Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

District 13: Ultimatum. The first one is by no means a great movie, but is a fun watch if you want a mindless movie. This sequel though, is horrible. It's completely ridiculous(not that I wasn't expecting it to be). A few decent action sequences, but overall it's too absurd for my tastes. Rating: 2/5
Abre Los Ojes

Anyone seen Vanilla Sky? This is the original version. I actually liked Vanilla sky, I thought it was a great concept… but I think the original is slightly (not vastly) superior. I think I prefer the original movie score and enjoyed the style of it more… Cruz and Noriega had more chemistry together and I preferred Noriegas character to Cruises. I don’t quite see how a remake was necessary (it’s shocking how similar they are), but if you liked Vanilla Sky I see no reason why you wouldn’t enjoy this to.

I didn't like 'Breathless' very much when I saw it about a year ago. I completely agree with Pete that it's a film which has aged badly. They really overdid the whole 'cool young French rebel with a smoke in his mouth' thing. Personally I didn't buy it. It actually made me cringe at times.

I've seen some other films from that era that also suffer from trying to make films too cool like 'Blow Up' by Antonioni.
Abre Los Ojes

Anyone seen Vanilla Sky? This is the original version. I actually liked Vanilla sky, I thought it was a great concept… but I think the original is slightly (not vastly) superior. I think I prefer the original movie score and enjoyed the style of it more… Cruz and Noriega had more chemistry together and I preferred Noriegas character to Cruises. I don’t quite see how a remake was necessary (it’s shocking how similar they are), but if you liked Vanilla Sky I see no reason why you wouldn’t enjoy this to.


Boy are Spoony and Mehro gonna pound you for this one!
Abre Los Ojes

Anyone seen Vanilla Sky? This is the original version. I actually liked Vanilla sky, I thought it was a great concept… but I think the original is slightly (not vastly) superior. I think I prefer the original movie score and enjoyed the style of it more… Cruz and Noriega had more chemistry together and I preferred Noriegas character to Cruises. I don’t quite see how a remake was necessary (it’s shocking how similar they are), but if you liked Vanilla Sky I see no reason why you wouldn’t enjoy this to.


I agree completely. Its superior but not by as much as some people like to claim it is.
Ok here we go, Twilight 2.

Absolutely amazing. I cannot tell you what happened, for two reasons.

Firstly, I do not know what happened and secondly I don't think anything did actually happen.

I was lead to believe that Twilight had vampires in it? Not once did we see or hear any thing even remotely resembling a vampire, not once did we see or hear anything at all. They might as well have played a 90 minute video of the forest. In fact I think they did. I am astounded at this film, it's hugely popular amongst little girls, young women and people of the homosex kind - the same group of people that don't have the patience and concentration to watch proper grown up films - yet this is one of the most boring and uneventful films ever made.

There are only four characters, the girl, the boy that looks like a girl, the hippy that turns into someone allergic to t-shirts and lots of trees. Safe to say the most interesting and diverse characters are the trees. They get a lot of screen time, they get the best lines and most of the action shots. The other 3 are just peripheral figures. At one point some really bad CGI wolves turn up, only for the director not to notice them and carry on filming the trees with the same lighting, tone, score and mood. I mean the trees were good but they weren't THAT good.

Charlie Brooker was right, it is about abstinence. But the only teenagers in Britain that practice abstinence are Christians and they won't watch this because it's got wolves and pale people with red eyes in it.
I'm about to watch a film called Last Year at Marienbad, made by the guy who did Hiroshima mon amour and that Holocaust movie..
Alain Resnais. Hiroshima is a great movie I watched it again for the bloody caf 100 movies since I hadn't seen it in 20 years and it blew me away again. L'annee derniere is how you say 'difficile' it tends to stay in the memory though. Even his lesser stuff ain't bad.
Watched two Italian-themed films today:

Rome: Open City: Epic film, follows the story of Roman rebels against Mussolini. The ending with the boys walking towards St. Peter's was epic.

Bicycle Thief: Classic film, movie made me cry at the end.

Watch them both.
Watched two Italian-themed films today:

Rome: Open City: Epic film, follows the story of Roman rebels against Mussolini. The ending with the boys walking towards St. Peter's was epic.

Bicycle Thief: Classic film, movie made me cry at the end.

Watch them both.

Bicycle Thief is a great little film... try Umberto D. if you haven't already, same director and is part of the same italian neorealism movement as Bicycle Thiefs. There's something about those movies... there's so much truth behind their stories they just pack a really emotional punch.

Speaking of depressing films.. just watched The Sea Inside, incredible performance by Javier Bardem, I've always been on the side of pro-choice and this movie shows why... it's not really preachy though... a lot of people do their best to explain to Ramon that his life is worth living, but in the end he wants to make his own choice. Comparing it to a similar film.. I think I preferred The Diving Bell and The Buttefly, but both are great. 8/10
Ok here we go, Twilight 2.

Absolutely amazing. I cannot tell you what happened, for two reasons.

Firstly, I do not know what happened and secondly I don't think anything did actually happen.

I was lead to believe that Twilight had vampires in it? Not once did we see or hear any thing even remotely resembling a vampire, not once did we see or hear anything at all. They might as well have played a 90 minute video of the forest. In fact I think they did. I am astounded at this film, it's hugely popular amongst little girls, young women and people of the homosex kind - the same group of people that don't have the patience and concentration to watch proper grown up films - yet this is one of the most boring and uneventful films ever made.

There are only four characters, the girl, the boy that looks like a girl, the hippy that turns into someone allergic to t-shirts and lots of trees. Safe to say the most interesting and diverse characters are the trees. They get a lot of screen time, they get the best lines and most of the action shots. The other 3 are just peripheral figures. At one point some really bad CGI wolves turn up, only for the director not to notice them and carry on filming the trees with the same lighting, tone, score and mood. I mean the trees were good but they weren't THAT good.

Charlie Brooker was right, it is about abstinence. But the only teenagers in Britain that practice abstinence are Christians and they won't watch this because it's got wolves and pale people with red eyes in it.

I'm not sure I agree.

Mainly because I refused to watch it.
The Ghost. Anyone else think the acting was terrible?

Are you talking about the film with Ewan McGregor and Pierce Brosnan? I think it's both called Ghost and Ghost Writer. At least I watched something called Ghost Writer tonight and I still can't believe this story is a best seller and that Roman Polanski directed it.
Are you talking about the film with Ewan McGregor and Pierce Brosnan? I think it's both called Ghost and Ghost Writer. At least I watched something called Ghost Writer tonight and I still can't believe this story is a best seller and that Roman Polanski directed it.


It was an okish watch, I thought the first part of the film was good but it failed to build on its early promise. The acting as I said was particularly bad. Actually come to think of it wasn't very good at all was it.
No I don't think it was any good. The first part would've only been ok had the second part of the movie delivered which it didn't do.
The Ghost. Anyone else think the acting was terrible?

It wasn't good. Pierce Brosnan can't act anyway. Ewan McGregor was off form for some reason, his attempted estuary English accent seemed to really throw him. Kim Cattrall can't act. Olivia Williams I have a thing about so can't be objective, she might have been a bit hammy.

Really disappointed by this film. Have read the book, which is a decent read, and while the film was fairly faithful it just didn't work for some reason. I can't put my finger on why, whether it was a story that didn't translate well to screen or whether Polanski just cocked it up. There was a complete lack of suspense/tension. Don't think it helped that it was all filmed in Germany or wherever as opposed to the US. The grey cinematography palette didn't help either.
Watched two Italian-themed films today:

Rome: Open City: Epic film, follows the story of Roman rebels against Mussolini. The ending with the boys walking towards St. Peter's was epic.

Bicycle Thief: Classic film, movie made me cry at the end.

Watch them both.

Open City is actually the next film on my to watch list, I'll let you know what I thought of it.

I loved Bicycle Thieves.

It was an okish watch, I thought the first part of the film was good but it failed to build on its early promise. The acting as I said was particularly bad. Actually come to think of it wasn't very good at all was it.

I think the dated pedestrian direction was the main flaw.
Cemetry Junction - A quite enjoyable watch but not really worth the near 8/10 rating on imdb. The story revolves around 3 friends in Reading as they reach young adulthood and try to find a place in life for themselves, Freddie, the lead, joins an insurance company and the film then looks at the conumdrum of a steady job v being a free spirit which I'm sure is a lot easier to write about when you're a multimillionaire. That said the guy who plays freddie is very good in the lead and Felicity jones is extremely hot in a toothy english way.
worth a watch but don't expect to be rolling with laughter.
Last Year at Marienbad - Very surreal...the fact that is was almost impossible to comprehend what was going on between the two main characters was a bit annoying but also somewhat intoxicating, the organ music helped. Overall I think I liked it.

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly - Had some great parts in it like the scenes from the mans point of view. I ended up having no real affection for him though. - 7/10

Casablanca - Yup, it was rather good. Bogart was quite brilliant.

Winter Light - Cold, very depressing...great acting and stuff. It didn't bore me to shreds which I expected a movie about a priest set in a church would do.

Rome, Open City - I thought it was a bit of a bore but I liked the ending...realism. - 6.5/10
Ivans Childhood
The story revolves around a young child called Ivan who spies on the Nazis during WW2 for the Russians, Ivan is a child who has lost all innocence and resembles and matured, gritty soldier more than a young kid. Tarkovsky takes this simple concept and saturates it with his trademark memorable style, filled with subtle dream sequences with insights into the mind of Ivan and containing several subplots involving the surrounding offices in Ivans life it can only be summarized as a thoughtful part psychological part surreal drama.

Andrei Rublev
A unique character piece centered around the iconic painter Andrei Rublev. The film is broken into 9 parts, a loosely related prologue followed by 7 small sections of key points in Rublevs life and finally culminating in an epilogue of his most famous works. It’s set during a turbulent period of war and chaos, filled with philosophical discussions and posing humanistic and existential questions it’s another meandering cinematic epic that needs to be absorbed rather than watched in the conventional manner.

I don’t know what anyone else thinks of Tarkovsky, but I love his approach to cinema. He departs from the usual narrative structure and emphasizes his movies with long shots, surreal sequences, abstract imagery and so forth.. but something about them are really engaging if you enjoy that sort of thing.
Ivans Childhood
The story revolves around a young child called Ivan who spies on the Nazis during WW2 for the Russians, Ivan is a child who has lost all innocence and resembles and matured, gritty soldier more than a young kid. Tarkovsky takes this simple concept and saturates it with his trademark memorable style, filled with subtle dream sequences with insights into the mind of Ivan and containing several subplots involving the surrounding offices in Ivans life it can only be summarized as a thoughtful part psychological part surreal drama.

Andrei Rublev
A unique character piece centered around the iconic painter Andrei Rublev. The film is broken into 9 parts, a loosely related prologue followed by 7 small sections of key points in Rublevs life and finally culminating in an epilogue of his most famous works. It’s set during a turbulent period of war and chaos, filled with philosophical discussions and posing humanistic and existential questions it’s another meandering cinematic epic that needs to be absorbed rather than watched in the conventional manner.

I don’t know what anyone else thinks of Tarkovsky, but I love his approach to cinema. He departs from the usual narrative structure and emphasizes his movies with long shots, surreal sequences, abstract imagery and so forth.. but something about them are really engaging if you enjoy that sort of thing.

Tarkovsky was the man. Have you seen the The Mirror?

I really liked the final scene in Ivan's Childhood, it's something that has stuck with me since viewing it.
Similar to 2001 in the sense that it deals with a truly alien concept. Most alien films present us with something humanoid or animalistic in it's drives and motivations, but very few films actually portray aliens as something beyond our understanding. Solaris gives us an abstract alien that appears to live (or be part of) a vast ocean, the only contact the research station which orbits it has managed to make is with the subconscious memories that Solaris pulls from their minds and gives corporeal form to. They seem to exist only to torment and puzzle the human researchers, but it would seem that it's also a lack of understanding between the aliens and humans that leads to these events.

Solaris isn't an epic journey through the stars as 2001 is, but rather a journey through the human mind. The thoughts and fears of our protagonist, what it means to be human, and if any meaningful contact with aliens can ever be established.
Solaris is one of those films like L'annee derniere in Marienbad, which was mentioned above, that is very difficult to understand but resonates in the memory.
It's one of my fav films. Reckon it's one his most accessible films. . .which to be fair, isn't saying much. Loved Zerkalo and all.
Insomnia - Watched this purely because it is a Christopher Nolan film. Bloody terrible. Plot wasn't very good, felt nothing for the characters, Hillary Swank was criminally underused, Maura Tierney's character was completely random, the whole insomnia angle wasn't developed enough and the ending, my god the ending

having Pacino and Williams dying was the most convenient bullshit ending ever and his final line of "just let me sleep" was painful, corny and incredibly lame.

it would possibly have been a 4/10 if it wasn't for the end which means it gets a 3/10: avoid.

Tarkovskys personal semi-biographical movie is a complex ensemble of various periods in his life. Principally it is about a man reflecting on his past whilst on his death bed, but realistically it can not be decoded into any sort of structured narrative, nor should it be attempted. Instead it’s just something that needs to be enjoyed for what it is; abstract art in almost pure form.

I wouldn’t know who to recommend this to – But I’d say if you are willing to spend 100 minutes to enjoy the beauty of something without any expectation of a coherent plot then you may love this film.
Karate Kid (the new one) - 1/10
Completely pointless remake featuring Jackie Chan telling Will Smiths son to 'Jack Him Off' over and over again. if the move to China was an attempt to make the film a little more authentic it totally failed. No character was given much of a rhyme nor reason for doing any of the things they did, had you not seen the original you'd be totally confused from start to finish. I know its only a 'bit of fun type' remake of but seriously what a pile of wank. Its get one point for Jackie Chan beating up a bunch of kids in his trademark slapstick sequences.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid - 6/10
a good light hearted family film about a kid starting middle school and strugling to make his mark. Granted the plot has been done to death but the sole aim of the film is to make you laugh and both me and my 6 yr old son found ourselves giggling throughout. I've never read the book so can't comment in comparisson. If you want something you can sit down with the whole family and enjoy a few cheap laughs off i'd reccomend this