Wing Attack Plan R
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Rare Beasts (2019 / 2021).
Starring, written and directed by Billie Piper.
Mandy, a delicious worker at an ad agency, starts a relationship with Pete (who also works at the ad agency) and is complete fecking tool. Mandy is a piece of work as well. Her parents fecked her up somehow but they don't seem all that bad. Her mother is dying of cancer and her father (David Thewlis) comes back to mend the fences (?).
Mandy and Pete have a wretched time together but stumbled towards the alter... only for it to turn out to be an "anti-rom com". They are a quirky, weird, unpleasant, difficult couple to watch, and her son with autism rages is also hard to watch. Not sure if Pete smiles even once. He's uptight, boring, and wounded all the time which makes him angry. Mandy is just trying to find out what she wants.
Some really hilarious bits of dialogue. There's one part where Pete is praying and he says something about "God testing me, testing me, and why does my cock look so small in her giant hands..." and so on, a very typical prayer that everyone has said once or twice. Cleverly written film. Pete is grating and unpleasant but he's written that way. Stopped the film with 30 minutes to go, finished it 2nd night. That says a lot about the endurance required, and it's only 97 minute film.
Enjoyed the ending. Gets meta and surreal, but emotionally satisfying. Piper as star, writer, and director shows some amazing chops. She's great. Wouldn't watch again though. Score is a bit low because it starts becoming a series of unpleasant but funny vignettes, and you never see what Mandy likes about Pete other than he's there and breathing. It definitely doesn't tout the magic of love, more female empowerment than a black comedy rom com.