Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

La Jetee - A french sci-fi short, which is made entirely out of still shots. It's one of the best things i've ever seen, way ahead of it's time. - 9/10

Sans Soleil - An amazing documentary-ish movie (don't know what to call it really) made by the same same guy. Like La Jetee it explores memory and time but also some other stuff. It is set in different places around the world, mainly Tokyo. It's very philosophical and poetic. - 8,5/10
La Jetee - A french sci-fi short, which is made entirely out of still shots. It's one of the best things i've ever seen, way ahead of it's time. - 9/10

Sans Soleil - An amazing documentary-ish movie (don't know what to call it really) made by the same same guy. Like La Jetee it explores memory and time but also some other stuff. It is set in different places around the world, mainly Tokyo. It's very philosophical and poetic. - 8,5/10
Criterion Collection DVD?

Watchmen. I was told that it was a far cry from normal superhero movies. They were right. Overall I liked it. If you're looking for all out action, this isn't the movie for you. While the soundtrack is mostly spot on, there are a few occasions when it seems out of place.
Criterion Collection DVD?

Watchmen. I was told that it was a far cry from normal superhero movies. They were right. Overall I liked it. If you're looking for all out action, this isn't the movie for you. While the soundtrack is mostly spot on, there are a few occasions when it seems out of place.
I've downloaded the 3:05 hours long Director's Cut. :devil:
The Hangover.

Ten minutes in I thought it was a slow starter, but then I realised that it just wasn't going to get any better. I don't actually think there was one hysterical moment in the whole film, which was slightly disappointing after the some of the things I'd heard from friends and a certain Jgraham on here. Don't get me wrong the jokes didn't flop, they just weren't particularly that funny to begin with. The plot (if you can even call it that) was basically just a series of slightly funny gags and sketches which were either left unresolved until a few photos at the end of the film, or just left completely unexplained. It also just felt like a lot of the comedic burden was either put on the fat guy's shoulders (anyone else think they just ripped off Jack Black's character in Orange County?) or the sheer bizareness of the situations.

Anyway, it's not a terrible film because I actually enjoyed it, but it's certainly not the funniest film of the year.

The Hangover.

Ten minutes in I thought it was a slow starter, but then I realised that it just wasn't going to get any better. I don't actually think there was one hysterical moment in the whole film, which was slightly disappointing after the some of the things I'd heard from friends and a certain Jgraham on here. Don't get me wrong the jokes didn't flop, they just weren't particularly that funny to begin with. The plot (if you can even call it that) was basically just a series of slightly funny gags and sketches which were either left unresolved until a few photos at the end of the film, or just left completely unexplained. It also just felt like a lot of the comedic burden was either put on the fat guy's shoulders (anyone else think they just ripped off Jack Black's character in Orange County?) or the sheer bizareness of the situations.

Anyway, it's not a terrible film because I actually enjoyed it, but it's certainly not the funniest film of the year.


Summed it up perfectly there.
The Hangover.

Ten minutes in I thought it was a slow starter, but then I realised that it just wasn't going to get any better. I don't actually think there was one hysterical moment in the whole film, which was slightly disappointing after the some of the things I'd heard from friends and a certain Jgraham on here. Don't get me wrong the jokes didn't flop, they just weren't particularly that funny to begin with. The plot (if you can even call it that) was basically just a series of slightly funny gags and sketches which were either left unresolved until a few photos at the end of the film, or just left completely unexplained. It also just felt like a lot of the comedic burden was either put on the fat guy's shoulders (anyone else think they just ripped off Jack Black's character in Orange County?) or the sheer bizareness of the situations.

Anyway, it's not a terrible film because I actually enjoyed it, but it's certainly not the funniest film of the year.


Summed it up perfectly there.

I'm glad other people didn't get it.
I got it. It just wasn't that funny and the script was incredibly lazy. A great idea but poorly executed.
I'm glad other people didn't get it.

Get what exactly? It's hardly a philosophical masterpiece, just a comedy about a bunch of lads who venture to Vegas to have bachelor party with unpredictable results, some of which appear amusing. As mentioned here it was entertaining enough but wasnt exactly laugh-out-loud hilarious as many have perceived it to be.
Saw the Lord of the Rings extended trilogy. fecking awesome. As far as it's faithfullness to the books go, it's not great, but the actual books wouldn't translate well to the big screen.

Peter Jackson did an incredible job, the performances were great, score superb, special effects also great.. just all round brilliantly made. Although it will never have the same impact on cinema as the Star Wars trilogy I'd put it on par with it for sure.

Oh yeah, one thing did piss me off to no end. The Witch King breaking Gandalfs staff, just a complete joke that was...

Not a bad movie. Pretty sexually crude throughout the whole movie, typical guys are "simple" while women think there are guys out there that "care about what women want".

Had some pretty good laughs, although Katherine Heigl seemed liked she was struggling sometimes, not as good as she was in Knocked Up. Gerrard Butler did a decent job, except I kept expecting him to kick her in the chest and unleash a blood curdling scream.

The wife loved it, it kept me entertained. I'd watch it again on DVD.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Still hasn't been a Potter movie to compare with Prisoner of Azkaban, sadly. Nor is there likely to be now. Instantly forgettable really. It occurs to me that my opinion is tainted because I've read the books and know the story, but then again I still thought Pris of Az was very close to being a great kids film, and I knew that story too.

I just thought they cocked this up again. The scene with the millenium bridge. Why? It was just a gratuitous special effect shot, but wasn't spectacular enough to make it worth the hassle. The end of this book, fairly riveting in print, was ballsed up too.

I'm overanalysing what is essentially a kids film. I can't help it. I've always enjoyed the books and the movies should be a lot better. Azkaban aside, the whole series has just been a waste for me. Don't even get me started on The Golden Compass. People should hang for that one.

Natural City - A korean sci-fi movie. It reminded me a bit of Blade Runner, obviously nowhere near as good though. The imdb rating is a bit harsh imo. It's an OK movie with some great cinematography in it. - 6,5/10
Saw the Lord of the Rings extended trilogy. fecking awesome. As far as it's faithfullness to the books go, it's not great, but the actual books wouldn't translate well to the big screen.

Peter Jackson did an incredible job, the performances were great, score superb, special effects also great.. just all round brilliantly made. Although it will never have the same impact on cinema as the Star Wars trilogy I'd put it on par with it for sure.

Oh yeah, one thing did piss me off to no end. The Witch King breaking Gandalfs staff, just a complete joke that was...

It has its faults but then so do the books. For example, who the feck actually wants a whole chapter devoted to how to make a rabbit stew? If the final film had settled for only 3 or 4 endings rather than 11 then I think they would rightly be hailed as masterpieces. Miles better than Star Wars anyway.
Alphaville - It was a bit hard to get into, and there were some parts I didn't understand. But it was a decent watch. I liked the overall atmosphere in it. - 6.7/10

The Spirit of the Beehive - It's set in a rural town in post-civil war Spain. The movie has a very quiet tone to it and it follows one little girl (great acting display) who have just seen the movie Frankenstein. It's beautifully shot and I think I missed some symbolic things that could have made the movie better. - 7,5/10
Get what exactly? It's hardly a philosophical masterpiece, just a comedy about a bunch of lads who venture to Vegas to have bachelor party with unpredictable results, some of which appear amusing. As mentioned here it was entertaining enough but wasnt exactly laugh-out-loud hilarious as many have perceived it to be.

Get the hype, not the film.

The Japanese are fecking. mental. I was lurching wildly between pissing myself laughing and sitting open mouthed in horror and disgust during most of this film. I've never seen anything like it. I'm not sure whether I enjoyed it or not in the end. Completely unrateable but I'm glad I watched it. I think.
Tell No One - Watchable French conspiracy thriller. Interesting characters but rather weak storytelling. 6/10

Fermat's room - Spanish puzzle thriller. Not nearly as clever as it (or the reviewers I read beforehand) seem to think it is. Owes much to the likes of Cube and Saw. Fairly enjoyable nonetheless. 7/10

Taken - Stupid, stereotyping, unoriginal, revenge trash. Pretty well put together though, with a few good chases and some baddies getting shot. Entertaining enough 7/10

The Japanese are fecking. mental. I was lurching wildly between pissing myself laughing and sitting open mouthed in horror and disgust during most of this film. I've never seen anything like it. I'm not sure whether I enjoyed it or not in the end. Completely unrateable but I'm glad I watched it. I think.

Visitor Q's a lot better.