Film The Redcafe Movie review thread

I love Near Dark. It's the best movie Kathryn Bigelow has made by some distance. Bill Paxton, Lance Henriksen, Jenny Wright. What a cast. Bill Paxton himself made one of the best horror films I've seen, Frailty. I met him once. We didn't have an earth shattering bonding moment or anything, but to me he was Chet, Severen, and Hudson.

Also, hadn't meant to put a 1 after Fulci's name, that was a mistake.
Nice. Frailty, never heard of - will have a looksie.
Inside Out 2
The original is one of my favourite animated movies because the narrative is so universal. This one felt more specific to Riley's personal story and I didn't connect with it as much. There are some good characters and funny moments but overall, it wasn't a home run like it's predecessor 7/10

I think this is where you get out what you bring in to a film. Having had massive recent issues with anxiety and depression, the complexity of anxiety taking over and wrecking everything, even when it’s trying to help absolutely hit me, and the formation of the thought “I’m not good enough” absolutely broke my heart!

A glorious follow-up to the original, if not quite as good, and I’d say it’s Pixar back at its best!

I think this is where you get out what you bring in to a film. Having had massive recent issues with anxiety and depression, the complexity of anxiety taking over and wrecking everything, even when it’s trying to help absolutely hit me, and the formation of the thought “I’m not good enough” absolutely broke my heart!

A glorious follow-up to the original, if not quite as good, and I’d say it’s Pixar back at its best!

Totally understand. My wife connected with it. I never have had issues with anxiety or fitting into a group etc so i didn't get as much from this.
A Quiet place day one

Saturday night with some killer aliens and a large sweet and salty popcorn! Perfect.

Good film. Nice little trilogy all in. The third has a different feel to it. Some good scares and quite emotional at the end too.

Devotion. About one of the first black US Navy aviators (Jesse Brown, played by Jonathan Majors) and his wingman (Tom Hudner, played by Glen Powell) in the lead-up to his involvement in the Korean War and the war itself.

It's OK. Ultimately, the story is a little flimsy in terms of the narrative needed for a film, which is funny, as there's good material to work with (based on what I read about these two people afterwards). I guess my criticism would be that the story maybe starts either too late or too early, and therefore doesn't really manage to balance its social/personal drama and war drama sides. It's still a good watch though, but ultimately a little underwhelming on both fronts in terms of narrative/drama, and not as interesting as I had anticipated. 3/5
I love Near Dark. It's the best movie Kathryn Bigelow has made by some distance. Bill Paxton, Lance Henriksen, Jenny Wright. What a cast.

I have either never seen this or totally forgotten it. Given that I'm not generally a fan of supernatural horror, but do love The Lost Boys style horror that doesn't take itself too seriously. Maybe we will give it a go tonight while my son is still with us.
I have either never seen this or totally forgotten it. Given that I'm not generally a fan of supernatural horror, but do love The Lost Boys style horror that doesn't take itself too seriously. Maybe we will give it a go tonight while my son is still with us.
Small caveat that I haven't seen it in a long, long time, and tastes evolve etc. I loved it at the time, though.
A Family Affair
A teen's life is turned upside down when her Hollywood actor boss starts banging her writer mum. Zac Efron looks like the lovechild of John Travolta and David Hasslehorf. No real chemistry between him and Nicole Kidman and the daughter character was annoying. The first half was ok and a few good jokes with Effron playing a self absorbed actor but it soon takes a turn into cliché land and ends as a forgettable romcom 4.5/10
Don't worry. I'll blame you if it is shit :devil:
I’m sure you’ve had that happen too, when you get your kids to watch a movie you love(d) and then when it’s on they are bored stiff and you realize hey this is a bit shit. Hopefully not this time! We used to quote the Bill Paxton line, I hate it when they ain’t been shaved, so be on the lookout.
A Family Affair
A teen's life is turned upside down when her Hollywood actor boss starts banging her writer mum. Zac Efron looks like the lovechild of John Travolta and David Hasslehorf. No real chemistry between him and Nicole Kidman and the daughter character was annoying. The first half was ok and a few good jokes with Effron playing a self absorbed actor but it soon takes a turn into cliché land and ends as a forgettable romcom 4.5/10
I don’t like Nicole Kidman because synths should not be allowed to take jobs from humans.
Don't Expect Too Much From The End Of The World

Radu Jude delivers one of the best films of last 20+ years. Follows a day in the life of a overworked production assistant called Angela as she collects interviews from injured workers.

It’s vulgar, cutting, bleak, heartfelt, righteous and very funny. Angela lives on a diet of red bull, coffee, one large sandwich and lots of chewing gum. She channels her anger by telling family/friends about the importance of needing to execute oil CEO’s, telling diry jokes and creating a tik tok character called Bobita which is a satire on toxic masculinity(Bobita makes videos on the grindset mindset and how he skull fecked the Queen).

Ilinca Manolache performance as Angela is incredible. Large sections of the film are just her driving in the car and seeing the working day destroying her energy which builds a real sense of doom. Her delivery of the vulgarity and the dirty jokes throughout is brilliant and the Bobita character is which her own creation is insane.
There’s also a real heart to the her performance. Reminded me a lot of Clive Owen character in Children Of Men.

Jude takes aim at everything from neoliberalism, religion, European racism, corporate censorship, terrible working conditions and film snobbery.

There’s also edited scenes from a 80’s Romanian film called Angela Moves On. Shows the differences and similars between Romania communist dictatorship past and the modern day.

The final scene is a 30 minute static one shot of bleak comedic brilliance. Overall the film is a modern day Ulysses set in a decaying neoliberal world.


Perfect for the 21st century.

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Strangers Chapter 1
What the feck was the point of this? Just a shitty reboot of the original. I enjoyed the first two but this was bad and the camera keeps cutting away every time there's a kill. The characters as well... God they were so stupid. And they set up for sequel, which is definitely not needed. It had one or two good sequences but overall it was a waste of time 3/10
Strangers Chapter 1
What the feck was the point of this? Just a shitty reboot of the original. I enjoyed the first two but this was bad and the camera keeps cutting away every time there's a kill. The characters as well... God they were so stupid. And they set up for sequel, which is definitely not needed. It had one or two good sequences but overall it was a waste of time 3/10
And you're kind to horror films usually, so this is an epic diss (basically). Did I tell you my story about Strangers and its director?
Surely it can‘t be 44 years since it came out? :angel:

Still one of the funniest films I’ve seen… only found out recently (as this thread says) that made due to a chance recording.

Elite level comedy along with Fletch.

Too bad their sequels shit the bed hard & somewhat tainted their brilliance.
In what way, exactly?
Humor was a bit forced (moreso for Fletch 2 than Airplane 2), all seemed a bit phoned in, just didn't have the same perfection as the first movies. Airplane 2 had its moments, but Fletch 2 was bad & the recent Fletch with Jon Hamm was a travesty that I couldn't get past 30 minutes the two times I watched it.
Humor was a bit forced (moreso for Fletch 2 than Airplane 2), all seemed a bit phoned in, just didn't have the same perfection as the first movies. Airplane 2 had its moments, but Fletch 2 was bad & the recent Fletch with Jon Hamm was a travesty that I couldn't get past 30 minutes the two times I watched it.
That's not what I was reacting to. In what way did they taint the brilliance of the original film?
It'd unfortunate that over the top comedies like Airplane, Naked Gun, Hot Shots etc couldn't really be made that way these days bc half the crowd would yell it's insensitive or politically incorrect, discriminatory or whatever. I consider myself to be left of center but the death of that kind of comedy I think also stopped some general advancement of society in it's tracks. We should be able to laugh at the expensive of parody etc - as long as it's done equally and without intent to directly hurt someone personally.
And you're kind to horror films usually, so this is an epic diss (basically). Did I tell you my story about Strangers and its director?
No, but i would love to know!

As for that film, yeah, really poor man. If you promise a home invasion then just deliver what we expect from a home invasion and you'll instantly get a 5/10. There was a point where i said to my partner "if xyz happens, then this would fit right into a low end 90s horror" and as i finished the sentence, xyz happened and i realised that I'm in for another hour of clichéd shite.

When i normally watch a film, it starts at 5/10 and goes up/down from there... With horror, it starts at 10/10 and can only go down, hence why most horror films end up on 5/10 at the worst for me... This going all the way down to 3/10 tells you how bad it was :lol:
No, but i would love to know!

As for that film, yeah, really poor man. If you promise a home invasion then just deliver what we expect from a home invasion and you'll instantly get a 5/10. There was a point where i said to my partner "if xyz happens, then this would fit right into a low end 90s horror" and as i finished the sentence, xyz happened and i realised that I'm in for another hour of clichéd shite.

When i normally watch a film, it starts at 5/10 and goes up/down from there... With horror, it starts at 10/10 and can only go down, hence why most horror films end up on 5/10 at the worst for me... This going all the way down to 3/10 tells you how bad it was :lol:
Still trying to convince us you're swimming in an ocean of sex, after all this time, sigh.

I will PM you the story.

A suburban father and daughter go on a holiday to the American underclass. Like vampires they use sex workers in order to add meaning to their dry protestantism.

Brilliant ending which captures American Protestantism. That it’s for the middle classes who shall be always be redeemed regardless of actions while meek shall inherit nothing. And as always a brilliant performance from George C. Scott.

Overall a solid film.

Small caveat that I haven't seen it in a long, long time, and tastes evolve etc. I loved it at the time, though.

We watched it. The good news is that we made it to the end. The bad news is that it has aged rather badly. Very little plot and the pacing was very slow (probably because not much plot happened). Some decent hammy 80's vampire performances but not enough dark humor for me. Although the "I hate it when they don't shave" line was good. And not a patch on The Lost Boys. Sorry :(

There was also a blurred sped up sun coming up scene that I'm sure I've seen in another film. Maybe even Point Break?
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We watched it. The good news is that we made it to the end. The bad news is that it has aged rather badly. Very little plot and the pacing was very slow (probably because not much plot happened). Some decent hammy 80's vampire performances but not enough dark humor for me. Although the "I hate it when they don't shave" line was good. And not a patch on The Lost Boys. Sorry :(

There was also a blurred sped up sun coming up scene that I'm sure I've seen in another film. Maybe even Point Break?
It does have the Tangerine Dream soundtrack though. Never seen Lost Boys, but heard it's very good.
Michael, man. Some of these I agree with whole-heartedly (Dr. Strangelove, Biutiful, Raging Bull, Apocalypse Now), but some of his picks are bizarre (Poor Things, The Hurt Locker). Haven't seen a couple of them, so at least I have new movies to hunt down.
A few of them I haven't seen. Not really a big fan of most of these, but Out of the Past is a banger.
Tbh there's quite a few on his list I've haven't seen.

I loved Poor Things. It was a great big dose of Prometheus socialism(Plus Emma Stone and Mark Ruffalo are brilliant in it). Mann is a really interesting guy as I have no idea what he's actual politics are but he calls Thief a leninist film and De Niro character in Heat is a apparently marxist. But well also he loves cops. Imo Mann is such a giant nerd on the details that he ends up making some of the marxist films of all time. Hopefully he adds more reviews onto the site.
I liked his list.
If it was just Raging Bull and Apocalypse Now type films you'd call him boring and unimaginative. If your going to pick modern, recent movies then Poor Things is a good choice. Michael Mann liking the Hurt Locker makes total sense to me and seems completely logical for some reason too. Then theres obscure, weird stuff that most people haven't seen to go explore.