Television The Propgropthrop

Few rumours going round that people weren't happy with how stiff he was, think it's bull myself, sure it was Bryan saying to go stiff to get the heel character over and people making something of nothing.

He has a history of working stiff though mate. I know a guy who wrestled him on the independent circuit and he said that he didn't hold back at all.
Stiff work is the best, if both/all in the match are ok with it, though. Lesnar/Reigns wouldn't have been half as good if they're weren't absolutely clattering each other.

Can understand guys not liking it though.
Doubt Bryan would care about the stitches, isn't he regarded as one of the stiffest workers in the company? Dunno why Vince and anyone else should care. Obviously important to not injure people but like someone above me said, stiffest work is generally the best.
Stiff work is the best, if both/all in the match are ok with it, though. Lesnar/Reigns wouldn't have been half as good if they're weren't absolutely clattering each other.

Can understand guys not liking it though.

I'm a fan of stiff work myself, which is a reason I'm a much bigger Sheamus fan than some, but he does have a tendency to go too far with it and cross that line to reckless, as it sounds like he did on Smackdown.

Now I'm sure Bryan had no problem at all with it, shit happens etc… Vince et al. however is a very different story. They want Bryan wrapped up in cotton wool (yeah yeah he was in a ladder match, but he was very well protected) after his injury. Sheamus throwing him around like a rag doll and smacking him hard as he can is something that they'd much rather avoid.
Also im pretty sure they want a good run for Bryan as IC champ. Him having to drop another title due to injury would be bad for both Bryan and WWE.
I wish they would put the Wyatts together and make it all a bit darker with them. Wyatt loses his shit, his family (Rowan and Harper) are going nowhere and thus align and become part of the tag division (which if you think about it, has about 7 teams now and they could be 8 and a different style /threat).

Cena defending the belt every week can go two ways. People wanting the title is great as it raises the importance. However if he beats a new young person every week, then it could be bad based on how it happens.
Yeah just saw this. Not surprised, had her WM moment and match. Now retired. Thought the wording means she may do some things outside of WWE. Or get pregnant with baby Punk.
Her in ring performances since returning have been sloppy at best. It's obvious now that her heart just wasn't in it.
Was surprised to hear about A.J. Was there any point in her coming back in the first place? I agree with @Garethw that her performances were poor.
AJ was never really any good in the ring anyway. She was too tiny to be remotely convincing. When she would bounce off of the ropes it was awful. Her promos and character were what people liked. She did have a decent could of matched with Kaitlin though, I remember her taking a wicked spear.

Where's Tamina Snuka? Get her in a team with Kharma and have them tear the Total Diva lot a new one.
in-ring competition? Back as the RAW GM then?
I love AJ. I'll miss her.
Went to the CHIKARA event in Wolverhampton last night. Great fun, exactly what you'd expect from a CHIKARA card, a fine mix of comedy and great wrestling.
AJ was never really any good in the ring anyway. She was too tiny to be remotely convincing. When she would bounce off of the ropes it was awful. Her promos and character were what people liked. She did have a decent could of matched with Kaitlin though, I remember her taking a wicked spear.

Where's Tamina Snuka? Get her in a team with Kharma and have them tear the Total Diva lot a new one.
That AJ-Kaitlyn match was the best Divas match since Mickie James - Trish at 22.
I'm going to WWE live in Newcastle next week. Will be my first show ever, really looking forward to it. They've split the roster, as there is a show in Dublin that night. Dublins got the internet guys, Newcastle has got the Vince guys (Cena, Orton etc). Can't wait.
I was talking about the way they have commercialised the death of a child
Any big company who promotes a charity is essentially doing the same thing. And they all do

At the end of the day as long as kids who are very sick get extremely memorable experiences it doesn't matter