet he is well... a really nice guy. He respects women, his friends, he can't stand to see helpless people battered on the news. He just wants the prison officers to be nice to him! What was this guy locked up for??

Anyways, 8/10.
Your other 4 then?

8 1/2
The apartment
Dr. Strangelove
rosemary's aby

4 is tough.

There's also -
The graduate
butch cassidy
Lawrence of arabia
battle of algiers
once upon a time ni the west
Band of outsiders

Movies from the 60s I want to see
Andrei Rublev
Army Of Shadows
Knife in Water
Chimes at midnight
Jules and Jim
Juliet of the spirits
Closely watched Trains. That's another great one from the 60s.

And the big hollywood ones -
manchurian candidate
to kill a mockingbird
easy rider
cool hand luke

You film buffs tend to forget hollywood movies here.
Closely watched Trains. That's another great one from the 60s.

And the big hollywood ones -
manchurian candidate
to kill a mockingbird
easy rider
cool hand luke

You film buffs tend to forget hollywood movies here.

Saw Cool Hand Luke the other day. Loved it.

Manchurian I didn't think was better than alright. Haven't seen the other two.
Closely watched Trains. That's another great one from the 60s.

And the big hollywood ones -
manchurian candidate
to kill a mockingbird
easy rider
cool hand luke

You film buffs tend to forget hollywood movies here.

Cool Hand Luke and Easy Rider are both excellent films.
Only seen the remake of Manchurian Candidate and that was OK.
No-ones mentioned Days of Wine and Roses... That's easily one of my favourite hollywood films of all time... nevermind the 60s!
I think I've tried this here too a few years ago:

I'm looking for a Soviet kids movie, its a sci-fi-fantasy film with spaceships, witches and swords. (So, yeah, a SW ripoff probably) - I've seen when I was about 5 or 6.

I dont remember much about the film, but it was awesome. I'd kill for this film.
I think I've tried this here too a few years ago:

I'm looking for a Soviet kids movie, its a sci-fi-fantasy film with spaceships, witches and swords. (So, yeah, a SW ripoff probably) - I've seen when I was about 5 or 6.

I dont remember much about the film, but it was awesome. I'd kill for this film.

IMDb: Advanced Title Search

Tried using this?
Yeah, lots of times. No luck.

By the way, if anyone wants to watch a bizarre french-hungarian sci-fi cartoon from the 1980, Time Masters/Idő urai/Les Maitres Du Temps is the best bet. This will be my film for the night, I loved this when I was little.

Blade Runner 6/10

Saw it for the 2nd time and my opinion is the same, still see it as a greatly over rated film.
Slowly paced, average acting, lazy ending and I thought the final "fight scene" sequence between Ford and the Dutch man was shockingly bad.
I didn't buy Deckard and Rachel's "relationship" either, thought it was rather forced.

I thought Harrison Fords performance was mediocre to average and other than being spectacularly beautiful Sean Young was no better.
In fact I found most of the main casts acting to be on an amateur level.
Darryl Hannah jumping on Ford's head and smacking him is one of the worse things I've ever seen in a film.

I was impressed with the scenery through-out the film though, some of the shots were excellent. And there's actually some great ideas but they just don't materialize for me.
I don't think this is Ridley Scott's best work, Alien crapped all over this, American Gangster and even the slightly over rated Gladiator are a lot better as well.

I'm probably wrong about all this though cos most critics will tell you this is one of the bestest films ever made, right up there with Citizen Kane.

Anyone care to share their Blade Runner thoughts?
Blade Runner 6/10

Saw it for the 2nd time and my opinion is the same, still see it as a greatly over rated film.
Slowly paced, average acting, lazy ending and I thought the final "fight scene" sequence between Ford and the Dutch man was shockingly bad.
I didn't buy Deckard and Rachel's "relationship" either, thought it was rather forced.

I thought Harrison Fords performance was mediocre to average and other than being spectacularly beautiful Sean Young was no better.
In fact I found most of the main casts acting to be on an amateur level.
Darryl Hannah jumping on Ford's head and smacking him is one of the worse things I've ever seen in a film.

I was impressed with the scenery through-out the film though, some of the shots were excellent. And there's actually some great ideas but they just don't materialize for me.
I don't think this is Ridley Scott's best work, Alien crapped all over this, American Gangster and even the slightly over rated Gladiator are a lot better as well.

I'm probably wrong about all this though cos most critics will tell you this is one of the bestest films ever made, right up there with Citizen Kane.

Anyone care to share their Blade Runner thoughts?

Tried to watch it a few time ,but just cant get in to it , I either fall asleep or just turn it off.
I know a lot think this is a great film , but I just dont see it.
First of all, which version did you see?

Directors Cut, why, are the other editions better?

Tried to watch it a few time ,but just cant get in to it , I either fall asleep or just turn it off.
I know a lot think this is a great film , but I just dont see it.

I remember going to see this on its release in the early eighties in Leicester Square and just didn't particularly enjoy it so I've never watched it again

That's good, so I'm not alone then.
I'm probably wrong about all this though cos most critics will tell you this is one of the bestest films ever made, right up there with Citizen Kane.

I don't see the correlation to Citizen Kane, Blade Runner's loved by movie-goers and admired by critics whereas Citizen Kane is essentially the opposite. Blade Runner's not a movie for critics (although obviously it's highly rated), it's for people who love the atmosphere of film noir with the visuals and setting of a dystopia...which is quite a lot of 'average' fans. It's aimed at being very entertaining and absorbing as well as being well made (or influential/original). Citizen Kane is praised (at least nowadays) for its influence more than it's entertainment value...and given it's influence, is it really that hard to accept why it's praised so highly?

FWIW I actually thought Citizen Kane was a good watch and I wasn't all that amazed by Blade Runner, but you can see its appeal. And it's clearly Ridley Scott's best.
Just watched True Grit, I know, I'm slow. Good film, especially the performances from Jeff Bridge and Hailee Steinfeld.

The one thing I wasn't too keen on was the character that Hailee was playing. She played it well, but I didn't warm to the character. I found her to be an obnoxious little brat, which made it difficult for me to feel any sympathy when anything bad happened to her.
I don't see the correlation to Citizen Kane, Blade Runner's loved by movie-goers and admired by critics whereas Citizen Kane is essentially the opposite. Blade Runner's not a movie for critics (although obviously it's highly rated), it's for people who love the atmosphere of film noir with the visuals and setting of a dystopia...which is quite a lot of 'average' fans. It's aimed at being very entertaining and absorbing as well as being well made (or influential/original). Citizen Kane is praised (at least nowadays) for its influence more than it's entertainment value...and given it's influence, is it really that hard to accept why it's praised so highly?

FWIW I actually thought Citizen Kane was a good watch and I wasn't all that amazed by Blade Runner, but you can see its appeal. And it's clearly Ridley Scott's best.

Come on mate, what about GI Jane?

But really... Citizen Kane has to be the most overrated film of all time. It always tops Americas movie lists like its the best thing to come out of Hollywood (it isn't). Yeah I know it was 'innovative' at the time... ooo low angle shots... so you put a camera on the floor and pointed it upwards! Big fecking deal!

I mean it's not bad at all, it's still great. But it's not the definitive number 1 film it's made out to be... it wouldn't make my top 100 of all time. Maybe not even my top 50 American films of all time.

Blade Runner... Brwned sums it up the reasons I like it nicely. For what it's worth I think the directors cut is vastly inferior IMO. Deckards narration is important to understanding why he thinks he may be a replicant.
Highlander 11
I really must listen to you all more! Terrible writing I thought, although the acting wasn't marvellous. Plus Michael Ironside was very average, and there was very little Queen . Stewart Copeland did the score I believe.

Citizen Kane has to be the most overrated film of all time.


For what it's worth I think the directors cut is vastly inferior IMO. Deckards narration is important to understanding why he thinks he may be a replicant.

I really like the original version more than a little but the Final Cut (the real Director's Cut) is even better.
Come on mate, what about GI Jane?

But really... Citizen Kane has to be the most overrated film of all time. It always tops Americas movie lists like its the best thing to come out of Hollywood (it isn't). Yeah I know it was 'innovative' at the time... ooo low angle shots... so you put a camera on the floor and pointed it upwards! Big fecking deal!

I mean it's not bad at all, it's still great. But it's not the definitive number 1 film it's made out to be... it wouldn't make my top 100 of all time. Maybe not even my top 50 American films of all time.

I think it'd have to be in my top 50, to be honest. I think the single most important aspect of the (influence of the) movie wasn't the low-angle or deep focus shots, the non-linear narrative, the...basically all of those fancy directing techniques, it was that he was allowed to have that level of control and influence over a film. Welles might not have been the original 'auteur' or the most famous, or even the best, but he showed (Hollywood) the level of innovation that can be brought to cinema if you allow directors to have that kind of control and that influence can't be downplayed.

Maybe it is overrated but I reckon you have to have an understanding of directing - which amounts to more than a superficial understanding from watching a load of great movies and reading bits and pieces about them - to understand its influence on future movies...but you could probably make the same argument for all great movies. Or none of them.

Regardless of all that it's still highly watchable, IMO. It gets a bad rep. It's got definite replay value to it, and it's a very good (if not great) first watch.
Come on mate, what about GI Jane?

But really... Citizen Kane has to be the most overrated film of all time. It always tops Americas movie lists like its the best thing to come out of Hollywood (it isn't). Yeah I know it was 'innovative' at the time... ooo low angle shots... so you put a camera on the floor and pointed it upwards! Big fecking deal!

I mean it's not bad at all, it's still great. But it's not the definitive number 1 film it's made out to be... it wouldn't make my top 100 of all time. Maybe not even my top 50 American films of all time.

Blade Runner... Brwned sums it up the reasons I like it nicely. For what it's worth I think the directors cut is vastly inferior IMO. Deckards narration is important to understanding why he thinks he may be a replicant.

Shawshank Redemption is the most overrated film of all time.

I dont think the narration is necessary, but I can live with it, the happy ending of the original release is too much though.

I love Blade Runner so much that I even bought the game in the late nineties.
Shawshank Redemption is the most overrated film of all time.

I dont think the narration is necessary, but I can live with it, the happy ending of the original release is too much though.

I love Blade Runner so much that I even bought the game in the late nineties.

I'll second that.

And I liked the director's cut of Blade Runner.