Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

People always want to suck Pixar's dick but I didn't really like Up. It started off well then it got slightly boring in the middle which is rare for one of these movies.
As Tears go by - This was way too much like Bollywood. Fallen Angels was better. For anyone who hasnt seen Kar Wai's stuff. Watch Days of Being Wild, Chungking Express, In the Mood For Love and stop right there.

Yeah, it didn't really feel much like a WKW movie...probably his worst (I like to pretend that My Blueberry Nights never happened).
Yeah, it didn't really feel much like a WKW movie...probably his worst (I like to pretend that My Blueberry Nights never happened).

Definitely one of his worst. The acting just seemed forced for me and the comic elements didn't mix well with the rest of the film. Worse than My Blueberry Nights for my money.
I finally got around to watching A Prophet which was as good as everyone has said. I hadn't realised it was by the director of The Beat My Heart Skipped and Read My Lips.

I also watched An Education which didn't really catch me.
Saw The Miracle Worker(6.5) and Sabrina(7.5) last night.

Miracle worker was a pretty good film based on true events, it's the story of how Anne Sullivan taught language/meaning to the blind and deaf Helen Keller.

Sabrina was great though, it's basically a romantic comedy centred around a love triangle of two wealthy brothers and their drivers daughter, but Billy Wilder just adds his magic touch and uses an awesome cast (Bogart, Holdem and Hepburn).
I finally got around to watching A Prophet which was as good as everyone has said. I hadn't realised it was by the director of The Beat My Heart Skipped and Read My Lips.

I also watched An Education which didn't really catch me.

That one worth a watch?? I watched Read My Lips a few years ago. . .if memory serves me right, it was a very good film. Cassel, no?
That one worth a watch?? I watched Read My Lips a few years ago. . .if memory serves me right, it was a very good film. Cassel, no?

I thought it was decent enough. Very intense with some superb acting (Duris & Arestrup particularly). The acting always seems to stand out in the Audiard films I've seen.
So weit die Füße tragen. 8/10. One of the best German films. Phenomenal journey, phenomenal landscape.

Lepa Sela Lepo Gore (Pretty villages burn pretty). 8/10. Very good Serbian movie on the insanity of the civil war.

Btw, what are the best Tarkovsky movies? Reccommendations?
Recommend me some films, Nils. Any genre....any language.

Hmm, here's some of the better movies I've seen in recent times, hopefully you haven't seen them all.

Aguirre, the Wrath of God - If I were to make a list of my all time favorite movies, this one would be very high up on the list, a manic masterpiece.
Ugetsu Monogatari - Superb, haunting film.
Suzhou River - Very Wong Kar Wai-ish.
Millenium Actress - Lovely anime movie.
Tokyo Story - Very slow paced but I have seen few films that deals with the subject of family better.
Loaded - Absolute crap. That's putting it nicely.

Blindness - Decent. Feels like it's going nowhere for the first hour but picks up.
Yep, pretty much as Nilsson said.

Have you watched any other Kiyoshi Kurosawa? You said you had Cure, but Bright Future and Charisma are both very good films (not J-Horrors).

Yes. I've seen Kairo suffice to say I didn't think much of it. To be fair, I was gearing myself up to watch a Ringu style horror. . .which perhaps was the reason why I thought it totally sucked balls. But I'll give Cure a try.

Hmm, here's some of the better movies I've seen in recent times, hopefully you haven't seen them all.

Aguirre, the Wrath of God - If I were to make a list of my all time favorite movies, this one would be very high up on the list, a manic masterpiece.
Ugetsu Monogatari - Superb, haunting film.
Suzhou River - Very Wong Kar Wai-ish.
Millenium Actress - Lovely anime movie.
Tokyo Story - Very slow paced but I have seen few films that deals with the subject of family better.

Not seen any of them. I think I might have Ugestu Monogatari on DVD somewhere in my house.
So weit die Füße tragen. 8/10. One of the best German films. Phenomenal journey, phenomenal landscape.

Lepa Sela Lepo Gore (Pretty villages burn pretty). 8/10. Very good Serbian movie on the insanity of the civil war.

Btw, what are the best Tarkovsky movies? Reccommendations?

Solaris or Stalker would probably be the best ones to start with.
Kairo was crap, it's not a good introduction to his films.

Yeah, glad it wasn't just me. Although there was a stranger poster on here, who thought it was a masterpiece. I think I'll watch The Cure tonight, I'm hoping it'll make up for Kairo. I also watched Uzumaki during my J Horror days, and thought it was a pile of crap too.
Yes. I've seen Kairo suffice to say I didn't think much of it. To be fair, I was gearing myself up to watch a Ringu style horror. . .which perhaps was the reason why I thought it totally sucked balls. But I'll give Cure a try.

Not seen any of them. I think I might have Ugestu Monogatari on DVD somewhere in my house.

Get over your Asian obsession. It's been years. watch Aguirre.
Yeah, glad it wasn't just me. Although there was a stranger poster on here, who thought it was a masterpiece. I think I'll watch The Cure tonight, I'm hoping it'll make up for Kairo. I also watched Uzumaki during my J Horror days, and thought it was a pile of crap too.

Uzumaki was rubbish too, in fact I don't recall liking too many of the J-Horrors. There are only so many freaky pasty girls with long dark hair I can take.
Get over your Asian obsession. It's been years. watch Aguirre.

I've not seen many Asian films lately, mainly noirs/classics. In fact Thirst was the first one in yonks.

Uzumaki was rubbish too, in fact I don't recall liking too many of the J-Horrors. There are only so many freaky pasty girls with long dark hair I can take.

Yeah. That said Audition is a masterpiece.
Audition wasn't really a J-Horror, Miike's only one really was One Missed Call. Audition is a completely different beast, kiri kiri kiri.

Whatever it was, it was a brilliant film. If we're talking specifically J Horror then Ringu's the only one worth watching. Grugde, Dark Water et al weren't very good. Have you seen Visitor Q by the way? another brilliant film by Miike. Ichi and Rainy Dog are great too.
Whatever it was, it was a brilliant film. If we're talking specifically J Horror then Ringu's the only one worth watching. Grugde, Dark Water et al weren't very good. Have you seen Visitor Q by the way? another brilliant film by Miike. Ichi and Rainy Dog are great too.

True, I actually liked Dark Water.

I've seen most of his earlier films, Visitor Q was truly insane. There's a fair few others as well - Gozu, Fudoh, etc.

His Yakuza films are very good - Ley Lines, Graveyard of Honor etc.
True, I actually liked Dark Water.

I've seen most of his earlier films, Visitor Q was truly insane. There's a fair few others as well - Gozu, Fudoh, etc.

His Yakuza films are very food - Ley Lines, Graveyard of Honor etc.

I liked Gozu. Fudoh wasn't bad either. I had Rainy Dog in my collection for years before watching it. Glad I did in the end. Great film. Tarantino nicked a few scenes from it and all.

That said, I didn't think much of his Dead or Alive trilogy/series.
The Golden Compass.

Was pretty sceptical about watching this film, didn't seem like my type of thing - a bit childish and never-neverland-esque. However a friend of mine convinced me to watch it as she absolutely loves it.

The film starts off quickly, and soon enough gets to the point of the story, which be it slightly confusing, it's quite original and it seems to work. The special effects are top notch and pretty well done - especially the part where the snow bears have a fight. I liked that bit.

It gradually unwinds with some cliché twists such as, "I know you hate me and I'm perceived as a bad guy and have been chasing you to stop you doing the right thing, but really I'm your parent."
But here comes the bad part, the ending. It wasn't even an ending, it was some half-arsed attempt at a cliffhanger. Nothing was resolved, nothing new was discovered that we didn't know an hour ago and all ended rather abruptly. It did it's job, made me want to see the second one just to find out what the feck happened but it's incredibly frustrating.

Overall it had decent special effects, some nifty characters and a good idea for a story line even if it ended a bit shitty.

One of my biggest cinematic disappointments ever, and the closest I've ever come to walking out of the cinema before the end.

I love the books. Love them. They fecked up the film in almost every way imaginable. Funny you should mention the ending, because the first book has a fantastic last chapter. Why they chose to ignore it is something I'll never understand.
You realize it's adapted from Phillip Pullman's Dark Materials books?

Mind I've never seen the film, but I have read the books and of course the first one ends on a bit of a cliffhanger- it's a trilogy.
don't watch the film
One of my biggest cinematic disappointments ever, and the closest I've ever come to walking out of the cinema before the end.

I love the books. Love them. They fecked up the film in almost every way imaginable. Funny you should mention the ending, because the first book has a fantastic last chapter. Why they chose to ignore it is something I'll never understand.

Love the books too and the film wasn't great, but I don't think they did an awful job. Not everyone can do a Peter Jackson.

Have you seen the Pullman BBC adaptations? What did you think?
After.Life - Liam Neeson, Christina Ricci and that kid from Dodgeball star in this horror/thriller. Liam Neeson plays the slightly-off funeral home director whilst Christina Ricci, fresh from a car crash, is the latest body to be bought into his home. Only she thinks she's not dead. Oh and the kid who sees dead people is in as well. It is very much Shutter Island meets Sixth Sense, without being as good as either. Although neither of those films were great.

Anyway, hard to review it without giving away too much, but Christina Ricci gets naked. A lot. So 7/10.

Though I can't be entirely sure how many of those points are for the film, and how many for Ricci's repeat nude scenes. Probably at least 1.5

Just watched this and a very macabre film , worth a watch , I agree wth the 7/10.

was there not a pic of the kid on the wall ? So was he dead?
One of my biggest cinematic disappointments ever, and the closest I've ever come to walking out of the cinema before the end.

I love the books. Love them. They fecked up the film in almost every way imaginable. Funny you should mention the ending, because the first book has a fantastic last chapter. Why they chose to ignore it is something I'll never understand.

Couldn't agree more.

The movie was just dire. The best word to describe it, is "empty".

I loved the first two books, but by the third I came to the conclusion that the whole trilogy was just an excuse for the author to rant against religion. The third one was so self-indlulgent an pompous, it pt me off the whole lot.
One of my biggest cinematic disappointments ever, and the closest I've ever come to walking out of the cinema before the end.

I love the books. Love them. They fecked up the film in almost every way imaginable. Funny you should mention the ending, because the first book has a fantastic last chapter. Why they chose to ignore it is something I'll never understand.
There was a sequel planned at that stage which was later shelved. Well, that's what I had heard.
Little Big Man

A 121 year old man reflects on his life during the 19th century, which can be described as a picaresque depiction of events as we follow his Indian upbringing and western exploits. It’s a unique film which blends drama and comedy, but has clear social commentary about the injustices the Indians suffered. 8/10

Ace in the Hole (The Big Carnival)

A Billy Wilder movie which looks at the dark side of journalism. There are no good guys in this film, Kirk Douglas plays the hard-boiled reporter who takes advantage of a suffering man to add drama to events and uses corrupt officials to cement his control of the story. The general public are no more innocent either, buying into the outrageous elements and obvious manipulations with naive ignorance. It’s easy to see why this was a commercial failure on release since it offers no redeeming qualities to it’s cast and ends on a somber note, but it’s an important film that doesn’t hold back in it’s message.8/10
Just watched this and a very macabre film , worth a watch , I agree wth the 7/10.

was there not a pic of the kid on the wall ? So was he dead?

Nah, no one was dead. Neeson was just a psychopathic serial killer, and the kid he was 'grooming' to be like him. Ricci was alive, as was her fiance at the end of the movie. He made sure the fiance was drunk, then angered him so he would drive off to save Ricci, but he followed him in his van so when the bloke crashed he could drug him to make him seem dead to the paramedics. He was drugging Ricci to make her seem dead as well. And I'm not sure, but if you remember at the beginning of the film there is that car that is right behind her and beeping its horn etc I think that was Neeson in his van.

If you look at his wall of dead bodies, some of them have their eyes open and some don't. The ones that have their eyes open are all the ones that were still alive when Neeson gave them their funeral and buried them.

I watched Black Death last night an' all. Not what I was expecting. it was good but not as good as I had hoped. 6.5/10
Nah, no one was dead. Neeson was just a psychopathic serial killer, and the kid he was 'grooming' to be like him. Ricci was alive, as was her fiance at the end of the movie. He made sure the fiance was drunk, then angered him so he would drive off to save Ricci, but he followed him in his van so when the bloke crashed he could drug him to make him seem dead to the paramedics. He was drugging Ricci to make her seem dead as well. And I'm not sure, but if you remember at the beginning of the film there is that car that is right behind her and beeping its horn etc I think that was Neeson in his van.

If you look at his wall of dead bodies, some of them have their eyes open and some don't. The ones that have their eyes open are all the ones that were still alive when Neeson gave them their funeral and buried them.

I watched Black Death last night an' all. Not what I was expecting. it was good but not as good as I had hoped. 6.5/10

OK I get all that , but there are parts where the boy was waiting for his mum and she never turned up and then when she was watching TV and she looked round and there was nothing there , it was like she was missing him ,sat in front of the TV.
OK I get all that , but there are parts where the boy was waiting for his mum and she never turned up and then when she was watching TV and she looked round and there was nothing there , it was like she was missing him ,sat in front of the TV.

Yeah, I don't really get what was up with his mum. At first I thought maybe she was dead, but then when it turned out no one was dead and no one could speak to the dead, I didn't really know what she was all about. I guess she was just a bit mental, which is why the boy turned out to be pretty odd himself, and why he was a prime candidate for Neeson to take on as an 'apprentice'. There are maybe some clues in the film, but I didn't catch them if there were.
Yeah, I don't really get what was up with his mum. At first I thought maybe she was dead, but then when it turned out no one was dead and no one could speak to the dead, I didn't really know what she was all about. I guess she was just a bit mental, which is why the boy turned out to be pretty odd himself, and why he was a prime candidate for Neeson to take on as an 'apprentice'. There are maybe some clues in the film, but I didn't catch them if there were.

sounds about right , maybe worth another watch.

Just d/l Black Death now , sounds intresting