Gaming The RedCafe General/Random Gaming Chat Thread

Yep, it's very generous of him for sure :)

I have a 360, so got Sleeping Dogs on that. Don't know anything about Deus Ex, I'll check it out. I guess you mean Human Revolution?
Yes the new one. You visit Singapore and some other place in Asia. You will like it
FFS, I read that twice and both times read that as "two penises to rub together". I was sure I'd gone completely mental.

But yes you are correct I don't have any money at the moment. I've started some work though but have to wait until the beginning of September before I get paid. All the games I;ve bought recently have been with Amazon vouchers.
So... some modder has turned GTA IV for the PC into watchdogs...

What is the actual point in that? Seems like a massive waste of time to me. Don't understand it.
Started Rogue Legacy. That game is a massive pain in the hole but I can't stop playing it.

Amazing game. I've clocked 30+ hours. I basically continued to grid until I knew I could tank my way past the bosses. NG+ ups it massively.
Done the PSX one, 19/20.
guessed the soccer one, Fifa 99 my ass, RTWC 98 was the classic Fifa

Also, Disney's Hercules, that was no classic.... ffs.
Just heading to bed so will do the other 2 tomorow, but that PS one was piss. 20/20.

You could basically have just ignored the picture and answered the one you felt had been most popular for almost all of them.
Done the other 2, 12/20 for the retro games, 12/12 for Nintendo(despite only actually having played one *obvious* game).
Disney's Hercules not a classic? You bastard!
I am a bastard, that's beyond the point.

I had, and really enjoyed Disney's Hercules, but it's not going down in history as one of the games of the PSX generation. At the time even, it got mostly mediocre reviews.
Mario 3
Final Fantasy
Mega Man

There's five there that you haven't played? :eek:
I've played Final Fantasy, that was the one. That particular Zelda, nope, I've played *a* Mega Man game on the PSP, was a remake, of which one, I couldn't say offhand.

Contra, nope, Metroid, nope(none of them).

EDIT: Mario, I might have played a version of it on GBA, maybe? I can't really remember.
I've only played the Zelda franchise out of those. Maybe Mario 3 too but I can't remember.
I've played Final Fantasy, that was the one. That particular Zelda, nope, I've played *a* Mega Man game on the PSP, was a remake, of which one, I couldn't say offhand.

Contra, nope, Metroid, nope(none of them).

EDIT: Mario, I might have played a version of it on GBA, maybe? I can't really remember.

Woah guys... you're killing me here.
Started Rogue Legacy. That game is a massive pain in the hole but I can't stop playing it.

It's something I want to play but just got a feeling it might be on PS+ at some point. I've got a backlog anyway so as much as I want to play it, it makes no sense when I have other stuff to go through
No, there were no dragons in it, never mind double ones.

Seriously, I don't think so, I think it was the first Battletoads, but maybe.....

I'm not that familiar with Battletoads just the spaceship thing made me think of BT & DD. I'm sure you're right though seeing as how it was you that played it, you would probably know better than anyone TBF.

I'm not that familiar with Battletoads just the spaceship thing made me think of BT & DD. I'm sure you're right though seeing as how it was you that played it, you would probably know better than anyone TBF.
I did look up some screen shots, and this looks very familiar, so it probably was BT & DD after all, I don't remember seeing Billy & Jimmy, so probably just played as the toads.

Ah yeah that's the bit I was thinking of.

Assuming that one is as hard as the regular Battletoads, for playing that I'll let you off not playing the others.
I'd say it was most likely the game.

When I'm done with the regular Double Dragon's on the NES I'll check this one out, seems pretty interesting.
Offhand, Gran Tourismo, Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, (plus any of their sequels I've played) and New Super Mario Bros 2 for the 3DS were all awful.

I don't think disliking NSMB2 is too bad, I've seen quite a lot of people say they don't like it, so that one isn't too crazy. I haven't played any GTs, and only a tiny bit of MGS2 so can't say much about those.

Resident Evil's (the original ones) great though! But still I think I can see why some people might not like it.
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