Gaming The RedCafe General/Random Gaming Chat Thread

Guys how would you compare Dead Cells and Hades? I understand Hades appears appears be the better overall game due to being story driven whereas Dead Cells stays truer to its genre hence for me Hades seems like a better pick. But is it a significant gap? Or is Dead Cells brilliant too? Have to choose between these two and Dead Cells has a good discount on.
Guys how would you compare Dead Cells and Hades? I understand Hades appears appears be the better overall game due to being story driven whereas Dead Cells stays truer to its genre hence for me Hades seems like a better pick. But is it a significant gap? Or is Dead Cells brilliant too? Have to choose between these two and Dead Cells has a good discount on.
Dead Cells just didn't last enough for me, it's much more "indie", less polished, very slow to progress, much harder, long spells of brick wall, RNG heavy. HADES is the superior game in terms of developmentquality and general gameplay. They aren't comparable fully as you say, different games. HADES was overall more fun for me. More varied, storyline much better. Ambiance in HADED is waaay ahead. Combat in HADES so much more enjoyable and controls so fluid. If you like these sort of games you will probably end up playing both eventually.
Dead Cells just didn't last enough for me, it's much more "indie", less polished, very slow to progress, much harder, long spells of brick wall, RNG heavy. HADES is the superior game in terms of developmentquality and general gameplay. They aren't comparable fully as you say, different games. HADES was overall more fun for me. More varied, storyline much better. Ambiance in HADED is waaay ahead. Combat in HADES so much more enjoyable and controls so fluid. If you like these sort of games you will probably end up playing both eventually.
To be honest I've never played these Rogue like/lite games which are about new 'runs'. But Dead Cells being more for a purist of the genre may be too much for me. Whereas seems Hades has more lore and story. I guess I'm only unsure due to the difference in price and whether I should play Dead Cells regardless of how it stacks up.
To be honest I've never played these Rogue like/lite games which are about new 'runs'. But Dead Cells being more for a purist of the genre may be too much for me. Whereas seems Hades has more lore and story. I guess I'm only unsure due to the difference in price and whether I should play Dead Cells regardless of how it stacks up.
I recall getting Hades around 20$ and for that price it was great, it's also continually developed so the replay value was good. Dead Cells I got as part of a humble bundle. Hades is one of the games I truly enjoyed in the last few years, it's a masterpiece of sorts, it's also much more approachable if you play a bit more casual like I did.
To be honest I've never played these Rogue like/lite games which are about new 'runs'. But Dead Cells being more for a purist of the genre may be too much for me. Whereas seems Hades has more lore and story. I guess I'm only unsure due to the difference in price and whether I should play Dead Cells regardless of how it stacks up.
I haven't played Dead Cells so my opinion might not be the most valuable.

But I was also a total newb to the whole roguelite genre and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute I spent with Hades. I think it's a masterpiece that you should most definitely play: great story, lore, characters, voice acting, music, fantastic production quality and polished, addictive gameplay. You won't regret getting it.

(it's also a really fun and at the same time accurate take on Greek mythology if you're interested in that sort of thing).
I haven't played Dead Cells so my opinion might not be the most valuable.

But I was also a total newb to the whole roguelite genre and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute I spent with Hades. I think it's a masterpiece that you should most definitely play: great story, lore, characters, voice acting, music, fantastic production quality and polished, addictive gameplay. You won't regret getting it.

(it's also a really fun and at the same time accurate take on Greek mythology if you're interested in that sort of thing).
I've gone for Hades. Given I like getting immersed in games and I've been playing really great ones I felt DC may have even a bit one note whereas from the sounds of it Hades is a more complete experience.
Guys how would you compare Dead Cells and Hades? I understand Hades appears appears be the better overall game due to being story driven whereas Dead Cells stays truer to its genre hence for me Hades seems like a better pick. But is it a significant gap? Or is Dead Cells brilliant too? Have to choose between these two and Dead Cells has a good discount on.
Dead cells to me was a game I could play for a bit and put away and not think much of it, a good rogue-like. Hades on the other hand was a genuinely good game and experience I often consider if I want to go back to, despite only really being the type to replay rpgs a ton of times.
I've gone for Hades. Given I like getting immersed in games and I've been playing really great ones I felt DC may have even a bit one note whereas from the sounds of it Hades is a more complete experience.
Nice win for the team and a great game to enjoy your Sunday! Couldn't get better!
I beat Grim Fandango again last night. The story is still great and the puzzles are still stupid.
A game I've always wanted to play. But whenever I think about doing so I just go back and play one of the Monkey Islands again.
A game I've always wanted to play. But whenever I think about doing so I just go back and play one of the Monkey Islands again.
Love them too. Anything like that, although I tried playing Broken Sword 5 and genuinely couldn't get beyond the first location :(
Buying games at release has never been less appealing. Pretty consistently a broken mess for a price that will be halved in 3 months.
It's only €105 for the digital deluxe edition! Fecking hell. :lol: This is the first time I'm seeing those prices on pc instead of consoles.

I'm not a PC gamer but that price sure would sting if I was! I have more sympathy with consoles because the competition for new games isn't so big.

Lest we forget, PC games used to be routinely cheaper because they were battling piracy for years. Companies like Squenix are threatening to undo a lot of the goodwill they've built with PC gamers with this sort of price.
Majority of new releases on steam aren't great prices i don't think you will find many clued up pc users that don't go via a or something similar saving a small fortune on the majority of releases.
Does anyone else get sick of "boss battles" ? They're rarely ever fun imo, just a prolonged fight where you memorise the patterns/warning signs and repeat for a while. Not really the worst thing, but just a waste of time.

My major one is the final boss battles, they're just prolonged pieces of shit. "Oh look I'll just regen my health 4 times". "Now I'll take on another form". "Ah feckit, I've never teleported before but now I'll start". Some terrible feckin end battles. It usually leaves me feeling more pissed off I've had to dick about in one fight for 30 minutes to complete a game. Feels very cheap way to prolong a game. You've spent all game learning techniques, and skills, upgrading stuff, only to feel like you're back to square one.
Does anyone else get sick of "boss battles" ? They're rarely ever fun imo, just a prolonged fight where you memorise the patterns/warning signs and repeat for a while. Not really the worst thing, but just a waste of time.

My major one is the final boss battles, they're just prolonged pieces of shit. "Oh look I'll just regen my health 4 times". "Now I'll take on another form". "Ah feckit, I've never teleported before but now I'll start". Some terrible feckin end battles. It usually leaves me feeling more pissed off I've had to dick about in one fight for 30 minutes to complete a game. Feels very cheap way to prolong a game. You've spent all game learning techniques, and skills, upgrading stuff, only to feel like you're back to square one.

Did you beat it in the end?
Does anyone else get sick of "boss battles" ? They're rarely ever fun imo, just a prolonged fight where you memorise the patterns/warning signs and repeat for a while. Not really the worst thing, but just a waste of time.

My major one is the final boss battles, they're just prolonged pieces of shit. "Oh look I'll just regen my health 4 times". "Now I'll take on another form". "Ah feckit, I've never teleported before but now I'll start". Some terrible feckin end battles. It usually leaves me feeling more pissed off I've had to dick about in one fight for 30 minutes to complete a game. Feels very cheap way to prolong a game. You've spent all game learning techniques, and skills, upgrading stuff, only to feel like you're back to square one.
Maybe play games with good boss battle designs and not just buffed up HP. Beating someone like Orphan of Kos has been one of the most satisfying moments in any game for me.
Does anyone else get sick of "boss battles" ? They're rarely ever fun imo, just a prolonged fight where you memorise the patterns/warning signs and repeat for a while. Not really the worst thing, but just a waste of time.

My major one is the final boss battles, they're just prolonged pieces of shit. "Oh look I'll just regen my health 4 times". "Now I'll take on another form". "Ah feckit, I've never teleported before but now I'll start". Some terrible feckin end battles. It usually leaves me feeling more pissed off I've had to dick about in one fight for 30 minutes to complete a game. Feels very cheap way to prolong a game. You've spent all game learning techniques, and skills, upgrading stuff, only to feel like you're back to square one.
This gave me flashbacks of trying to beat Dettlaff in Witcher 3 - Blood & Wine on Death March difficulty. :mad:
So there's a new pocket gaming machine on the horizon that plays all your favourite Gameboy games. Dare I say, could this be the ultimate retro handheld?

Saw a random video of someone talking about this game. God I miss Alien vs Predator. One of the best multiplayer games I’ve ever played. Playing as the alien team felt like you hunt in packs climbing walls and killing Marines. Then playing as the Marines you were shitting yourself the whole game once the thing starts beeping. And then you are just one lone Predator killing everything in sight as they run from you. What a great fecking game. Have one of my best memories online.

On the bug hunt map. The marines tucked into a corner killing everyone who went near them. So my friend and I came up with a hilarious plan. I climbed on top of the gate jumping up and down as a distraction. I kept saying “Look at the crazy alien!” As they tried to shoot at me, my friend crawled out of the cave above them and I was watching him get just right above the Marines and waiting to rush them. Then he jumped straight into the middle killing 2 of them and as they fired on him, I ran towards the last 2 and killed them. He died but my god the plan worked! :lol:. Then just a few seconds later, a predator got behind me and killed me. I miss those days:(
Playing Outer Wilds again so that I can properly enjoy the new DLC. It's such a special game. The sense of immersion, loneliness, often fear and mostly just wonder, is really unique. Oddly enough that feeling of being completely immersed reminds of the original Deus Ex although they're very different games of course.
Nice. Let us know what you think :)
I'll post in here dude so not to derail. So far I like it. Not sure what's going on yet and have died a million times (not quite but a lot) already. I quite like the quiet and ominous feeling it gives and it's intriguing enough to keep me moving from screen to screen to see what's next. There's no signposting of solutions which I like and the game lets you die a bunch of times while figuring it out which I also like. Looking forward to another blast tonight.
I'll post in here dude so not to derail. So far I like it. Not sure what's going on yet and have died a million times (not quite but a lot) already. I quite like the quiet and ominous feeling it gives and it's intriguing enough to keep me moving from screen to screen to see what's next. There's no signposting of solutions which I like and the game lets you die a bunch of times while figuring it out which I also like. Looking forward to another blast tonight.

GG. Glad you're enjoying it :)

I wouldn't say it changes much in terms of gameplay but the atmosphere is definitely top-notch. No spoilers either but the ending is interesting. I have my own theories but I'll wait to hear what you think first.
Can anyone recommend some good Switch exclusives? I feel like I don’t play it anywhere near as much as I should, and I don’t want to sell it because I know I’m going to want to get the new Pokémon game when that’s out.

Asking for exclusives because given the choice between PlayStation and Switch, I’ll go PlayStation every time. I needs my trophies.

The PlayStation games I’ve enjoyed recently have been the likes of Mass Effect, Red Dead Redemption, Ratchet and Clank, Ghost of Tsushima, and Yakuza: Like a Dragon. So something with a good story would be nice.

Because I know it’s a super obvious one, I will say I’ve already played BOTW.
Can anyone recommend some good Switch exclusives? I feel like I don’t play it anywhere near as much as I should, and I don’t want to sell it because I know I’m going to want to get the new Pokémon game when that’s out.

Asking for exclusives because given the choice between PlayStation and Switch, I’ll go PlayStation every time. I needs my trophies.

The PlayStation games I’ve enjoyed recently have been the likes of Mass Effect, Red Dead Redemption, Ratchet and Clank, Ghost of Tsushima, and Yakuza: Like a Dragon. So something with a good story would be nice.

Because I know it’s a super obvious one, I will say I’ve already played BOTW.
Metroid Dread.
Can anyone recommend some good Switch exclusives? I feel like I don’t play it anywhere near as much as I should, and I don’t want to sell it because I know I’m going to want to get the new Pokémon game when that’s out.

Asking for exclusives because given the choice between PlayStation and Switch, I’ll go PlayStation every time. I needs my trophies.

The PlayStation games I’ve enjoyed recently have been the likes of Mass Effect, Red Dead Redemption, Ratchet and Clank, Ghost of Tsushima, and Yakuza: Like a Dragon. So something with a good story would be nice.

Because I know it’s a super obvious one, I will say I’ve already played BOTW.
Have you played Bayonetta 2? That was a Wii U port I believe so not fully exclusive but still…
Second Bayonetta worth buying the bundle of both on switch, fantastic games maybe a little under appreciated.
Can anyone recommend some good Switch exclusives? I feel like I don’t play it anywhere near as much as I should, and I don’t want to sell it because I know I’m going to want to get the new Pokémon game when that’s out.

Asking for exclusives because given the choice between PlayStation and Switch, I’ll go PlayStation every time. I needs my trophies.

The PlayStation games I’ve enjoyed recently have been the likes of Mass Effect, Red Dead Redemption, Ratchet and Clank, Ghost of Tsushima, and Yakuza: Like a Dragon. So something with a good story would be nice.

Because I know it’s a super obvious one, I will say I’ve already played BOTW.
Fire Emblem should keep you busy for a year or so.
I just watched a whole bunch of trailers for soon to be released titles and have come to the (lazy) conclusion that any game that seems remotely original, colourful and inspiring seems to be coming from or developed for the Nintendo Switch.
PS4/5,Xbox-Whatever largely seem to consist of tireless, unoriginal shooters. Whether they involve Zombies (yawn), monsters or Nazi's Zombie Monsters.
GG. Glad you're enjoying it :)

I wouldn't say it changes much in terms of gameplay but the atmosphere is definitely top-notch. No spoilers either but the ending is interesting. I have my own theories but I'll wait to hear what you think first.
Just finished it. I don’t think I’ve died as many times in a single video game as I did in this thing :lol:

Genuinely loved and very much hated some of the puzzles in equal measures, there were some that took me a good few deaths before I found the solution, but that’s a good thing.

I’m not sure I completely understand what it was about but it felt like quite a sad tale of death, very abrupt and melancholic ending which I liked

Did you ever play Valiant Hearts? Similar in the sense it’s a puzzle platformer with a great story to tell and made with just as much love as limbo. There were times in that I had tears in my eyes. Great soundtrack too.

I played it years ago and am going to download it again as I enjoyed Limbo so much.
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