Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Sharply written modern day film noir. Thought it was absolutely quality. Can someone tell me why Shane Black doesn't even any other projects in the works? How can this be his only film!

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Sharply written modern day film noir. Thought it was absolutely quality. Can someone tell me why Shane Black doesn't even any other projects in the works? How can this be his only film!


One of my favourite films.

"Look up idiot in the dictionary, know what you'll find?"
"A picture of me?"
"No, the definition of the word idiot, which you fecking are!"
Paranormal activity- 1/10
worst acting ive ever seen, utter shite.
"you have a demon in your house", ok ill set up a video camera so when we are asleep we can capture it on film. I was stunned at how bad this film was. and the original ending is worse than the cinematic version.

Moon 8/10 . i thought this was a fantastic film/story
sam rockwell's performance was great. this could have been a longer film, i would have loved more dialogue between Sam and the gerty. And massive praise to Duncan Jones.
Looking at the IMDB Top 250, I've never seen either of the top two. Am going to watch one of them tonight, which one shall I pick? Shawshank or Godfather?
This is the least difficult choice since Michael Owen had to decide between United and Hull City.
Looking at the IMDB Top 250, I've never seen either of the top two. Am going to watch one of them tonight, which one shall I pick? Shawshank or Godfather?

Shawshank isn't very good. The Godfather is a masterpiece.

This is the least difficult choice since Michael Owen had to decide between United and Hull City.

The Godfather is overated. It is good but it's no Masterpiece. Shawshank is equally as good.
I did enjoy Godfather but there were a lot of times when i felt like it was taking forever to get to a point. Raiders of the Lost Ark,The Deer Hunter, Ghandi, Apocalypse Now and Schindlers list are all superior films.
Part of its charm for me. dont read the book if you think the movie is slow!!!

Books are a different entity entirely, i have always been meaning to give them a go. For the record i did like The Godfather, just not as much as i was expecting to, the way people wank over the film as if it's perfect cinema is beyond me.
Books are a different entity entirely, i have always been meaning to give them a go. For the record i did like The Godfather, just not as much as i was expecting to, the way people wank over the film as if it's perfect cinema is beyond me.

That's the good think with cinema, it's all completely subjective.

For me though The Godfather is perfectly paced, whenever i watch it i always feel as though I could keep on watching, in that over the 3 hours or so i get completely into the film and the character development and just want it to keep going! There's not many films that after nearly 3 hours of watching I could say I want to see more.

Anyway back on topic....


Watched this last night and was actually looking forward to it. One of my guilty pleasures is the Saw series and i'm always fascinated in the lengths the writers go to inventing these ways of killing people. Anyway I've found the previous 2 Saws to be poor compared to 2 & 3 and for me this one is back up there. By no means a classic but for fans of Saw it'll be a worthy watch.

Paranormal activity- 1/10
worst acting ive ever seen, utter shite.
"you have a demon in your house", ok ill set up a video camera so when we are asleep we can capture it on film. I was stunned at how bad this film was. and the original ending is worse than the cinematic version.

Moon 8/10 . i thought this was a fantastic film/story
sam rockwell's performance was great. this could have been a longer film, i would have loved more dialogue between Sam and the gerty. And massive praise to Duncan Jones.

Dude where did you watch Moon!!!!!
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus. 4/10.
Great concept, beautiful mix of alice in wonderland and dali esque visuals. Some good
acting, and most of all a pile of overlong, dull, self indulgent twaddle. Heath Ledgers performance at times really grates. He works best when his character is being an extrovert rapscallion. The rest he just ends up being a mix of his Brothers Grimm character and Captain Jack Sparrow. Gurning his way through scenes. Imagine if you mixed Gilliams Time Bandits, The Fisher King and Baron Munchausen and this is the broken film where the parts don't quite fit that you would get.
Ghost World

Interesting and quirky comedy. Two girls play a prank on a middle-aged geek, from then on a friendship forms between one of the girls and the guy and slowly her view of the world changes.

It's a hard film to summarise really but definitely a gem.

The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus. 4/10.
Great concept, beautiful mix of alice in wonderland and dali esque visuals. Some good
acting, and most of all a pile of overlong, dull, self indulgent twaddle. Heath Ledgers performance at times really grates. He works best when his character is being an extrovert rapscallion. The rest he just ends up being a mix of his Brothers Grimm character and Captain Jack Sparrow. Gurning his way through scenes. Imagine if you mixed Gilliams Time Bandits, The Fisher King and Baron Munchausen and this is the broken film where the parts don't quite fit that you would get.

Man I keep hearing such mixed reviews about this film. I built it up so much in my mind and now I'm completely prepared for it to suck.

Utterly captivating from beginning to end. This is what sci fi should be; It should make the viewer think; it should raise philosophical questions about science and technology. And in that respect, Moon offers a refreshing change to the majority of sci fi films today, which tend to focus on special effects above all other aspects.

But that's not to say that Moon doesn't look good as well. It's rare to find an independent sci fi film shot as beautifully as this, with CGI as impressive as this or with acting as accomplished as this. Rockwell is brilliant throughout and his performance, along with the immensely original script, is the driving force of the film.

Everybody should watch this.

Man I keep hearing such mixed reviews about this film. I built it up so much in my mind and now I'm completely prepared for it to suck.

I was expecting a lot from this film as well yet it bored the crap out of me. Visually stunning, great concept, crap execution.
Bruno 5/10

I did manage a few laugh but this film is basically a one trick pony with the same joke repeated ad nauseum.
I think BaronCohen is now too well known to get away with anything truly amusing from his alter egos - will be interesting to see what he does next.
The Invention of Lying

It's a good idea, badly executed.


Spot on...Though I'd give it more than 3 just for the general premise and the way he runs with it with regards to Religion, rather than just focusing entirely on 'oh I can tell lies' lets think of funny lies...There are several very clever allusions...the moses one obviously, the the later bit where:
he looks like Jesus and the circumstances that lead to him inventing God..In fact the whole idea that being able to lie in a naive world would lead to religion, and the whole balancing act of it being equally good for people's well being but stunting and damaging in their reliance on it,
is brilliant...but just poorly executed and doesn't really sit right in this film...certainly not one trying to be a broad comedy
Its out UK only.

Spot on...Though I'd give it more than 3 just for the general premise and the way he runs with it with regards to Religion, rather than just focusing entirely on 'oh I can tell lies' lets think of funny lies...There are several very clever allusions...the moses one obviously, the the later bit where:
he looks like Jesus and the circumstances that lead to him inventing God..In fact the whole idea that being able to lie in a naive world would lead to religion, and the whole balancing act of it being equally good for people's well being but stunting and damaging in their reliance on it,
is brilliant...but just poorly executed and doesn't really sit right in this film...certainly not one trying to be a broad comedy
Agree. There are about 10 minutes where the film is really funny, the bit you mentioned in the spoiler. Outside of that it's not funny.
Whilst I agree The Godfather is overrated that doesn't really mean much, since any film that people refer to as being 'the best film ever' is always going to be overrated.

But really, it's as much of a masterpiece than any of the greats.
Whilst I agree The Godfather is overrated that doesn't really mean much, since any film that people refer to as being 'the best film ever' is always going to be overrated.

But really, it's as much of a masterpiece than any of the greats.

The Godfather isnt overrated at all, its a work of art & the definitive Mob movie of its time. The Producers actually had input (reluctantly) from the Mob Godfathers at that time!

The Godfather series - I,II & III are exceptional in terms of giving an indepth view into what goes on & the way in which they adapt to new obstacles & climates - such as becoming more legit in their business dealings & such!

This whole "best film of all-time" lark, is a tad silly, as there are so many different types of flicks to serve the mood.

The Godfather Series - as a set of films, are in my opinion the most definitive of Mob films though!
I did enjoy Godfather but there were a lot of times when i felt like it was taking forever to get to a point. Raiders of the Lost Ark,The Deer Hunter, Ghandi, Apocalypse Now and Schindlers list are all superior films.

They're all differently themed films man regardless of similar bloodshed or emotional content. To say one is better than the other is maybe down to your own personal enjoyment / preference of a type of film. Maybe you're not particularly a Gangster / Mob film fan?!

Its all about opinion though :cool: