Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

They made a third?

Yeah they did because the first two made a big profit and raked in a good revenue.

The production budget for the first film was around $15,000 and it made close to $200,000 in revenue. The second film cost them $3m and it made almost $185,000. So I guess that gave them the green light to make a third one.
Captain America

Did they superimpose his head on to that puny body at the start or what? :lol:

This was better than I expected tbh. Not as good as Iron Man but better than Iron Man 2.
Captain America

Did they superimpose his head on to that puny body at the start or what? :lol:

This was better than I expected tbh. Not as good as Iron Man but better than Iron Man 2.

Yes they did. They used another person's body at the start before they showed him bulk up. I liked the British chick in that film. She looked pretty.

Good fun. A little too much going on though. Not in a complicated way, but in a way that meant they couldn't give things enough focus. There's a group of enemies that appear and the start and end, and throughout the middle they just sit around like "we'll just let you do that over there."

That's only a minor gripe though, and it's a perfectly fine movie.
It's on Youtube, if anybody wants to watch it. Good film.

Highlander is alright. Lots of good supporting performances. I think Mulcahy made a more interesting film with Razorback. He also did a remake of On The Beach that wasn't too shabby and I'm a big fan of the original so was prepared to hate it immensely.
It's a poor film, Erica. That said, I loved it as a kid.

I watched it recently and well... it's not the dark sci-fi masterpiece I remember. It's almost a comedy, and it's got some really hammy acting in it. But you know.. the story is timeless and whoever thought Queen was the best choice for the soundtrack was a genius of his time.
Has anyone seen 'The Debt' - I would recommend it strongly, 7.5/10.
I watched it recently and well... it's not the dark sci-fi masterpiece I remember. It's almost a comedy, and it's got some really hammy acting in it. But you know.. the story is timeless and whoever thought Queen was the best choice for the soundtrack was a genius of his time.

Yeah, when I rewatched it as an adult...the poor acting really stood out, in fact it's probably what turned the film into a comedy.
Wages of Fear was a bit meh for me. It's well acted and the tension is good but I hated the daft ending. I also didn't like the old man's rapid transformation from tough street gangster to cowering fanny.

The first hour in the town was interesting...I reckon they should have fecked off the whole truck-driving storyline and come up with some sort of conflict in the town instead.
Why can't I get into Godard's work, Pete?

Perhaps because he's really not that good? I saw Melville's 'Le samourai' and 'Breathless' a while back inside a few weeks, you can see Godard's innovation (great for the time) but it's the lesser film viewed now.
Vengeance (2009) - Very nice film by Johnnie To. A fast paced thriller with beautiful cinematography.
That's a shame . Im downloading it now . I had hoped it would be good if Connery and Lambert were in it. I find him strangely charismatic

Don't watch it. Leave it alone! It'll spoil the original for you, like the Matrix sequels.
Yeah, when I rewatched it as an adult...the poor acting really stood out, in fact it's probably what turned the film into a comedy.

I watched it recently and well... it's not the dark sci-fi masterpiece I remember. It's almost a comedy, and it's got some really hammy acting in it. But you know.. the story is timeless and whoever thought Queen was the best choice for the soundtrack was a genius of his time.

I was the same. Loved it as a youngster, watched it recently and it really is poor. A Frenchman playing a Scot and a Scot playing a Spaniard. Enjoyable asa spectacle of 80s excess though, I used to love It's a Kind of Magic too, at least that still stands up to scrutiny.
Highlander 11
I really must listen to you all more! Terrible writing I thought, although the acting wasn't marvellous. Plus Michael Ironside was very average, and there was very little Queen . Stewart Copeland did the score I believe.
Highlander 11
I really must listen to you all more! Terrible writing I thought, although the acting wasn't marvellous. Plus Michael Ironside was very average, and there was very little Queen . Stewart Copeland did the score I believe.

really just the bit when he put the coin in the jukebox.
Highlander 3 is way better than 2 and I think well worth a watch.